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Everything posted by Connor

  1. This should be closed. The answer should come with common sense..xD
  2. It's really easy to pick up. A TGTAP gamemode would be fun, could possibly integrate things from the forums into the game. Ah, a suggestion, when people make sigs for people, people could rate the sigs 1-10 and the points could add up, showing who the big guys in graphics are. Probably MrLlamaLlama.
  3. Bin Laden is a just the fag of all fags. I wish he'd piss off with those videos he makes, nobody really gives a shit what he says. xD
  4. Ah, I still think you can mod the game, but multiplayer clients won't work if you patch it.
  5. Hitler, I just think he was mad for power, nothing against the guy. Germany wasn't the problem, Nazi's were, I actually believe some of the things what they did were right, but the only thing stopping me from being for Nazism is the racism.
  6. Sorry about my bad attitude. I suppose we could have both, since everyone likes different things. I've started on a gamemode for SAMP, it's quite fun, Pawn is a nice language. Sorry about like, my earlier posts Rockstarrem.. Planning any other changes Chris?
  7. Connor(Bad): Hitler was all right, Bin Laden is a little bit, you know, boring. Connor(Good): Hitler is was evil, Bin Laden is a cunt!
  8. They're ok, I'm not very keen on them though. Not really my style.
  9. That wouldn't get me anywhere, I need them to teach me, so I can get a good job. Connor is a psycho, but he's not letting that ruin his chances of having a good job. xD
  10. Tec 9, I saw his topics, he seemed to pwn.
  11. Here's something I made when I was bored at school. My teachers say I'm a sick person.
  12. I don't think having each of the islands from the GTA games together would be right, it just wouldn't fit, different climates.
  13. I meant that I agree with what you said. Then I said that even if you love someone enough to have sex with someone, you love them enough to not have sex because it could ruin a relationship if found out. Nevermind, I don't even know what I say anyway.
  14. *Gives Mardy Bum 'da powder'*
  15. Probably no one will find out, just that I'm just paranoid of things going wrong all the time. If her mom found out, I'd be like, made out as some kind of rapist dude.
  16. Hm, it's really simple, give it another go, download it to your desktop, open it, then follow the instructions.
  17. Yea Chris, I played Breakout a few times, got bored, now it's no use to me, and I doubt it is to anyone else.
  18. I wouldn't like to get my girlfriend or myself into trouble though.
  19. Modifications will work fine if you use the downgrader beforehand.
  20. Ah, I suppose if they make the next GTA in Vice City, they could make it more like Miami, I heard it was supposed to resemble that, like Liberty City is supposed to resemble New York.
  21. It proves you don't care about your partner, because if you're having sex with someone at a young age, you could get them into big trouble.
  22. Exactly, just having sex at a young age is proving that you don't actually love you partner, if you actually loved your partner, you would wait, as you wouldn't want anything bad to happen to them while they're still young.
  23. Sorry, I didn't mean to say it like that, what I meant was that he just seemed to be saying MTA has lots of things what it doesn't have, but what SAMP has. Not usually like that.
  24. Yea, so did I. I wonder if you can actually surrender if being chased.
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