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Ultimate GTA4 Poll


Ultimate GTA4 Poll  

324 members have voted

  1. 1. What theme should the next GTA have to it?

    • Mafia
    • Drugs
    • Business + Fraud
  2. 2. How should the next GTA's story be managed?

    • One character, you control him/her forever (like CJ, Tommy V)
    • Multiple characters at different points, each interlinking
  3. 3. Which City/Cities/Area should GTA4 be based on/around?

    • Just in New York (as in the trailer)
    • In New York... and London
    • In New York... and somewhere else

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I think it should def. b in europe, cus damn man, the last three games were US werent they, im gettin sick of it, well not really, but wtvr. be able to c all the things in europe wthout having to go to europe, like big ben, and stuff like that, not just london, cus if u want just london, y dont u just buy The Getaway? And that idea about it being in many countries, how long wud it take to get from one to another???!!!, unless u buy plane ticket, but then there should be sum cool option to like, rob the plane and jump out over france with a parachute or sumthing. And, y does it have to b gansta or mafia??? y cant it be both, at the begining u start off, low life gansta punk, and u slowly progress into becoming mafia, and slowly loose ure "hood" thing. Then maybe, if they want to, after uve been with the mafia for a long time, u can start having those phone call mission things like in VC, that can be the business part, like, u get hits or sumthin, from ure "secret" owner, who pays u for doin things with him, and its sum big surprise at the end, where, ure boss, who gives u hits, is Tommy Vercetti. And, obviously choose own character, (not choose from three dif ones) but literally choose own character, like choose from a list of faces and colors and stuff like that, but of course then u can only choose from like 5 dif names, so that, in the vids they wil say ure name. or sumthin like that, thats all i gotta say.

Sry for this bein this damn long :D

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Ok, how would personality affect the game? Bullshit idea. If you make the character super nice, then he wont do any crimes at all, if you try to beat someone the game will crash :D, if you try to carjack someone, thr game will crash :D and if you try to cut someone up with a chainsaw, the PS3 will explode. Or you can make your character lazy, and when you try to move him, he'll just say "mabye in 5 minutes", 5 minutes later, he says "5 minutes more". Or you can make it so the guy has a very suicidal personality. YOu cant control him and he constatly trys to jump off buildings and drowns himself. See, the personality idea doesnt work

EDIT: Blue ray is used for PS3, thats why its next gen

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ok. yes gta1 was select a character, but there was NO story whatsoever except your unknown need to kill people for money. but even gta london wasnt a pick a character, cuz it had a story. pick a character is dumb. just like the personality thing doesnt work. with every person there is a different personality. so the game would be realy relaly wierd if you could pick a character. and the gangsta theme was sorta lame. gangsta life is actually boring, and have you ever heard anyone say "oh i loved it back in the hood". no. you havent. it was boring and it sucked. everyone was trying to raise money to get the hell out. gangsta life woldnt even be very famous if they didnt have alot of killings (which are usually stupid reasons, like if you talk bad about them theyl kill you, for no reason) its like a dumb they bite you bite back circle. the mafia and yakuza actually are ORGANIZED gangs that actually do THINGs for there gangs and MISSIONs for respect. not just mark your territory and kill anyone who crosses it if there in another gang.

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GTA 4 should be set in the UK and include all the major cities, ie London, Birmingham, Manchester, Liverpool, Glasgow, Edinburgh, Cardiff, Belfast, Dublin etc. The guys at R* have the ambition and the know how to make a game this big! They should also include some towns inbetween and stick a lot of countryside in too.

-I want to see the weather change with the seasons as well as locations, I want to see more play on words with character names and place names, eg. Blackpool = Brownpool.

-You should be able to pick up and use anything (within physical reason) as a weapon.

-I do think it is time petrol was introduced into the game, I always hoped for it in SA. I mean it's unrealsitic that when your car roles over and it ALWAYS blows up, why not just include petrol so your car just runs out and you can be stuck in the middle of nowhere for that reason.

-I hope it will be possible in some way to actually create the playing character as yourself, there needs to be a way of scanning your own face into the game.

-I wanna see 10 times more missions than in any of the previous games, because let's face it, you are never ever going to get bored of it so why not keep it going?

There are hundreds of other things I could say but can't come to think of now but this game needs to be the most unlimited of all time!

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There's alot of new things they could plod to GTA4

Everything to Simple Citizen to A very rich bitch

IF you see what I mean

Customized characters are the most awesome idea

Gta3 Took place near Ottawa

That's the city names I remember, but Portland was somewhere near Ottawa, not IN Canada


Opps spaced ze wrong place zegain

You haven't talked about the gangs yet.

But I don't want gay Swiss people in the new GTA

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  • 3 weeks later...
  Samiam2 said:
There's alot of new things they could plod to GTA4

Everything to Simple Citizen to A very rich bitch

IF you see what I mean

Customized characters are the most awesome idea

Gta3 Took place near Ottawa

That's the city names I remember, but Portland was somewhere near Ottawa, not IN Canada


Opps spaced ze wrong place zegain

You haven't talked about the gangs yet.

But I don't want gay Swiss people in the new GTA

Wow, your post made no sense. And GTA III took place in New York.

No customized characters besides things you can customize about yourself in real life. Clothing, hair styles, cosmetic stuff. It's easier.

US. Mafia themed. Static character.

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Personally i think that it has to be a brand new start, outside of the states, doing more big time stuff like business and fraud, and more than one character, admit it, even with all the diversity in SanAndreas, you finish the game once, and then its just boring, maybe once more its okay, but after that, diversity or not, its always the same basic stuff.


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  • 3 weeks later...
  Buttlord said:
I agree. I thought it would be cool if GTA 4 took place in a futuristic setting or city. Not anything like GTA2, but more reminiscent of the city in the movie The Fifth Element ( In know it was a shitty movie, but stick with me on this one) with hovering cars, super tall buildings, all of which would be accessible, and different tiers of walk ways and such. I think it would really be something new and revolutionary much the way GTA III was revolutionary when it first came out. The possibilities for interaction with the different people (perhaps some aliens, or perhaps not), new weapons, vehicles other than just cars and airplanes, and maybe just some totally new shit that they come up with for the game that would only make sense in a futuristic setting, would be endless.

Edited because I didn't realize that something awful was a satire web site until it was too late. I knew something smelled rotten about that. I still think it's a good idea though, minus the script they wrote. And the Mr. Doubtfire part.

Edited by Buttlord
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I personally feel that it will be heading in the direction of the UK, it ties in with the series much better - mind you though, Tokyo could be a realistic possibility (think of a kinda fast n furious style of racing instead of the big dome stadiums).. The US has been overdone, way overdone - R*, its time to move on from that theme!

Oh yeah, and if you dont think the UK could be funny - watch lock, stock and two smoking barrels or snatch..

I couldnt care less if its a mafia, gang-bang or business storyline, but one thing that needs to stay solid is that the story is based on one particular character!! There is no way that such a cohesive storyline as per previous games in the series, could be followed through with if it was based on a pick n match your own character..

One of the things that has made the GTA series so popular has been its play on real life - the game is completely believable. By allowing every single player a glimpse of something they see in their own world, be it a flannel wearing hick, some hussy selling her arse on the street corner or a regular business suit heading off to work its that reality that makes it work so well. I hate to admit it, but adding hovercars and the like will just push away the people that loved and have stuck with the series since birth..

Then again everyone, R* are known for pushing new genres and trying things nobody has ever thought of before, so R* - just stick with what you believe in and we will be happy!!! :P

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