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Everything posted by Thomas.

  1. The best thing I've ever done on a skateboard is sit on it down a hill I can't skateboard for shit, I can even play football/soccer better than I can skateboard. I've never actually been a huge fan of skateboarding, I've never liked it to be honest. I've been more interested in other hobbies such as Basketball and Football. I have done Rugby before but it did get rather boring too. Anyway, it is almost 1 PM and I am shattered, I can't be bothered doing much today even if it is Sunday. My mum and my sister is doing up the Dining, laying wood down on the floor, painting etc. So I am going to wait until I can actually access MY PC, I'm on another computer at the moment. I've been watching the Olympics and noticed that Great Britain picked up it's first gold medal, a slow start for the UK.
  2. More hilarity, yay. I haven't been on GTAForums in a long, long time. I hate it. It is boring as f*ck, there are too many fail posts from the Moderators and Admins each day and they don't know what they're doing either. At least this board has a pretty decent moderating team that doesn't ban everyone who they don't like unlike GTA Forums. /Rant over. Advice: Don't go on GTA Forums, I don't and I am enjoying myself not going on there, my morale lowers by going on there
  3. I found that my least favourite and most boring weapons were the Flowers and the Flame Thrower. Flowers because they did very little damage on someone and the Flame Thrower because it is just not funny to watch people run around like idiots whilst on fire any more.
  4. I very little of the time use the Ratings button in the profiles. If I do it is when I am bored. I do rate my closest friends and all that but I haven't in a long time. I do take notice of some peoples ratings and I have at one point commented in someones comment box. (in Scott's saying "Who the f*ck voted you down to 3-Stars") The topic ratings however are rather pointless, people really only rate the topics they themselves make. (I don't but I have seen it happen before and I have done it before (Last Year)) Each topic has it's own quality and if someone votes it to 1-star then nobody will take notice of it because nobody really cares, I don't and I'm sure everyone who has been here more than a year doesn't either. Pointless Addition in my view.
  5. Florida is awesome (I haven't been during the summer before, only twice in the Winter and once in the Spring) It sounds like it could get extremely hot down there but I don't watch Florida weather umm simply because I live in a completely different country I hope you enjoy yourself down there. Is this like your first or second time going to Florida? Let's have a party
  6. Ok, what's the font of the other image you uploaded?
  7. Umm, how do I get images, I don't exactly have CSS nor do I have the font.
  8. Just general fun though, I enjoyed that war because we won.

  9. Lawl, there was a long flame war in my comments which I wish I never deleted :P Me pwning Johnny Kazuki. So how's you today?

  10. Lol, remember that flame war between me and Johnny-Kazuki in the comment box of mine. I/We owned :P

  11. That guy 'coffin dealer' needs to get a life :P How's you?

  12. Another one of me, taken last night/this morning. It wasn't plugged into the Amp so there wouldn't be much noise coming out of the bass guitar, the Amp was switched off. At least I managed to get the thing out of it's case
  13. I haven't made any mods about it however it would be a good idea doing a mod about the British emergency services. I really don't like some of the emergency service vehicles in GTA San Andreas and our ambulances, police cars and fire trucks are quite colourful. So yeah I wouldn't mind if a mod like this was made available.
  14. OMG some more images of me, it'll scare you Click on the image to enlarge it.
  15. Plenty of people. I had a look through my 33 pages of comments and most were utter shit. Hardly any were by you though.

  16. It would be interesting if there were life on other planets. Anywho, I found this, it has something to do with the topic from a featured article on BBC.co.uk. It's kind of interesting.
  17. Deleted all the comments from before today. Some of them were nasty and very immature.

  18. If the controlls are difficult, I don't recommend you to play in a laptop. I just attached a new keyboard onto the Lappy, controls are no problem for me and besides Laptop keyboards are usually smaller than the normal ones that you buy at shops. I am used to smaller keyboards with small keys.
  19. I probably won't be buying a PC version however, if I get a new computer (All my games run on the laptop) I may get it but I'm not sure right now. All my computers/laptops are too crap to run this game probably.
  20. I think most of the forums have been waiting to hear this. I can't wait for it
  21. Hence the Zoo York jacket in the picture, remember he posted pics of his visit to New York City. He was wearing one of those jackets.
  22. Lol at Chris' head sticking out the side of the second box awesome strip though, nice
  23. Lol, Computer & Tech Forum for that sort of stuff So how many people did this actually fool to the max? (I just clicked on it and it wouldn't start, then it was obvious it was an image)
  24. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/entertainment/7544754.stm LOL Fail
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