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Poll for 7 to return


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I think that 7 was wrongly banned, all he did was disagree with some mods. And he got banned for it? Isn't there something called 'Freedom of speech'? He may have 'panic attacks', but he still was a good member. Please if anyone could tell me why he shouldn't come back, please do. But please also discuss.

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He was being 'rude' due to personal problems. I just read some of the topics, way out of hand. Now I don't know that the last reason was, just that he was 'Stating his opinion'. At least that's what I was told. And there is a 'Freedom of Speech' on the forums or they would suck.

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Well, as far as "Freedom of Speech" is concerned. Chris is in the UK, so the server is probably based there, and they may not have the same rights as Americans, or Australians, etc.

Arguing with Mods over anything is bound to get you banned, as they have the authority here. If you don't like it, then go somewhere else. If he was banned, I'm sure he deserved it. I've never seen these guys ban for personal vendettas.

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There is no such thing as freedom of speech on these forums. Here, the staff have total power - nobody has a "right" to be a member on TGTAP. As Chesnut says, this is not a democracy.

Remember that lots of people work here for free so that you can all enjoy these forums, and if you throw our generosity back in our face, you don't deserve the privilege of being a member here and you will be banned.

On that note, notice that the staff are absolutely in a position to ban members. There is no appeal process or higher jurisdiction on these matters. If somebody is banned by the staff, and the administrators agree, then they remain banned. No poll or petition is going to change that decision, and anybody who repeatedly pesters administrators to reverse a ban, suspension or other warning may find themselves in trouble.

That isn't a nasty thing, it is just what we have to do to keep the forum free of troublemakers, and improve the experience of the forum for our members and staff.

If you have a serious legitimate complaint, write a formal email to the administrators and they will reply. Don't try and "gang up" on the staff or pressure them into allowing somebody back.

Remember that most people don't get any warnings, and most of the people who have been warned just have one or two for slight problems such as bumping. Anybody who does enough to get banned deserves to be banned.

"Please if anyone could tell me why he shouldn't come back, please do" - because he's banned...?

"I really think he shouldn't of been banned just for stating his thoughts." - You say that like that is the only reason he got banned - like he was a perfect member until then. He had been warned before and recently suspended for a serious incident; and he was on his last chance. Then he ruined it.

"He was being 'rude' due to personal problems" - So it is okay to abuse your membership and be rude to the people who run this place for your benefit, so long as you have a good enough excuse? Wrong.

@ Dazza - Donkey Porker is right. He was on his last chance, which he definitely knew, and he ruined it by arguing with staff. If that not fair? If you're on a last chance, it is okay to ruin it because you can just ask for another chance, and another, and another?

You have just said you know there was going to be an argument about this, so you're deliberately arguing with staff? Just give up and don't get yourself into trouble, which you are dangerously close to.

Poll Removed.

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I do not wish to fight, and no I don't think it is right to be rude, but some people have got personal problems, and sometimes they take it out on the wrong people. Believe me I know.

And I accept the ban if he actually was in the wrong, by the sounds of it, he was. I just wasn't told the full story of the banned, (I can piece some together). But I was told that he was banned, (And I mean banned, not the rest) for stating his thoughts. And I think that is wrong, but if there's more to the story, that's cool.

I don't mean to gang up on the staff, and in no way implying. I just wanted to know other people's thought on the matter, and whether or not it was right or wrong. If it was found that people did find him wrongly banned, then I would of queried it a bit more, but nothing beside that.

Also this topic was also to help out 7, I was going to go on MSN (if people said 'yes' to being wrongly banned) just to make him a bit happier in the current situation.

Sorry for any inconvenience.

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I know some people may think that i'm going to Start defending 7 here and also asking to allow him back in.... Y'know after that whole thing with jade after he was on suspension. However, he made a dupe account, in an attempt to get back into the forums. If this had not happened, i would maybe see where dazza is coming from, though i do understand that mods have total power, and that what Gerard said about the Moderators working here for free, to make these forums a better experience for members is indeed true.

I think draftermatt is right also. If he was banned, he deserved it. The moderators weren't picked to be moderators because they were harsh on people for no apparent reason.... (well, as far as i know... :P)

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Thanks Dazza. A lot of people would have dug themselves into a deep hole in that situation.

We don't have to make warn logs or bans public, and the staff don't intend to sit around discussing every decision they make for days/weeks/months afterwards. What you overhear, read and are told (particularly by people involved) will be a collection of parts of the truth along with some exaggeration, suspicion and speculation.

You know that you don't know the whole story, so really you shouldn't be questioning the staff's judgement without knowing it. If you're sure the staff have overlooked a rule or made a mistake or whatever, PM an admin to let them know - no need to make it public, and no need to make a fuss.

Rest assured that he was banned for a real reason, and that has been confirmed by our administrators. Occasionally the less-experienced moderators may jump the gun and act too harshly, but as all their activity is monitored by the administrators these instances are dealt with quickly. Sky is one of our most experienced staff, and we're confident he made the right call.

What you tell 7 is up to you, tell him everyone thought he was a good member if you want. However if you do speak to him, just make it clear that a ban means he can't come back, even if some members think it was undeserved.

Trust us to do our job properly, and you can just sit back and enjoy this forum.

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He made another account to get in? That's like really low, he couldn't wait 5 days? Well, I sorta see what else has happened. But what i say from Jade was horrible, it actually made me cry, but hey, it happens.

The mods here are awesome, *cough* Jared *cough* :P I wouldn't doubt them for one second. But sometimes people are banned for the wrong reasons, about 1 in 5.4 hundred thousand, I was hoping this time was wrong, I guess I was wrong.

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He was being 'rude' due to personal problems. I just read some of the topics, way out of hand. Now I don't know that the last reason was, just that he was 'Stating his opinion'. At least that's what I was told. And there is a 'Freedom of Speech' on the forums or they would suck.

Um yeah..... No..... Are you saying I can make a topic with a bunch of jibberish and admin-bashing and get away with it because there's "Freedom of Speech?"..... I don't think so. There is no "Freedom" of ANYTHING on a forum. There is a "What the admin says goes and there's shit you can do about it" and you either have to deal with that or leave. It's the only options.

Sky is one of our most experienced staff, and we're confident he made the right call.

Sky was the one who banned him? That should be the only thing needed to be said. Sky isn't biased, nor does he abuse his powers. And a lot of people don't question him XD

He made another account to get in? That's like really low, he couldn't wait 5 days? Well, I sorta see what else has happened. But what i say from Jade was horrible, it actually made me cry, but hey, it happens.

The mods here are awesome, *cough* Jared *cough* :P I wouldn't doubt them for one second. But sometimes people are banned for the wrong reasons, about 1 in 5.4 hundred thousand, I was hoping this time was wrong, I guess I was wrong.

When it comes to mods/admins banning someone, there ARE NO "wrong reasons" unless the admin thinks so. It is up to them and them alone to decide that, because THEY run the forum, not you.

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Yeah Spaz, thanks for telling me what I already was told by Gerald. And there are sometimes 'wrong reasons', like say when a mod is like really angry at something, then they come on here and ban them cause they dis-agreed. It has happened.

Whatever, I was just trying to give someone some comfort. I don't wanna start fights.

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Trust me when I say no moderator takes the decision to ban a member lightly. Any ban that isnt obvious (like spammers) is always discussed with other staff before and after, to make sure the right decision is made. Any suspicous bans noticed are always followed up with.

It has been determined that 7's ban was appropriate. Notice what I said about complaining in private.

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