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Now most of you are guys, do you have any idea what he means?

If you were talking to me then it would mean that I wanted pancakes. Lol.

But, it sounds as if he's trying to see you alone, so he invited himself over for breakfast. No offense but he sounds like a douche bag. If he was smart he would have invited you over for breakfast then actually cooked. Who asks anyone to cook them something? I don't even ask my wife to do that. I have arms and can cook for myself.

Haha well he lives an hour away from college so me going would be silly. But ya I think he wanted something else other then pancakes. Ahhhhh teh bastard

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What is very very strange about him is that he is very closed off and doesnt tell people at college about anything from his personal life, except me. I find that weird

He will stay my friend though as we have many things in common and is a friend no matter what

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Yep he did say that and now he does all this. I am wondering if shooting him may be easier as Im getting very mixed siganls, either friends or hey lets have pancakes.

Ergh that would be so annoying if this girls friends were bitches, I guess just try to be nice to them. They may be just looking out for her

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Yeah :/ I'm gonna use that as a line one day... that'd be kinda funny, haha. Best of luck with that dude, bear.

And I do think she's looking out for her... cause, yeah. I commented a pic... and then she comes and comments and and is like "What kind of name is *name*? Looooooser" Only a select few may know my name :P

ninjaedit: This topic can be taken two ways. "Girl problems" as in.. girls that have problems, or problems with girls. I win'd.

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Bear - You could just show him my picture in "Show Us Your Guns" & tell him I'm your Psycho uncle! JUST KIDDING!

Seriously though, If he is confiding in you & closed to other people, he might just have problems sorting out his feelings & expressing himself but trusts you. But you also have to at least consider there might be something wrong w/ him so be careful. Hopefully it's just teenage drama.

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A Stupid Guide To Relationship For Guys (My opinion). (Found on another Forum, that guy was completely serious)

Just something to lol at


People always wonder about the meaning of life. I know the answer. The meaning of life for women is to deprive men's lives from having any meaning. That way neither gender has a meaning and we both live and die miserable and pointless lives.

Have you ever been on a date and gone home with something besides a used condom stuck to your underwear? Have you ever taken a girl out to dinner and had anything exciting happen besides the traditional ten second orgasm? Hell no. I have never gone on a date and left with a new car or a pay raise or new toy of any kind. Zero. Ever. Girls are a waste of time.

Some girls don't even grant you the ten seconds of pleasure that you worked so hard to achieve. You go on a date and stare at her tits all night wishing she'd shut up. Girls should wake up and realize how much we don't care. Why do they think we take them out to dinner? It's because their silence while chewing is worth an $80 check. You throw a steak in front of her and hope she'll pause to eat it which will allow your brain time to forget all the garbage she just spewed out at you, but she keeps yakking. How do they do that? The female mouth is an amazing organ. It's probably the most tenacious thing on the planet. You could cut out her tongue, stick a ball gag down her throat, slice her vocal chords to little pieces, and she'd still sit there yakking away like a little dog. More yakking. Yak yak yak.

Back in the day, women couldn't yak unless men allowed them to. We came off as @@*@!#%s, but we just wanted some silence. Rebellious females all over the world formed groups of feminists who created conspiracy theories about men being control freaks and wanting power. Hell no, we just wanted you to shut the !*!# up for two seconds and spread your legs. That's it. You can have the power, just give us the #**%*.

Guys know how it works. We've known for a long time. Girls, this is my dating advice for you. I made it into poem format because that might rub on smoother:

Men have power,

women have @*@%%!s.

If women want power,

trade for it with @*@%%!s.

(Notice how I rhymed power with power and @*@%%!s with @*@%%!s? That's not because I'm a bad poet, it's because women need to be told at least twice before they have any chance of understanding something.)

Women want both power and purity. These days, it's not uncommon for a virgin to be class president. Back in the day, if a girl wanted to get high up in the system, she had to put out like a pornstar. A female campaigning back then would consist of a girl crouched on her knees in the hall, smiling like the Holland Tunnel with cum dribbling out her lips and mumbling, "Vote for me."

Anyway, back to the prude girl scenario. You get through the date and a wave of disgust washes over you as you come to realize that she's not going to put out. You hide it (because there's always a chance next time), kiss her on the cheek, and leave. When you get home, you sit on your bed, shake your head, and think, "Wow, what the hell happened to my night? I'm cold, lonely, sober, and all I have to show for it is a cum stain on my pants from dry humping that %%*%%'s couch all night long." You vow to never waste time on a girl ever again. Needless to say, the next day you're calling her up lying about what a great time you had, hoping the second date will be golden.

I had a girlfriend a while ago. It lasted an entire year. When I try to recollect anything from that twelve month period, I get a big "Error 404: Page Not Found" in my brain. Relationships are the black hole of memory. Nothing productive ever happens. Christians always talk about that thirty year period when Jesus was unaccounted for. Christ wasn't studying Buddhism or up in heaven with God. Hell no. He had a girlfriend. Jesus says to his girlfriend, "Darling, people are dying, I need to go outside and save them." She yaks back, "No, you're staying home and we're cuddling on the couch for eight hours while I complain about an evil woman at my job."

"But honey, we've done that every day for the past twelve years. Don't you understand? I'm the !*!#ing chosen one. Man you're a stupid %%*%%. Jesus !*!#ing Christ. When I'm elected god, you're the first person to get AIDS."

"What's AIDS?"

"It's a disease I'm going to invent to annihilate fa... Nevermind. Come here and bless my giant erection with your holy face."

