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I feel like shit...


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No, they're the things that the goverment uses to work out how good every school is, which then is put into league tables and determines that schools funding. That's why the teachers want you to do good, so they get higher wages

Damn, I wish I would've knew that! I would've failed all of my SATs and told others to do the same!

Too late know, not isn't in teh school. -_-

Edited by Spasmodically_Insane
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Yeah i'm better now, I am almost up to date with my chemistry coursework, the geography assignment i didnt have to do, and i've caught up with my maths. Physics the teacher is stupid and has a monotone voice and he doesnt seem to care at the moment.

Still have English to do though which is lame, I have to do an essay on 'Educating Rita', has anyone read that or seen the film production? it's British so I don't s'pose many of you have. If you have can you help me if you did coursework on it?

At the moment I dont think there is any other coursework :erm:

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Well done on catching up with your coursework Chris. Sorry but I've never done any coursework on Educating Rita.

I've only got one piece of coursework atm and its for Computing. Unfortunately my teacher is so crap that not only have I not learnt anything new, I've also forgotten everything I knew about databases. He also has a monotone voice and I normally find myself nodding off during his lessons :zZZ:

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