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Anyway how to buy M+ Games without parental guidance


LET me buy GTA!  

23 members have voted

  1. 1. Should I have bought something else?

    • Yes
    • No
  2. 2. Should my mum let me buy what I wanted to buy?

    • She is right for what she had done
    • No fuck that, let your DAD buy that for you
  3. 3. Should my young sister get a M+ game? She's Nine

    • Yes
    • No
    • wut?
  4. 4. Is X-Men Origins: Wolverine a good game?

    • Yes
    • No
    • It's beyond Raybob's epic failure xD

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^ I'm not even going to waste my time on you, I try to be as polite I can, but your just like L-RiC, who decided to take things up the ass, you do need to grow the fuck up, just as L-Ric does too.

  Bateman. said:
And, I was right to block L-Ric. I saw how he flipped after that small comment by Charger. Wow. That's all I have to say.

Thank you, just look at his reply to me, and tell me how immature is that? He tries to defend himself, because he wants to keep his lame tittle of the guy no one wants to go against, which is just funny as hell. The only place he can feel good about himself, is here and maybe other forums of the internet, that's sad.

L-RiC have decent conversation with the next guy who has different views than you do, don't go all over his ass, like you tried against me.

Edited by Charger
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  Husky said:
It was a figure of speech of me being pissed off, Rappo.

Yeah I realize that, but I still think they did a good job not selling it to you. Ratings are in place for a reason and you might think you're mature enough to play an M rated game, but there are definitely people out there that aren't mature enough, and they shouldn't make any exceptions. Your mother probably has her reasons for not buying you the game, maybe she doesn't feel like you're mature enough - the ESRB, game companies, and society as a whole has placed the responsibility and choice of buying M rated games in the hands of adults, and your mom is exercising her right to deny you the game.

Also fuck yeah Charger, GO LAKERS!!

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  Charger said:
^ I'm not even going to waste my time on you, I try to be as polite I can, but your just like L-RiC, who decided to take things up the ass, you do need to grow the fuck up, just as L-Ric does too.
  Bateman. said:
And, I was right to block L-Ric. I saw how he flipped after that small comment by Charger. Wow. That's all I have to say.

Thank you, just look at his reply to me, and tell me how immature is that? He tries to defend himself, because he wants to keep his lame tittle of the guy no one wants to go against, which is just funny as hell. The only place he can feel good about himself, is here and maybe other forums of the internet, that's sad.

L-RiC have decent conversation with the next guy who has different views than you do, don't go all over his ass, like you tried against me.

Charger, you need to read more. You've gave me a worthless tip. You told me to go to a " Retail Store ". But what I posted in my first couple of posts in this topic that I have tried already. YOU have not givin' me any tips what so ever. That is why I am calling you a Bitch with a capital B because you are acting like a Bitch that is taking cock up in the ass for not reading people's fucking posts clearly. Which is why you are in a awkward position right now.

EDIT: Yes I have Charger, I've only found 0, that is because I havent even bother taking a look. I only looked into Best Buy to get Skate 2.

Edited by Husky
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  Husky said:
  Charger said:
^ I'm not even going to waste my time on you, I try to be as polite I can, but your just like L-RiC, who decided to take things up the ass, you do need to grow the fuck up, just as L-Ric does too.
  Bateman. said:
And, I was right to block L-Ric. I saw how he flipped after that small comment by Charger. Wow. That's all I have to say.

Thank you, just look at his reply to me, and tell me how immature is that? He tries to defend himself, because he wants to keep his lame tittle of the guy no one wants to go against, which is just funny as hell. The only place he can feel good about himself, is here and maybe other forums of the internet, that's sad.

L-RiC have decent conversation with the next guy who has different views than you do, don't go all over his ass, like you tried against me.

Charger, you need to read more. You've gave me a worthless tip. You told me to go to a " Retail Store ". But what I posted in my first couple of posts in this topic that I have tried already. YOU have not givin' me any tips what so ever. That is why I am calling you a Bitch with a capital B because you are acting like a Bitch that is taking cock up in the ass for not reading people's fucking posts clearly. Which is why you are in a awkward position right now.

