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SanAndreas1829's Vids


I made this video about being mean to atv's which is sooo not me :D in the TOP 10 downloaded files from www.thegamersalliance.com


This is using some Armax codes, also in the TOP 10 downloaded files of TGA

Open Waters

Not one of my best vids, i jst wanted to show people the high water level code :D

Rocky Roads

Wanted to show people the bolder code, ok vid.

My First GTA Vid

This is the First Gta vid i ever made. i think its good for a first :D

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blimy i've got way too many. i've been hanging around gtaforums.com for the past few months and have made 30 or so home videos.

ok so here are a few of my videos

Kippers' Videos

sorry if some of them apepar to be in bad quality. the ones in bad quality are my old ones when i was filming off the TV. i now have a Video card and can record in alot better quality

Atomic bomb

I line up roughly 40-50 vortexs in the grove and blow them up massive explosion

Atomic Bomb 2

This is the sequal to atomic bomb where this time i line up 50 or so Hydras and blow them up. this causes an even bigger explosion

Atomic Bomb 3

This is the sequal to Atomic bomb 2 where i once again blow up 40-50 Votexs up ontop of Mount chilliad. the explosion is something you see outta the matrix B)

Fireman sam

i dunno urm this is just a tribute to the San Andeas fire departmean. i felt that the fire team in San Andreas where probably the most left out part of the game. so i decided why not make a vid

Jump Los Santos

This was a hard one. i was set a challange by someone on another site. to get from the road of Los Santos to the top of the highest building useing only a BMX and the super bunny hop cheat.


this one was for a competition to see who could get the most headshots before dieing bo cheats used. but only in manual aim. and i won :D

Crazy Town

Me and a Friend were messin around with the walk through walls code on the ARmax and well it didn't really do what i thought it would do.


on this video i show the effects of the Nitro on all bikes cheat.

ok so thats all the vids i;m gunna put on for now. i hope you like them the people down at gta forums sure did. i'll put more up later if any of you like these


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Guest KingofCrunck
  kippers said:
hmmm. i see you guys arent big on the movie side of things <_<

i like your movies kippers ^_^

Edited by KingofCrunck
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Here are my vids!

Total Vids-26

Upcoming Vids-Blood Money, REVENGE 2

REVENGE 2 Trailer NEW!

Blood Money Trailer

Backfired Part 2 NEW!


TSF Prologue (Trailer)

The Salieri Family Part 2

World's Most Extreme Police Chases

Outta Control Stunting

Welcome Back...TO ME!

The Curse Of Flint Range Part 2

The Salieri Family Part 1

The Adventures Of Agent 0024


Spy Mission 1

Just A Normal Day In LV....


SUPER CJ (Trailer)

REVENGE 1 Part 6 (The Finale)

REVENGE 1 Part 5

REVENGE 1 Part 4

REVENGE 1 Part 3

REVENGE 1 Part 2

REVENGE 1 Part 1


Just A Little Bike Ride.....

BMX Mt. Chiliad Jump (My First Vid!)

If people were wondering why it says GM Industries at the beginning of some of the videos, that is because I was bored one day so I came up with a name for a fake film company thingy, but now I changed it's name to Ma$taMind Productions so from now on that is what is going to be in the beginning of the videos.

Edited by GTA MA$TA
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