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You shouldn't need a screenshot, it spawns in a very distinctive place.

It only spawns when you have it on the wanted export cars list. (presumably, this is why you want it?)

It spawns under the Sphinx of the Camel's toe casino.

I'll try and get a screenie....

This could work...

After you've taken it in for import, you'll be able to purchase it from the board thereafter, but only on a certain day.

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Lol :P Something rather odd happened to me though, I completed the Export missions so I headed straight for the Sphinx to fetch myself one, so when I arrived there was a black one there. I took it, destroyed it while driving it back to SF, waited a long long time and it never respawned ever again. I had to buy it.

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I wondered myself why cars like the Euros and Phoenix were never seen on the streets and looked into it. Here's what I found... According to the game's files, the Euros (and the Phoenix) should appear on the roads like any other car. However, they don't! I did some testing and was able to get them to show up in a couple ways.

All vehicles are assigned to various groups of pedestrians through the cargrp.dat file. The Euros and Phoenix are listed there but it seems that because they're listed near the end of the line, they don't get picked by the game. The solution is to move them to the start, or near the start, of the line where they're found. Do this and you'll find them driving around no problem.

If you want to be more exclusive in deciding who gets to drive them, you can add their names to one of the other pedestrian groups. In my case, I added the Phoenix to the OG homies so I know who's behind the wheel when I see them.

As for the Euros being a tuner car, I didn't know because I'd never tried. However, I know if you do take one in, you won't be able to skin it. There aren't any for it.

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  Urbanoutlaw said:
Full point RanxeroX. In that file I added them to rival gangs & criminals, now they show up all the time.

I also have the Bandito & Patriot showing up in traffic.

Thanks, glad to see that you were able to take my tip and apply it for your own use - that's why I posted. As for the Patriot, adding it that way sure beats the hell out of having to risk a level-5 wanted to get one huh? :w00t::yup:

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  RanxeroX said:
Thanks, glad to see that you were able to take my tip and apply it for your own use - that's why I posted. As for the Patriot, adding it that way sure beats the hell out of having to risk a level-5 wanted to get one huh? :w00t::yup:

Yeah, that was one of my first hacks when I originally got the PC version. For those playing console versions, I skydive

onto the deck of the carrier (very front) & get one of the SF pics out of the way at the same time, then make a bonzia

run to the Pay & Spray by Wang Autos. I got the Phoenix by failing one of the SF races.

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