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I learned some german b'ck in 'Nam...

Auf viedersen das katsen und die feuer, das katsen bist frei, und ich habe einz morgen.

Sie sprechen feuer?

Ja wohl, und ich nicht getrofen der katsen.



Und keine katsen, bist keine feuer.

Its german...as far as i know...I wont say what it means, ya guys will have to translate it by yourself :)

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Que venis conchetumare culiao hijo de puta y wea, te manfinfleai con lña concha de la puta madre que te pario conchetumare culio, ajilao weon, me cage en ti chuchetumare y wea, valis menos que tu puta madre, por que es rica, me comi a tu madre ayer y gritaba por que es una puta conchetumare y wea, andai puro chupando picos y wea, asi que chupalo weon, chupalo.

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I have a cat.


^ cat looking over fence^


Evrybody dance now! bah, bah, buh, bah, BAH!


I need someone as random as me to talk to on MSN.

Kryssy why have you left me! <- kryssy married ceiling cat......... woopwoopwoopwoop. Apparently he's amazing in bad.

*drums on ice cream tub*

*licks newspaper*

HOw random@/ VERY RANDOM!

bamunuh-bamunuh, bamu-numa-numa-nu, bamu-nuhmanahmuh -nananana, bamunuhbamunuhmunumumunuh!

Whooooo! TF FTW!

We are the lazy generation, no more standing out in lines, so good at wasting our time!

We are the lazy generation, they calls us social mutations why? You can just drop dead and die!

The F-Ups ftw!

Maybe i dont wanna travel to the nearest third world country to preach the word of saint balthazar the gymnastic goat!

Ever think of that?

I need therapy...!

Bring back the 'what pisses you off' topic! it ruled........


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If anyones got a cat then can you post pictures of your cats and also can I have your cats please as I like cats and would like a cat so I can take pictures of my cat and post the cat pictures on the internet with funny things written on them thank you please.

I forgot all the punctuation and also I said cat too many times.

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roflmao pwn that noob with the uber leet haxz, and the pron, wtg, ftw, roxorz boxorz, omg? hax...

roflmao leet hax wtg, pwn noob ftw, nehuuuuu, dhlehfburgerdwuhhuh, bler,der, no?

roflmao. Im uber uber leeeet. so uber uber leeeeet, what a wonderful feeling to be pwning again.

roflmao. g2g cu u la iter, dm, zg, leet?

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