"I don't want to suck your %*!%, your cum tastes like soggy communion."

"Okay, I'll turn my jizz into wine, just get over here."

What really sucks is that none of that rationalizing matters. Sex drive is beyond any logic or rational thinking. No matter how much a guy tries to clear his mind of girls, they keep popping up like a boner on oral presentation day. Our lives revolve around an orgasm and it's s ....sickening. I sicken myself. All I do is sit around thinking about sex. Who I'd like to #%!@, places I'd like to #%!@, celebrities I'd like to #%!@, animals I'd like to... see at the zoo with a girl before I #%!@ her. I have a few goals in life. While some seem good-hearted and admirable, all my plans derive right down to my overwhelming sex drive.

My Life Goals

1. Win the Nobel Peace Prize (so I can #%!@ hot librarians).

2. Win a gold medal in the Olympics (so I can #%!@ hot gymnists).

3. End world hunger (so Ethiopian hotties will live long enough to reach puberty and I can #%!@ them).

4. Swim the Puget Sound (so I can get buff and chicks will want to #%!@ me).

5. Save the rainforests (so I can #%!@ hot native tribal princesses).

6. Form a kickass band (so I can #%!@ hot groupies).

7. #%!@ a girl (so I can get better at #%!@ing girls and #%!@ more girls).

8. Get married (so that when I'm too old to #%!@ girls, I can still #%!@ a girl).

9. Have kids (because eighteen years of pain is worth that one night of no protection).

See? It's ridiculous. I know every other hereterosexual guy out there feels the exact same way. They read this and think "Yeah, that's sad but true." Girls read this and think "Wow, I better act offended because I know he's right and I don't want to be faced with the awful truth because I'm a girl and I have a very hard time accepting the truth when I would rather it were a lie." Females get pissed at guys who say this kind of thing because they want it to be a lie. They say we degrade women. We're not degrading women, we're telling the truth. That's like saying, "Rocks are heavy" is degrading rocks. That is the truth. Girls, it's like a #!@*% - we know it's hard, but you have to learn to deal with it.

The female fantasy consists of a man who loves them. It will never happen. Men don't love you, they love the sex you and your friends provide. Need proof? Go get married and the second you get to your honeymoon suite, tell the man that you've vowed a life of celebacy. He'll spend a few hours trying to convince you to change your ways, but when it appears futile, he'll divorce you that night and say it was because the kids are too much of a responsibility. What kids? You don't even have kids yet. Shut the hell up. Guys... want... sex. That's it. Nothing more, nothing less. Break through that barrier of estrogen and get it through your cute little skulls.

One more time:


Had to edit because didn't realize it was cut into two posts

Edited by wackyfunsuperslide
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FREE!?!? That's funnier than Lamma Lamma saying the old school GT40s are better than the new GTs (Sorry man, you're

just not gonna sell me on that one).

Trying to tread lightly here, younger viewers. W/ the "pros" you pay them & you're done. W/ the GF, it's a little more complicated than that. Things like dates can get expensive, if you care, 'cause you want them to enjoy the date. And then things get really serious & you set up housekeeping together. The right person is totally worth it, it's just far from free.

As you guys get older, a lot of this makes more sense.

wackyfunsuperslide - Where the FRELL did you find that, I think I grew up w/ that guy!

EDIT: Disregard question, you posted while I was still typing.

Edited by Urbanoutlaw
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FREE!?!? That's funnier than Lamma Lamma saying the old school GT40s are better than the new GTs (Sorry man, you're

just not gonna sell me on that one).

Trying to tread lightly here, younger viewers. W/ the "pros" you pay them & you're done. W/ the GF, it's a little more complicated than that. Things like dates can get expensive, if you care, 'cause you want them to enjoy the date. And then things get really serious & you set up housekeeping together. The right person is totally worth it, it's just far from free.

As you guys get older, a lot of this makes more sense.

wackyfunsuperslide - Where the FRELL did you find that, I think I grew up w/ that guy!

EDIT: Disregard question, you posted while I was still typing.

Grrr... <_>

But this guy will never ever acheive any of thiose goals because he is an ignorant, chauvanist, selfish, misoginistic assfuck.

Some of the stuff was kinda true though, but from my point of view, that is, being in a relationshp, he is still all of the above.

And Urbanoutlaw....Grrrr <_>

but yeah...Sky, that whole thing's to be expected.... errrm, yeah, happened to me alot, hence being a litle older than my GFm all of her freinds had a good old bitch about me, but they soon stopped. Ignorance is bliss...

And Urbanoutlaw.....Grrr <_ will keep doing it..forever..... i soon get tired and forget so nothing to worry about...>

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There's this one girl at my school (not attractive) who seems to know me. However, I have no flippin' clue who this girl is! I've been trying to avoid her, but to no avail. And my friends seem to agree she friggin' loco. Any clues to get rid of her? Hopefully one that doesn't end with bodily harm to my person or crotch?

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Meh, yeah, I'd tell her. I mean, unless you want to lose your stuff to just some girl. I mean, I don't exactly approve of that, but hey, you might. I'll give you two options..

1)Tell her to leave you alone

2)Act like you're interested (if you want some of that)

I'm serious, if anyone wants to flame me, don't bother. They're realistic options.

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Yeah well life isnt fair to many people, thats life. Im just confused beyond belief about most things, its like Im talking to the dude I mentioned before on this topic, yeah Im wasting my time and he is a shit but still here I am still talking to him. why? because Im stupid.

Ignoring and avoiding doesnt solve anything, it just delays the problem and makes it worse.

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