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Planning Murder Topic! :D


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  Original GTA Master said:
  Nate10 said:
  Original GTA Master said:
I thought of one...but it might be a little too graphic.


I just don't want to post something that gets me banned or anything. It's not spam.

Spam would be


Tell me through pm then (: but I still thinks its spam...lol.Just coming in, saying I'm not gona say what I'm thinking. It was pointless..

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  Original GTA Master said:
  Nate10 said:
  Original GTA Master said:
I thought of one...but it might be a little too graphic.


I just don't want to post something that gets me banned or anything. It's not spam.

Spam would be


Yes it is spam.

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Horrific! Cut the guys ear off with rusty scissors,shove your hand down his amputated ear and pull his brains out,then hit they guys leg with a sledge hammer until

it bleeds then make him eat his flesh,btw he`s already dead after you pull his brains out,stick your fingers down his eyes and then pull out his eyes and cut his balls off and replace his balls with his eyes and next you get the sledge hammer and hit directly at his chest until his ribcage shatters and iron his face,then you step on his hands with hiking boots on and last but not least whack him with a baseball bat so you break all 206 bones in his body.

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  Urbanoutlaw said:
So, is there some kind of prize attached to this?

Just curious.


...DEATH! D:

I have a real one.

Right, I tell this chav to meet me at school where there aren't cameras or people, then I wait round a corner, when I see him, I run up to him, ram him into the floor, then keep kicking the fucker until he dies, then ram my own head into a wall, go tell a teacher, "I tried to sort this out with him, but he just hit me, then when he was hold of me, I pushed him off me and he banged his head...:(".

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