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80 GB PS3?


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  EvoLuTioN said:
I think u shud go for the Xbox 360 elite which is has a 120gb hdd

Also it is comin in stores by end of april!!

But if u wanna go in for a PS3 then thts pretty good too!!

Or, he can get a 80 gig PS3 and later upgrade to 500 gig.

That's some pretty damn good news for those who are thinking of buying a PS3, but 60 gig should last for a while you know, and when you're low on space then you just need to upgrade, 500 gig HDDs doesn't cost that much these days you know.

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yeah when i get my ps3, im using my old win 2000 LT HD which is a bluray 932 gig. YAY BLURAY IS EVERYWHERE! it sorta sucked because after the computer got old, i realized i couldnt use the HD on anything else, and couldnt really replace it, being that i didnt need it. But now I will put i to good use

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Ahh you need laptop HDDs eh, well it's nice to know that. Anyway man, I never said it was "cheap", I said it doesn't cost "that" much, know what I'm saying. And yeah man, 200 EUR is pretty damn much, but you can pretty much find regular 500 gig HDDs for a better price than 200 EUR you know.

Edited by GTAPlayer
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Well it looks like a 200 gig version of the PS3 is going to happen you know. According to Destructoid.com Sony is planning on a more expensive 200 gig version of PS3, should be out next year. But hey man, you can always upgrade. Yeah man it seems better to go from 60 to 200, than 60-80.

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Well I'm not gonna get the 200 gig version, I don't really see that necessary. I don't even know if I'm going to get a PS3, I'm kinda in the middle of when I'm not really sure which console to buy (like a lot of ppl don't know), the xbox 360 or the PS3. But no matter which console I decide to buy I will definitely have a lot of fun with it, oh yeah.

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  Ciaran said:
Yeah just buy it yourself, plus I don't even know why you would want as high as 200gb, I can't even fill my 60gb :P

Oh, you will, that happend to me when I've got my firs PC, I had 80 gigs and I tought that I will never fill them up but after a few weaks, I asked my father to buy a new Hard Disk, he said no of curse. :(

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  GTAPlayer said:
Yeah man, it seems like Sony is planning on a more expensive 200 gig version of the PS3, coming in 2008 or something. I wouldn't pay more and get a 200 gig ver PS3, I'd go for the 60 gig ver and then later upgrade, if I need it of course.

Yeah I can't get the 200GB if it comes out in 2008 because GTAIV will be out by then so I won't be getting that one,

I will just stick with the 60GB I will probably be getting.

Just out of curiosity how much will an upgrade cost?

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