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Everything posted by 2003

  1. Actually the Big Show quit, thats why he hasn't been around for a while. I think Cena will be drafted, either ECW or Smackdown, i hope its Smackdown because if its ECW then thats just going to be bad. Trust me.
  2. I think it kicks ass that Umaga and Khali are in a fued, i can't f***ing stand Umaga so i hope Khali can kick his ass even more.
  3. Eh, he's calmed down TFY Silberio Jace Jade OGTAM Gerard Nate10 Jared GTAPlayer Nabo Anyone wanna meet Good ol' 2003?
  4. Sorry sorry, i'll use IV next time. Back on Topic people, i don't really have anything else to say right at the moment.
  5. Both of those owned hardcore. The Condemned didn't really look all that good, though I would watch it if someone offered/asked. How could you know if Saw IIII owned? Its not even out in theaters yet. Unless you're talking about Saw III.
  6. But we will be getting something new, i mean Liberty City WILL be redesigned.
  7. Welcome CJ's_Evil_Twin, and welcome Scorpio, Jade is kinda popular here .
  8. Saw IIII i may see, i'm sure that i'll be seeing Pirates 3, it looks good. I never got to see the Condemned though, it only lasted 4 weeks in the theater.
  9. Good luck Paris, man whats so wrong about Paris Hilton?
  10. Hello every new member, welcome to The GTA Place, My name is 2003.
  11. The Italian and American versions of the Faggio, and the PCJ-600.
  12. Star Wars episode 1 is on HBO right now.
  13. Why don't you ever post this stuff Huckleberry Pie?
  14. New list, some new people. Original GTA Master Silberio Silva da Great TFY Nate10 2003 Gerard GTAPlayer Jace Jared Jade
  15. I don't know if it will do as good as San Andreas did...
  16. I once decided not to Drive the Truck at all and he ended up landing on the Boxes, try that.
  17. yeah, do you have MSN?

  18. I think i heard someting about Vice City having a Demo, but i don't think GTA IV will have one.
  19. It happend to me earlier. I was petting my cat and thats when i got Deja Vu.
  20. Oooh... Not a good idea man :/.
  21. 2003

    Weird dreams?

    Of course, i would NEVER do shit like that. Ya know?
  22. Hello, well being 99 gives me arthritis :/

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