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Everything posted by Thomas.

  1. Im studying Design & Computing at school. The job would be Games Designer or Web Developer
  2. Its changed a little bit but here goes Original GTA Master Beavis TG187 Quickdeath Fire X Chris Yellowjacket E.J. GTA Ninja
  3. Hi New People Welcome and Enjoy Yourself
  4. Hopefully it should finish just in time if you do it overnight. My computer takes half a day to Defrag because of its size
  5. I'd run it over night so it doesnt take up your time to do your usual stuff on the computer. Thats what i'd do
  6. I did really torture my Biology Teacher. That was the only class I did this in. Ive been in 2 Fights. Ive stopped myself from laughing at a couple of teachers etc
  7. One time at school the Principle came into my classroom to talk to us one. Every time someone talks to me looking me in the Eye I always end up Laughing. At that very moment I almost began to laugh but I kept it in a little bit until he went back to his Office
  8. No it doesnt Delete. It cleans up your Disk Drive
  9. Welcome all New Members. Please dont Spam and Stay Active
  10. Yeah I know but my previous school Sort of allowed Snowballs.
  11. None...........Yet. I have tried to get a few people who live near by or at school to join.
  12. Basic Stuff like Fights, Throwing Stuff (Rocks, Paperballs, (At Winter) Snowballs (We have a strict no Snowball throwing rule), Pencils), I also have a Big Mouth and I like to talk.
  13. Usually my Teachers have to deal with constant bad Language and Violence from a few other people. So in my case the stuff I do is Minor to what other people do. There is this kid in my class and he has been suspended about 6 times and has been threatened to be Expelled Twice. He somehow managed to get out of being Expelled
  14. I got in Trouble a lot. Ive been threatened with about 6 Suspensions and about 50 Punishments in Biology its self. I have never been given any severe punishment YET.
  15. I Agree they are 20 x 12 My mum has a forum and they are a little bit bigger. They are 25 x 15
  16. I Like them. But I cant choose between Scotland or UK. Joke They're quite popular now in Forums
  17. Thanks You Guys. I've Had a good birthday.
  18. Hi. Happy Birthday. Its my birthday too!
  19. Hello All. Im Big 13 Today.
  20. Big 1000. It took me over 1 Month to get that.
  21. Hi all the new People. Enjoy yourself and Stay Active.
  22. Happy Birthday. I Hoped you enjoyed it Yesterday
  23. I was thinking of giving it a shot but anyway congratulations guys
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