EDIT: Yes I have Charger, I've only found 0, that is because I havent even bother taking a look. I only looked into Best Buy to get Skate 2.

Where did I say in that post that I gave you a tip? I may have earlier, but I don't remember. (To lazy to check lol). I don't feel in any awkward position or "taking a cock up the ass". I'm just laughing here, not angry at all, I'm sure you and L-RiC have.

I'm out.

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  Charger said:
Why the hell do you keep bringing this up? How many times do I need to rewrite this? Seriously. Read my POST.

I did. Numerous times. Doesn't justify a thing. How many times do I need to write this?

  Charger said:
I know its new, but WE ARE IN A GTA FORUM, people here want to play the newest GTA game, they wouldn't want to wait, they would like to play it the first day its out. But because something stops them, they can't. Idk what the hell Husky is talking about, now he's bringing up the Law about not giving games to minors.

Some people might not care that much about Grand Theft Auto anymore, especially some of the members who have been here awhile. And besides, Husky might already have GTA IV, at least for the PS3. I don't know because according to him, his mother didn't specify which game he already had for that system, but not for the 360.

  Charger said:
Yeah I'm an immature baby now, because I add "L-RiC is fake" in my Custom tittle. And I couldn't defend myself? I couldn't defend myself..? You began talking about your fucking boring life, and how you hated Sports. I don't want to read that crap. Just look at your replies, they start going somewhere else.

Yes, you're an immature baby for adding "L-RiC is FAKE" in your custom title. You're also one because you're dragging out this argument to ludicrous lengths. I told you this in my final PM. Oh, and great job omitting the fact that you mentioned the Lakers before I went on about my life. Me saying I turn seventeen in five days is simply me expressing relief that I don't have to wait as long as Husky...and that you have no business calling me a child nor do you any business in this topic, considering you haven't been contributing anything to it since your first post. At least I tried to go back on-topic by suggesting Husky get a friend to get the game for him.

  Charger said:
Now I said my friends where drunk? LOL! Where the hell did I even mention they where drunk? Why do I need to tell you they where real? LOL? WHY would I make them up, that's fucking sad. Read, read and read why I mention the Lakers the first time moron, just fucking read.

Blame me for assuming people drink while watching sporting events. Because most people of or around age do drink while watching sporting events. Why would you make them up? Because right now, the only two people you can get along with in this topic is the last guy I got in an argument with (and notice how I'm able to carry a decent conversation with him after the fact) and another Lakers fan. Neither of which comprise much of backup, no offense to Bateman or steveplayer rappo. And you mentioned the Lakers as an excuse why you needed to log off. Am I off-base much? This isn't about our lives. It only became so because you kept using the Lakers game to stall while you thought of a better argument, which the chance to do that was denied. I believe that's called a "delay of game", sports fan. What this is about you finally realizing you were in the wrong. I believe even Bateman can understand that. Yes, it wasn't a harsh comment, but it was unneeded and contradictory, considering what you followed up with.

  Charger said:
You wish you where me, and nice abortion joke.

If you had a cock, you wouldn't have blocked me and you would've continued my conservation. Why would you block me, if your getting laughs?

If you had a cock, you'd take it out of the deflated basketball you're using as a substitute vagina. I blocked you because you had nothing to say. Simple as that.

Also, notice how I can undermine everything you say without resorting to dick and ass jokes? Well, for the most part anyway. That last bit was just begging for it! Why did I bring that up? So you see the vast difference in our maturity levels and grow up. The only reason this fight has gone on as long as it did is because you don't know when to stop, so I'll do it for you. Let's agree to disagree and move on. It's getting old.

Can I request a lock on this topic? It's beyond saving considering the only things that are happening is this altercation between me and this guy and everyone telling Husky he needs to mature. The only possible reason anyone would need to post in here anymore would be an update report from Husky telling us how he finally got the games. I believe every (legal) venue of doing so has been suggested already.

