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Lance older than Victor Vance

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Just watch and listen to the video in the link below and you'll find that Lance is the older brother out of the two Vance brothers. I guess Original GTA Master got banned for nothing on GTA Portable. Adriaan just couldnt admit he was wrong. After reading all those post in that one topic Adriaan was correct about one thing, "Just because you have a GTA site doesnt mean you know everything about the GTA series.".

Proof that Lance is the older brother

KAAA-PWNED :lolbounce:

Edited by Original GTA Master
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But yeah OGTAM we ALL know that Lance is older (doesn't always necessarily mean worse), you already made a topic about this and could've just bumped it or something to put this in there. No point of making a similar topic just to get back at some guy who banned you from some site...

Edited by Artur
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Who the hell is Pete? The guy that died in the VC intro was Victor, the guy you played as in VCS. And GTA Master, gametrailers.com is full of crap. In the top 10 videogame weapons list, they named the chainsaw from doom and they said "this powerful weapon wasn't aquired intil later in the game." They're wrong, you can get the chainsaw in one of the early levels. Gametrailer.com = noobs. Victor is the older brother, why else would Victor be the boss of Vance and not the other way around?

Edited by tommy vercetti guy
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  tommy vercetti guy said:
Victor is the older brother, why else would Victor be the boss of Vance and not the other way around?

It's easy math. Like TEC 9 said, Lance was 32 in Vice City and Victor was 28 in Vice City Stories so Lance two years earlier in Vice City Stories is 30. So Lance is older by two years even though Lance acts younger and less mature than Victor in VCS. Maybe Victor is leader because of that reason.

Oh yeah, and Original GTA Master, I get what you're saying. You're clearly right and Adriaan acted like he knew everything. Then most of the members sucked up to their admin. Most members there are dumb. I don't visit there often.

Edited by Rashon125
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  Artur said:
Like I already said. Older doesn't mean better or leader. Vic could be stronger, smarter or better person than Lance. Just because he's 2 years younger doesn't mean he's the irresponsible one. Age doesn't matter man.

Do you even have an older sibling?

I think that tecnically Lance is the older brother, but R* intended for Victor to be the older one. R* Leeds gave Victor the wrong age in VCS

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Well I was trying to prove a point over at GTA Portable on why Lance, the older brother, was not the leader of the Vance Brother's Crime "Family". My point was that this was one of the main reasons Lance ended up the way he did. He was looked down on by his little brother and I think that could mean a great deal to someone because younger siblings usually look up to the older siblings or are intimidated by them and this wasnt the case. Another point I was trying to make is that maybe Lance set that whole thing up because of this.

I didnt want to bump the topic because I always see people saying "Why the hell did you bump a 3 month old topic." So now I see people saying "Why didnt you just bump it." Which is it? Bump or new topic?

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Vic is clearly the more mature then Lance, Lance is a drug addicted wreak and Vic took over, plus Vic started it all in the biginng, a.k.a taking out two gangs and control over VC before Lance came into the city.

And yes i do belive that it was Pete that was killed in the bigining of VC

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  Tommy Montana said:
He didn't, His brother Vic had a gang, I guess he lost control Of VC because of all the criminals...

Victor was already killed. Now on the official website for Vice City, it says Victor Vance is the leader of the Vance Crime Family. He was the one killed in the beginning of Vice City. If Pete was the victim in that deal, then the official website would have Pete's name on it too. Pete was never in any way mentioned in Vice City so how would you know that he was killed in Vice City instead of Victor. Victor's name is mentioned there so he was the one killed.

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  Rashon125 said:
  Tommy Montana said:

He didn't, His brother Vic had a gang, I guess he lost control Of VC because of all the criminals...

Victor was already killed. Now on the official website for Vice City, it says Victor Vance is the leader of the Vance Crime Family. He was the one killed in the beginning of Vice City. If Pete was the victim in that deal, then the official website would have Pete's name on it too. Pete was never in any way mentioned in Vice City so how would you know that he was killed in Vice City instead of Victor. Victor's name is mentioned there so he was the one killed.

Exactly. Pete was just mentioned in VCS and no where else.

