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Will it be on PC

Will it be on PC?  

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  1. 1. Will it

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Even tho I am a PC gamer and I have all GTA Games on PC and the Stories verisons on PSP, I got a huge feeling that it will not come to PC, due to the fact if I remeber properly that Rockstar did say when they were releasing SA to PC they did say that it was going to be the 'Last' GTA Game for the PC.

But I won't be buying GTA IV for the xbox but I will be buying a PS3 soon and in october I will be buying GTA IV for the PS3 coz it will have excellent graphics.

Thank God for the Blu-Ray System

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  mark866 said:
Even tho I am a PC gamer and I have all GTA Games on PC and the Stories verisons on PSP, I got a huge feeling that it will not come to PC, due to the fact if I remeber properly that Rockstar did say when they were releasing SA to PC they did say that it was going to be the 'Last' GTA Game for the PC.

But I won't be buying GTA IV for the xbox but I will be buying a PS3 soon and in october I will be buying GTA IV for the PS3 coz it will have excellent graphics.

Thank God for the Blu-Ray System

I don't recall them saying that at all!

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Im not sure about that, If the game is on Blu-Ray disks (PS3) then unlike in previous GTA's the PC version will be worse quality that the Xbox and Playstations. If it isnt on Blu-Ray then I dont see why not, might take a bit of performance (A decent PC) but otherwise they should :D.

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  Cursed said:
Im not sure about that, If the game is on Blu-Ray disks (PS3) then unlike in previous GTA's the PC version will be worse quality that the Xbox and Playstations. If it isnt on Blu-Ray then I dont see why not, might take a bit of performance (A decent PC) but otherwise they should :D.

What the hell has a Blu-Ray disk have to do with the quality of a PC version? Do you even know what a Blu-ray disk is? For all you know GTA4's PC version might come out on a Blu-Ray disk by the time it is released and it will still not affect the quality of the graphics any bit. The PC version's graphics will be identical to that of the consoles in the worst case.

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  mark866 said:
Even tho I am a PC gamer and I have all GTA Games on PC and the Stories verisons on PSP, I got a huge feeling that it will not come to PC, due to the fact if I remeber properly that Rockstar did say when they were releasing SA to PC they did say that it was going to be the 'Last' GTA Game for the PC.

But I won't be buying GTA IV for the xbox but I will be buying a PS3 soon and in october I will be buying GTA IV for the PS3 coz it will have excellent graphics.

Thank God for the Blu-Ray System

It will have "excellent graphics" regardless of which console you buy it for. Blu-ray doesn't affect graphics. At all.

  Cursed said:
Im not sure about that, If the game is on Blu-Ray disks (PS3) then unlike in previous GTA's the PC version will be worse quality that the Xbox and Playstations. If it isnt on Blu-Ray then I dont see why not, might take a bit of performance (A decent PC) but otherwise they should :D.

The PC version won't be a lower quality because of the DISK it's on. As I just said, the disk doesn't affect graphics/quality/gameplay/etc. in the least. ALL it does is change how much they can store on the disk..... That's all..... And being that PCs are more advanced than the consoles((regardless of what type of disk drive you're using)), the PC version will most likely be slightly improved.

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lol, what on earth do people think discs do? Blue-ray stores more, yes, but I imagine it has a slower seek time than DVDs, just as DVDs have a slower seek time than CDs. So if anything, it'd stream slower, I guess that's why the consoles need hard drives nowadays. But it doesn't matter what can fit on a blue-ray - the game is going to be the same on both consoles, they already confirmed that, which means it'll be the size of a DVD to work with the Xbox360, which will be the same size as the PC. In short: the disk isn't going to affect the quality in any way, it's the same game on both consoles, except on PC, the texture size will probably be the same if they fill up the DVD.

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Oh, long story. Basically me and my a$$+0le brother (still can't believe I'm related to him) currently need to share a PC, since mine's power supply went poof. Now, to be fair he split up the 250G between us, and to be unfair he got 200 and I the 50, "Because I'm younger that him." (3 year difference) And I may not argue, since its "his computer and sharing it with me out of the goodness of his heart". Now, my 50 is full of stuff, Sims 2 and expansions, oblivion, test drive, SA and the matrix PON. So I doubt GTAIV will fit. I'll just have to get rid of something else.

Oh, and I assume it will be rated 18 or 21 like the rest of the GTA's, so he will forbid me to play it or he will tell my perants.

Similar thing happend in the "300, good or suck" topic.

^^^ Sorry for the off topicness, feels good to let off some steam.

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  Jace said:
Well by that time you'll have your own PC I guess. Can't stay using the one of your brother.

I feel sorry for you Architect, i might even mail you a new power supply... They're not too pricey y'know.

And my brother's 3 years oldr than me... i can still beat the crap outta him, he can't chase me anymore... he should quit smokin'... hehe

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