In that case, whether ANY of them can be called next-gen is "debatable". What have they done? Improved the way our games LOOK? Oh, great, fantastic, I'm playing the same damn game, only it LOOKS a little more life-like. WOWEE! Nintendo took a different step and improved the way we PLAY. So yes, they ARE next-gen. Nintendo has ALWAYS been next-gen, for they've always had the best innovations. Rumble, the analog, motion-sensing, THE f***IN' D-PAD FOR CHRIST'S SAKE IS TRADEMARKED BY NINTENDO!
I'm sorry, but I hate when the very people who SAVED GAMING AS WE KNOW IT are down-talked for having lower-than-par graphics. Or a slightly weaker processor. f*** you fanboys. Without Nintendo there WOULDN'T BE A PS3 RIGHT NOW. PLAIN AND SIMPLE.
I see the PS3 sales slightly lower than that, but raised slightly in late-07, for GTA IV, of course.