San Andreas Rumours

This page has various rumours and hints on how we know it might be called San Andreas.
The vast majority of people think that the next GTA game will be called San Andreas.
Here are a few reasons as to why we think this

In the original Grand Theft Auto, the 3 islands that it consisted of were called Liberty City, Vice City and San Andreas. Now Liberty City was used in GTA3, Vice City obviously in VC so San Andreas is the only one not to have been used

The websites and have been registered by Richard Kruger, he is Rockstar's main webmaster. You will also notice they are full of Californian Ads at the moment, another clue that it will be in San Andreas.

In Vice City on the radio, BJ Smith talks about playing against San Andreas and getting 2 broken legs back in the 70's, could this mean GTASA is in the 70's! I doubt it.

Another thing which could mean something is on the Spray 'n' Go at the back of Sunshine Auto's it says 'Est 1977'
This probably doesn't mean anything, but we'll just have to wait

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