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Everything posted by Thomas.

  1. Yeah, well it is shocking. At least stuff for the Computer is free and the patches should also be free on the PS3/360 because they are the same as patches on the computer except for a different game. I buy games a few months or years after the release so there are hardly any noticeable bugs or errors and are more update.
  2. Yeah, luckily I haven't got a PS2 (PSN) or Xbox360 (XBL) yet so they can't really rip me off. This, I believe is happening on the Computer games and has done for a long time, so it isn't much of a new thing.
  3. London gets fucking snow and Scotland doesn't :P Weird huh? (a few weeks ago ofc) How are you?

  4. Apparently, Essex in a way is similar to the Glasgow area were the alcoholics live. I believe it is dangerous there. That's why I never physically go to Glasgow except if it's to go shopping in the City Centre or to go through it via the Motorway (To England, you have to go through Glasgow).
  5. It can be, it rains at least one a fortnight but that's ok. Edinburgh Castle is one of the best attractions near me and the Falkirk Wheel.
  6. Here (Falkirk, Scotland) it is reasonably warm in the Summer and extremely cold in the winter but no snow.
  7. Cold, really? I live only 40 miles outside of London, in Essex and its pretty warm here today for november, can walk around outside in just a tshirt. Anyway, glad your enjoying your trip. Are you planning to visit places elsewhere in England, or are you just staying in London? Spider-Vice is from a reasonably warm country. He will find it cold.
  8. I just noticed an article on BBC news about it. 2012 is a long way from now, so right now it's nothing.
  9. Enjoy yourself. I've never even been to London before. It might be cold according to BBC Weather as it is with most of the country but being London it is almost 2 degrees Celsius warmer than other regions. So, what's it like down there, you enjoying it?
  10. I didn't even know Canada had an election The UK won't have one until about 2010/2011, correct me if I'm wrong. I don't think it'll be aired much on news channels across the world but David Cameron vs. Gordon Brown, that's got to be something.
  11. Yeah, it's kind of the same over here. But some adults I know have said they would vote for Obama (Ofcourse, if they lived in the United States) because McCain is old and ugly. Some reason for wanting to vote for someone. -- Anyway, yeah, January is when Obama officially takes office and power of the USA. Not long considering the months are going faster now (Not literally). I wonder if such election were to happen in Canada or the UK and it would get such news coverage around the world, the USA isn't the only country that is important, it's been dominating the BBC and other British news networks for the past year now.
  12. The southern states are mainly anti-black people. Louisiana is the main example of it. THe only really southern state that was Democratic was Florida.
  13. I was going for Obama to win since the run up to the elections. Ever since my holiday to Florida earlier this year I have liked Barack Obama. In the state of Florida -- according to my grandparents who live in the state and have done for almost 30 years -- there are little taxes for basic public services such as Library, Education etc. They want to see it change not only because their public Library is crap but because it is so poor of the Republicans to do so. There was a massive discussion going on in school about it aswell. The most talk was about his win but about the Ku Klux Klan (and Neo-Nazis) and what they would do to Obama. (Sick minded teenagers...)
  14. I just basically sent off three job applications and got my first debit/bank card yesterday. (1st November) I'm exhausted after yesterday, I went in most high street stores looking for vacancies for 14 year old teens and only found about 4 or 5 willing to let me in. Mathesons -- Bakery;Cafe Baguette Express -- Bakery Pizza Place (Don't know the name ao I'll call it that) -- Restaurant;Take-away THe bank I'm now with is Halifax Bank of Scotland, most people in Europe might've heard of it.
  15. When you first posted this, I was like "wtf?" but then I realised that your a timezone or two ahead of me, I noticed now that it's after midnight. Happy Birthday Mate! 15 now, getting old
  16. Welcome back! DO you want us at the FFM to have a look at your old request?

  17. Yeah. It also gets a bit greedy, you get enough food to feed a family-of-2 for about a week (Of course if your unhealthy and live on sweets, chocolates, fruits and nuts) Nothing really gets egged up her except the odd case of some snobby cow -- Tart across the road in my case -- who pisses the neighbours off getting her windows covered in egg slime and shell.
  18. No, I'm not. I will be at home answering the door . Boring job and some random people come to the door and you don't even know them.
  19. I just want a console in which I can play GTA IV on. I haven't played GTA IV yet.
  20. I am away because I'm bored most the time. I stopped making graphics because demand is getting very low now and people are beginning to make Graphics on their own. I would still happily make them but my shop is closed so people will have to find other means of requesting. I only really do sigs for myself or the Fiores. I would do it for anyone else, for free ofcourse. I don't use Photoshop, in my own opinion it is crap but my sister can't stop going on about how good her graphics are with Photoshop and yet mine are just as good done in Fireworks. If people go on about something I don't like it. I hope to get back on the Graphics scene before December, when I have done my exams, right now it is not possible to do graphics so quick and easily. Watch the space below the post when I might be coming back (i.e. Sig Space)
  21. Yeah they suck :P I just had a Biology test the other week back... got one of the worst results in the class :P

  22. But, us as youths can't help by doing some bad things or some "vile" things according to adults. Scotland is full of these twats, I've even done something rebellious along with most the British Youth Population, you sometimes can't help yourself. The thing I will not be doing though is drinking, smoking, carrying a weapon unless it is necessary... I don't want to give the stereotypical public an actual reason to moan at us. Football is the main cause of adults hating youths in general, the news programs always mention this on the TV and it is turning the public against it -- Fighting caused by two rival footie games in Glasgow (Celtic and Rangers for example) ended up in several fatalities -- They ruin our trust basically. I don't know if this is the case for any other countries.
  23. J'ai Quatorze uns. Mon anniversaire 11, Juillet 1994. J'ai une soeur, elle est tres casse-pieds. J'habite a Falkerque en Ecosse en Grande-Bretagne. Je suis grande et mince. Veuillez agréer, Madame, Monsieur, l'expression de mes sentiments distingués. Le Grande Theft Auto Place! --- A basic description of myself, I can't be arsed with the accents The last line is "yours sincerely, TGTAP" in it's regular form.
  24. I was always told the meaning of life was to live, to breed and to die just like any other animal.
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