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Pete Vance?


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I was just starting a new game on Vice City, and watching the opening cutscene it crossed my mind, was that Vic getting slaughtered? or was it Pete? I know a lot of people think and say that was Vic, but what if it was Pete?. Vic was fresh out the marines in 1984, he was well built. In the VC cutscene the Vance brother is Big, and crouched as if he was limping, or in some sort of pain. Its a known fact that Pete had asthma, so could the dust from the heli have sent him into a minor ashtma attack? Also, notice the accents. The Vance brother in the VC cutscene has a strong Latin accent, but in VCS, Vic has a clear American accent. Rockstar wouldnt have made Vic speak pure American without a reason, im sure, or else they would of had Vic speak with a Latin accent, not american. Also notice the fact that a name for the Vance brother isnt given in the game by Lance or anyone else, so could this have actually been Pete Vance?

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  Victor_Vance said:
Nah doggs I'm Vic Vance and I got killed in the drug deal of 86', I hate that Tommy Vercetti guy he thought he was acted all tough when I told him "100% pure grade A colombian my friend" and then his like with a demanding voice "Let me see it" punk ass bitch

Hehe, I see... Interesting man... So you're back from the dead huh... Long time no see... Haven't seen you since you got killed in that drugdeal '86.

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