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Everything posted by JustADummy

  1. Ya' know, you can change your name at each 30 days on your user CP
  2. The aiming works? Cool, gotta try it. And I'm on PS2
  3. Wow so much money.

    Gimme 5000 :P

  4. Hey, I have a suggestion. Why this forum doesn't have more languages than English? Some foreign people can register here and they can not understand hell of English, only anoither languages. What you guys think of this idea?
  5. JustADummy


    I don't know... Maybe he's trying to fuck up...
  6. Granted but your awesomeness would be destroyed on 1 second I wish nothing
  7. Hmm... It's better than OGTAM one... Very cool, that's it. Thanks, TM. This can be locked.
  8. Hey, member 666, wsup?

  9. I need tips for this mission, please. My boat is always getting destroyed! Any tips?
  10. Yeah, your saves and settings will NOT be gone
  11. Welcome to the forums!

  12. Please, no flaming... Sometimes I laugh at violence too. But not that heavy as Cat Licker :Pp
  13. Cool. There are parts that look like you used hacks.... And please don't make crappy quality videos
  14. It's alkaline's turn, not TNF's... Off topic: TNF is on NYC.
  15. My PMs are turned off? O_o

    Let me check the CP

  16. Wow, just followed the example on the "BBtag" assistant and this is what appeared
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