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Are you kidding me Original GTA Master? I mean you tryed to sneek Back into GTA portable forums but you got caught because right after you got you're new account "Phenoix101" you made a topic about how You think Vic is younger than Lance which made it obvious that it was You! And Michael Jackson said that Adriaan didin't ban you because you Were right and he was wrong that he banned you because you were an Asshole who flamed. And P.S. They could have RE-Conned it to that Victor was older than Lance was ;).

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  Trey said:
Are you kidding me Original GTA Master? I mean you tryed to sneek Back into GTA portable forums but you got caught because right after you got you're new account "Phenoix101" you made a topic about how You think Vic is younger than Lance which made it obvious that it was You! And Michael Jackson said that Adriaan didin't ban you because you Were right and he was wrong that he banned you because you were an Asshole who flamed. And P.S. They could have RE-Conned it to that Victor was older than Lance was ;).

Excuse me. Who are you?

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  Rashon125 said:
  Trey said:

Are you kidding me Original GTA Master? I mean you tryed to sneek Back into GTA portable forums but you got caught because right after you got you're new account "Phenoix101" you made a topic about how You think Vic is younger than Lance which made it obvious that it was You! And Michael Jackson said that Adriaan didin't ban you because you Were right and he was wrong that he banned you because you were an Asshole who flamed. And P.S. They could have RE-Conned it to that Victor was older than Lance was ;).

Excuse me. Who are you?

Oh i'm Trey :)

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  Trey said:
Are you kidding me Original GTA Master? I mean you tryed to sneek Back into GTA portable forums but you got caught because right after you got you're new account "Phenoix101" you made a topic about how You think Vic is younger than Lance which made it obvious that it was You! And Michael Jackson said that Adriaan didin't ban you because you Were right and he was wrong that he banned you because you were an Asshole who flamed. And P.S. They could have RE-Conned it to that Victor was older than Lance was ;).

Look, OGM was right. MULTIPLE PEOPLE, INCLUDING CHRIS, HAS AGREED WITH HIM. People were being assholes to him, also, why weren't THEY banned, too?

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Actually Phoenix101 is a good friend of mine that goes on my site and he comes over my house a lot and went on GTA Portable before on my PC but he didnt post whatever you're talking about while he was over my house. I was talking to him about it and I had him read my post on here. I didnt even know he posted on GTA Portable.

I dont give a shit about GTA Portable anymore. Why would I want to go on a site that has a shitty ass admin that couldnt admit that he was wrong?

Edited by Original GTA Master
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Then then the hell did they say you're nickname was phenoix? And i Don't belive you with the whole "Pheonix101 is acually my freind"

And YES you did flame people alot i mean for instinse in the original Topic about Vic being younger than Lance you flamed a forum user for

Thinking Tommy Vercetti's nickname was Fido and on that topic you

Were being VARY COCKY saying that you knew more about Vice City Than anyone else. People didin't like you at GTA portable because you Were vary rude to people there INCLUDING the site admin Adriaan. If the people like Chris were at GTA portable the time this happend They woulden't be agreeing with you OGM pretty much because after Original GTA master got banned everyone Was greatful to Adriaan for banning Original Grand Theft Auto Master. Oh yeah everyone is wondering what Happend to Spaz The Great since he hasn't been on GTA portable for Months now.

Edited by Trey
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  Trey said:
Then then the hell did they say you're nickname was phenoix? And i Don't belive you with the whole "Pheonix101 is acually my freind"

And YES you did flame people alot i mean for instinse in the original Topic about Vic being younger than Lance you flamed a forum user for

Thinking Tommy Vercetti's nickname was Fido and on that topic you

Were being VARY COCKY saying that you knew more about Vice City Than anyone else. People didin't like you at GTA portable because you Were vary rude to people there INCLUDING the site admin Adriaan. If the people like Chris were at GTA portable the time this happend They woulden't be agreeing with you OGM pretty much because after Original GTA master got banned everyone Was greatful to Adriaan for banning Original Grand Theft Auto Master. Oh yeah everyone is wondering what Happend to Spaz The Great since he hasn't been on GTA portable for Months now.

Was your sole purpose of joining this site to argue with Original GTA Master?

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