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GTAIV projected to sell 17 Million Copies

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An analyst from Next-Gen.biz is reporting that GTAIV is expected to sell around 17 million units.

"Before the first half of 2008 ends, we can expect the release of AAA titles such as Super Smash Bros. Brawl (expected to achieve 13.95 million units of GLS [global lifetime sales]), Wii Fit (expecting 8.7 million units of GLS), Grand Theft Auto IV (expecting 17 million units of GLS), and Metal Gear Solid 4 (expecting 4.7 million units of GLS).”

Well GTA has always broken records, I'm sure they will break this record when all is said and done.

Check out the full article here.

Edited by IllusionMPN
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17 million? That's more then the amount of 360 and ps3 consoles out there. Every single owner of such system would have to buy the game to meet the 17 million. I doubt it. Probably closer to 12 million.

Your right but theres still a lot of time to get a PS3/360

I think these figures are a little exaggerated, maybe 13 million for 2008 but overall about 25 million copies will be sold.

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The best game every? Uhm, no.

The GTA serie is very good, but I wouldn't say it is the best thing to ever hit the gaming industry.

Might not be the best thing to hit gaming industry but in some peoples eyes (including mine) its (GTA in general) are the best games ever

Yes,the figures do seem a little far-fetched,MGS4 will sell a lot,seeing as a lot of people are MGS fans,but probably not as much as GTA IV.

Doubt MGS4 will be as big as a hit as some people think, it could even get delayed again, it will be a good game. Not as good as IV though.

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