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Everything posted by V

  1. I would kindly decline, get a Deagle and maliciously kick Carlsberg in the face. WWYDII kicked your neighbour's dog over the moon?
  2. Best of luck with that then.

  3. The won't run, so I reiterate.
  4. 6/10 Meh... 9/10 Yep, Most Wanted is orgasmic. Person: Good man, good man.
  5. V

    Yes, you do.

  6. palindromemordnilap.

    I don't get it. <<

  7. Hey, thanks! I only just saw it myself. It was actually better than I expected. When I arrived at school one of my friends ambushed me with balloons and a perminent marker, with which everyone in my class wrote messages on my face. That went awry at some point because I ended up with a Hitler mustache and a unibrow. I got a Mp4 player, pocket knife, a ton of money and manly colonge. So yeah, just three more years to legality. Oh, sorry Gycu. That is a privilege only my local hookers may enjoy.
  8. V


    What are you talking about?

  9. I remember that thing! It looked like a piece of shit on Red/Blue though. (beware the pun)
  10. Eh, you don't want there to be mountain bikes? *blinks in confusion*
  11. Ironic, I must say.

  12. V

    Nice sig.

  13. Hasn't there been like a dozen of these topics? I concur though.
  15. Did you watch the game?

  16. England seems unecessarily aggressive, like at the beginning some idiot tried to slap Habana!
  17. Oh btw, we're pwning England atm.
  18. V

    So you support Celina's roleplay?

  19. V


    Expressionism and abstract art. The only decent artist I know who did this is Wassily Kandinsky.
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