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Everything posted by JustADummy

  1. Do you have other side effects as "drunken" camera or the car accelerating by itself?
  2. JustADummy

    GTA London

    O RLY? London also has gangs, AFAIK. Almost every gang group talks like that.
  3. Do it Deji! It's very cool and the biggest advantage is PM's. Each reply to your message doesn't count as a separate PM It's divided in convos.
  4. Howcome Vista sucks? It's one of the most simplest OS's, IMO. And it's faster than XP for me. Much faster.
  5. It's not only on the site, though. It's also in the booklet. And no, don't go for Alienware, get some money and make your own PC. If you have the money you can get a great PC much cheaper than buying it all set.
  6. Sometimes he is. It's private stuff in the gang chat sometimes and I seem to hate some of his attitudes.
  7. Or by Steam or Direct2Drive. (At least you pay and it's legal)
  8. Meh, happy birthday. 12 year olds are still annoying. (No offence).
  9. The RC is fucking good. There is a leaked non-illegal build that was leaked from the Microsoft Servers and then removed my them, it's the build 7264. Compiled this month and has less bugs than the RC, imo. But it's worth the try!!
  10. I forgot that, ok. But how do you know this guy has a duplicate account?
  11. If he's talking about Co6alt's player selector, it's PC.
  12. Oh well! Word is, I always liked your mods specially the Spider Car.
  13. Wow, wow, we have a great modder in the forums, active again! Ontopic: That's a coding problem maybe. Hope Chris sees this topic and fixed it, as I'm also wanting to submit mods.
  14. Steam, stop acting like you're a moderator and don't say GTFO. And how do you know his version is pirated? Anywhoo, I'm contacting someone to see if he's dupe or not. Also if your version is pirated, we can't help you.
  15. If you have AMD, you may try the Dual Core Optimizer: http://support.amd.com/us/Pages/dynamicDet...&ItemID=153
  16. Did you download your San Andreas? It may contain mods already installed if yes.
  17. In here, we don't offer contests for help. Also downloading SA is illegal, unless it's from Steam or Direct2Drive. This is not a contest website but I will help you: 1. First tell us your system specs, OS, etc. 2. You would need modeling skills and texturing skills. 3. A GTA forum isn't for contests or any questions not related to it as I said above.
  18. It's not a style, it's the brand new version of the forum software we're using currently. From 2.3.6 to 3.0.0.
  19. I noticed that too. Well, an upgrade to a brand new version always needs work.
  20. More or less but you have your account. @Chris: Well, you just have to recode the mods and skin if you didn't done so. I personally like IPB3 more than 2. And since when I do have 8500 posts?
  21. Woot, another IPB3 test. Well, let's test it again.
  22. No it won't. I uninstalled it and it returns to XP, it lets you change the theme to XP before startup on next restart. I installed Vista Tranformation and Seven, no problems, so I'd say Safe and Unsafe at the same time.
  23. I see you're new, so welcome. Also be sure to read the rules in the first post and only answer if you're sure. That may be counted as spamming and I'm sure you won't want to get a Warning by the moderators.
  24. You're saying he's sort of retarded. On topic: Yes, this browser is awesome. I now watched some good pronz, dl'ded some Warez and shit without anybody knowing. Well, this browser made my day.
  25. More Steam = Slower TGTAP. j/k Also, Chris. Kaspersky is needed as it's an AV.
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