Edited by L-RiC
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L-Ric, I think you meant rappo when you were talking about the only people he can carry a proper convo with is the last guy you fought with and a Lakers fan. I'm a Suns fan :P

I have been watching this thing from a far and it brought me many lulz.

Firstly, Charger, stop telling people to grow up. From what I have seen you need to do just as much growing up as the people you keep giving this advice to. Secondly, Charger you initiated this whole pissing contest by flat out telling someone their opinion is stupid. Then you become condescending when you try to be witty/mature with the line "Alright little child". You have what.. a whole year, year and a bit on L-Ric and you have the balls to go on this diatribe wherein everyone is being "childish" except you?

Husky, you really want to get these games without your mother bringing the whole parental hammer down on you at the store? Why don't you try going into the store and just paying for them by yourself, no mother, no older friends, nothing. See how that works out for you, you never know, they may sell them to you. If that doesn't work, L-Ric's original idea of waiting until you're of age seems like the best viable option. When you're of age to legally purchase the games, whether you have matured or not, no one can stop you from getting them.

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Judging by all of these comments, Im surprised a mod or someone hasn't stepped in, theres no point in getting worked up over the internet, it happened to me before but its pointless.

Husky theres no point in creating this type of topic as most of the people wouldn't have helped you, especially the way you written in your first post, my advice to you is stop arguing and just wait. As someone said earlier waiting may make the experience better.

We need the warzone back.....

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I guess no one is ready my posts. I'm not in a rush, why is everyone after Charger saying that I am in a rush? No, I am not. I just wanted to get some TIPS and some INFROMATION if they had that stuff happen to them. No I am not in a rush for the 4th time. I'm at the store now trying to get CoD: World at War now from Best Buy. Gawd. And yes Red Devil some people did help me. Some are just trying to act like mods. Or just like Sherman.

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  Husky said:
Waiting for a couple of more months will suck balls. Also my mother just found out today that X-Men Wolverine is a violent video game. Like what the hell. Don't you think she should sign up for the ESRB or something?

If you're not in a rush, why does it suck so much to wait?

I think waiting is the best option to be honest, I think that if you do it any other way shit will happen.

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  Ivan said:
I remember buying GTA SA for the PC with Vasco, and the dude at the store was like "yeah you guys are over 18 just give me my money". We were 14, oh well it's nice to have people like that at stores....

I <3 stores like that.

  Red Devil said:
We need the warzone back.....

As L-RiC and I have discussed many times, you're preaching to the choir man.

@ Husky - I definitely know how you feel, or at least did 7 years ago. My best advise is to not get in any trouble for a month or so. Don't talk back, don't be a nuisance, nothing. Just be good and do your shit like TM kind of poked at. And after a while ask if you can get the games again.

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L-RiC, tell yourself whatever you want, I don't care. I'm out. I don't need to keep posting in this topic anymore.

I'll leave it with this though, I brought up the Lakers first, because I needed to go and watch the game. That is all, but then you decided to make it look like I was backing out, and didn't want to argue, that is false.

Back on topic:

Husky I guess you just need to wait, since you say your not in a rush.

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  auygjhsagy said:
Hmm. My dad gets me whatever I want and he tries to hide it from my mom so try that. Cause im 12 and my mom hates GTA but I got GTA 4, SA, VC and 3... Dad bought ALL of them. So unless your dads really mean I tinks you should try him.

That screams risky all over it. Most people's parents are around you a lot when you're a kid, so if you're having to hide a videogame from one of them, there's never going to be a normal time to actually play it. I know this firsthand, seeing as I used to play GTA III for 5 minutes every morning right after my parents left for work and then my bus would come.

Edited by Nate10
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  Charger said:
L-RiC, tell yourself whatever you want, I don't care. I'm out. I don't need to keep posting in this topic anymore.

I'll leave it with this though, I brought up the Lakers first, because I needed to go and watch the game. That is all, but then you decided to make it look like I was backing out, and didn't want to argue, that is false.

Back on topic:

Husky I guess you just need to wait, since you say your not in a rush.

You know that I can just drive to the store myself? CAn you just fuck off charger you Arent helping.

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