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SPANK Central Drup Shop


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NOTE:Prices will be cheaper for gangs. Must be an official gang to qualify for discount.

Okay this is our current list of merchandise for sale:

  • 10 oz. Mary J :$500-gang price: $250
  • 20 oz. Mary J :$1,000-gang price: $500
  • 30 kilo SPANK :$3,000-gang price: $1,500
  • 60 kilo SPANK :$6,000-gang price: $3,000
  • 90 kilo SPANK :$9,000-gang price: $4,500
  • 800 mg Adrenaline:$300-gang price: $150

More items are coming on sale soon. Bongs, pipes, SPANK Central posters & banners, etc. Place your order here. Your order will be sent to you once I receive the money.

UPDATE: New banners are in:spankrocks7ji.jpg


Also, if you want to distribute drugs for SPANK Central, visit our home board and apply:SPANK Central

The purpose of the drugs is to make money. SPANK Central sells drugs to gangs for cheap, then they sell it for whatever price to make a profit. For example: DS buys a 10oz sack of Mary for $250. Then, they sell it to maybe an unofficial gang or a random member for about $350. They just made a $100 profit. The point is, the drugs are a way to make money. So hopefully this will catch on in time for the gang war. I know people need money. So people start saving up the cash and drop a bill for a pill. Let's get this thing on the road!

NOTE: Same drug item cannot be sold by the same person twice. Once you sell it, it's theirs. To ensure security, I made serial numbers for each item.

Edited by >>Kuniva<<
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I'll be really excited to see this take off. It will be The Back Alley all over again. Good times... Good times.... ^_^

I might be back for business in a bit. But there is one flaw in this, why would ANYONE buy from your customers, when they can just be one of your customers and get it cheaper((and quicker, your topic is more than halfway up the forums))?

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  kiku said:
Official gangs get it cheaper.

Oh yeah, so we could beat his prices and still make a profit. Thanks for reminding me.

Don't buy any, Kiku.

who would then want to buy drugs if they serve no purpose?

I'll tell you what we told people when we made our drug shop, it's just for fun. Though we had cheaper prices. You could get a dime bag for 10 dollars from us. We had as realistic prices as possible. ^_^

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chris could make it into an item and then when you buy it, you'll get an animation of the forum floating while you see bright lights and hear wierd voices.

And forget about the drugs i wanted to buy, this wouldn't make any real money.

Edited by kiku
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@Spaz: I made each drug with a different serial number, so you can't sell the same drug to more than one person. An official gang buys the drug, then, they raise the price and try to sell it to make a profit. I sell it cheap to official gangs but regular price for any old member or unofficial gang. Once you sell the drug, you MUST delete the pm that the code for the drug came in as it is useless to try to sell it again. Any questions?

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Well I think it would be kind of obvious if no one is buying any more merchandise from SPANK Central and some how (magically), people have all these drugs and are making money from selling them. Plus, I only made a certain amount of drugs all with different serial numbers. I will put up a topic and every 2 weeks ppl will have to list the drugs that are currently in their possesion. Hopefully there will be no foul play. If people are going to cheat it will be no fun and will be pointless. I'll be extra careful who I sell these drugs to.

Edited by >>Kuniva<<
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  >>Kuniva<< said:
Well I think it would be kind of obvious if no one is buying any more merchandise from SPANK Central and some how (magically), people have all these drugs and are making money from selling them. Plus, I only made a certain amount of drugs all with different serial numbers. I will put up a topic and every 2 weeks ppl will have to list the drugs that are currently in their possesion. Hopefully there will be no foul play. If people are going to cheat it will be no fun and will be pointless. I'll be extra careful who I sell these drugs to.

I was just telling you, there IS a way around everything. Every fix has a flaw, and every flaw has a fix.

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sorry double post

but someone said about what the item could be like change username item what could happen that day you bought the drugs when u type a message on this forum it changes to wierd stuff that no one can understand,lol that would be cool

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