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Everything posted by GTA Don

  1. You pwn Brotha! Can you send me Niko`s skin please?
  2. I agree, GTA III was one of my favourite GTA games.
  3. Claude is the toughest out of all of them.
  4. Remember folks,I will NOT be held responsible if your keyboard breaks.
  5. Now that`s better! That`s really cool.You got the bezel just right,the stroke,the fade in effect looks wesome!
  6. Everybody`s kung fu fighting! Halu Brum

  7. That was awesome! Hope you make another one for us soon!
  8. That`s nice,Illusion.Can you make one 1280x768 pixels,plase?
  9. You spelt Bellic wrong in your Display Name

  10. Double Post. Has anyone downloaded the FIFA Street 3 Demo yet? I downloaded it,it seemed cool,but the controls were so hard,you had to press L1 to switch to another player and you can be either Brazil or England,Wayne Rooney`s face looked funny.
  11. Last thing I Googled? eBay,selling a 15" Monitor.
  12. Ar-v,did you make that SFM sig that you have on? If so,good job.

  13. Cool, I'm going to download that when I get round to reinstalling Vice City.
  14. Hey,what do you use to make your sigs?

  15. Welcome Judgement,your sig looks good.We hope you enjoy your stay at Hotel GTAP.
  16. Yeah,that`s a good idea.It does look like there is a grey fade between the images TBH.
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