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Everything posted by Ivan

  1. King Ring- Seryoga Damn, the guy is fast
  2. Don't you dare to steel my basket
  3. I wil give you 200 for one more dog and the mini mini basket.
  4. Benfica, needs to trust more on Luis Filipe and Miguelito. The fact I'm having huge trouble installing mods pisses me off. Yeah, those bastards, moherfuckers,cocksuckers,assholes,
  5. I will give you 55 for the headless dog
  6. Even if you think we don't need a pic for the topic I made this one, enjoy. The pic is big but it's displayed this way.
  7. I want to edit mine because I changed my name but when I try to do that I can't, I can't delete mine, can someone help me?
  8. I think that the worst thing they can do to you is to take your life, death penalty does that.
  9. I'm not comunist, just like the looks of it avi:8 sig: wich one of them? person: Despite the fact you are new, you are very cool
  10. I'm going to sleep, it's late!
  11. You don't hear that everyday. Oh wait, yes you do, you're on the dust. More Cowboys, "Little Green Men". Yeah, actually I was listening to it in the SA pause menu.
  12. Parking in an handicap place without being handicap is really bad, they should break the legs of those that do that to see if they would like it!
  13. I like Vlad, he seems like the type of guy that will give lots of missions.
  14. It's simple, nobody has the right to take another life( there are exceptions), death penalty should exist everywhere. Maybe in those sick murders the victim's family should choose the punishment, that would be better.
  15. Pole Position... jk I like the Beach part where all the hotels are but I don't remember the name
  16. Benfica lost, that pisses me off... stupid team
  17. Lots of portuguese people suck at driving, including my mom.
  18. I don't drive but that pisses me off aswell.
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