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Everything posted by Deji

  1. well there is something called gravity which pulls you down after a while... amazing isn't it!
  2. oh. someone did make it. But... It's not in time!!! As a DJ (Or not-a-dj according to internet geeks) i made sure it went perfectly in time with the video as it was made- you know... with the 4 beat bass going with the bits of sliced video. oh and i did know that zip would work but i couldn't be bothered to fill the form again! I will do it tommorrow..
  3. Maybe you don't get the word 'Joke'
  4. My first mod. I wouldn't call it a mod really but it's good. I've mixed the song with the intro perfectly. It's the original theme tune from the voice of CJ (Young Maylay) This should get you listening to the intro more! Here is a preview: http://www.megavideo.com/?v=MACOB6PN How to install: Backup your original GTAtitles.mpg and then just copy the file to your GTA San Andreas/movies folder. This should be high quality. But it has been converted so it looses a tiny bit of video quality. I tried to upload this but it didn't work. Just said .rar files are not allowed. And now i can't be bothered to fill the form again. Still it's pretty good... Get it at: http://www.fileden.com/files/2007/8/26/138...eme%20Remix.RAR
  5. San Andreas is better for stunting.... 1. Bigger place to find unique stunts 2. More Scenery, Hills, Ramps ect. 3. Faster Vehicles 4. You can actually see better! On the Vice Coty video i couldn't see much... Too dark.
  6. there are no bloody mods for christs sake!!! If i was gonna use mods the stunts would be better! get over it!
  7. Awww. None of CJ's gals on the hottest character one. The peds then I guess. CJ is the most stylish and Ryder is the toughest but he's still a traitor! Vercetti= Niko's enemy for being too....
  8. Actually he did work for them. To get closer to their trust. Then robbed from their casino- You know, one of the best missions... And CJ is said to appear in GTA IV. With clues of 'Johnson Autos' on a screenshot. Lol @ A f t H! e r ma t h! Claude: Ripped to pieces by catalina!!! Tommy: Drowned as he cant swim! CJ: Parachute failed or is still alive today
  9. I'll admit. I didn't really care about the 3D GTA's until I played San Andreas. I got a PS2 just so I could get this game. I bought 2 copies of it and had to bribe my mum for aaaggggeeesss. When I play San Andreas I don't really even kill. I just run around for hours looking around and eventually finding new fun things to do! Over my time having san andreas i bought many great games, Completed them and then went back to San Andreas. It's the only game i'll ever need. And I keep finding new stuff every day. And on PC.... WOW!! Vice city seemed to pink and thin for me! SAN ANDREAS 4 Life homie!
  10. the bots or spiders are showing up as registered users. and the guest might just be un-logged in members.
  11. nah. Chatrooms suck. TGTAP is the best ATM. my site is gonna take over lol.
  12. Los Sanos, Fierro and maybe Las Venturas. San Andreas is the best!!
  13. lol. he joined just to do that!
  14. Erm. As far as i know there is no Gameshark way to get unlimited height via jetpack. Might be a good mod tho. Exploring this place is hard on the PC. The ways to get there are limited. 1. Marks Bistro Mission-- Heres a save from me! High Noon Save 2. Blue/Underworld Hell 3. Teleport there! Well. My way involves using GTASA Console (Or any other good teleportation hack) I Don't know if this will work outside the mission but here is the Coords... X-------807.323500 Y------488.775800 Z------1600.437000 Angle-72.773900 Now. However you get there (Don't kill the last guy if your on the mission). Make sure to save the coordinates. This will save time in the long run. KANGAROO- Put in the jump high cheat. Go to the back wall where the car is and then turn right. Then jump over the wall. Then keep following the path (The walls are fake!) shoot in front of you or throw satchels or grenades to see whether the path ahead is real. When you get to the end... Got to the end of the wall on the left (Leave jump cheat on) and jump through it. You should now be on a street of Liberty City. The roads aren't real but the pathway is most of the way... Some of the path will be fake so keep shooting ahead! If you fall then simply load the coordinates i told you to save- This works suprisingly. I fell without saving and had to guess til i got coordinates right! Quite a bit of the path is real as well. Maybe R* wanted us to get excited about exploring this? Whatever the case this is fun and if you guess some good coordinates you can teleport to the other side of LC. Or- Just get GTA3!!! Or a map mod...
  15. The FCR!!! FCR 4 Life! The NRG is supposed to be the fastest bike. But a little speed technique i found (and i think others may have found) makes the FCR go like lightning! It also has a nice deep rev thing. I like BMX too.
  16. i think he means Spawn Points. use IPL helper.
  17. why would you need it anyway? a bit of a waste of time really... and if you open a file in your gtasa folder then it gives you the option to increase/decrease it.
  18. I searched everywhere. No sign of anything to help me. I want to get to Interiors (Mostly area 69 and St. Marks Bistro) but I can't play the levels as my game always crashes for some reason and i'm crap with the PC controls. I've tried downloading save games but they won't work with my un-modded main.scm!!! weird... I got a level chooser but that fkd up. Shift ended up making the menu scroll and up and down didn't work! so i can't select amy levels. I've got GTASA console which has a teleporty thing. Perhaps i can get to the interiors via the correct coordinates??? or maybe someone can give me their main.scm and save file for High noon (The next level being the Liberty City one) If anyone can help it'd be great as I have no time to do much else.
  19. i hate mods. hacks are better coz you dont have to have them on all the time and you can choose what you want. Also, everyone packs extras into mods i never want!!!
  20. hmm. GTA San Andreas got mostly 10's from users and a 9.5 on average from websites and mags. I think if we'd rate this we'd have to make a new rating system!!! I created one.... Game rating: GTA 3: 8.5---GTA Vice City: 9.0---GTA: San Andreas: 10---GTA IV 10 GTA Rating: GTA3: 2---Vice City: 3---San Andreas: 7---GTA IV: 9 God knows what we will have to do for GTA 5!!!
  21. Lol! Nothing pwns anything. So what if you perfer Firefox. That doesn't make it better. I never said IE was the best I just gave my oppinion you need to stop forcing your opinion on other people. Back on topic now...
  22. lol . harder to use? maybe thats why i like it, i have the brains to do everything myself and most of the time want to. which is why I hate Windows Movie Maker, it does loads of things for you. I've had more crashes with Firefox and Opera than Internet Explorer and I hardly ever use them. They are just browsers to me and Simplicity is bliss. Firefox usually becomes slower anyway coz it has so many Plug-Ins doing work. Plus the time it takes to load anyway I think the other browsers are good to. Just each do different things in different ways.
  23. LOLZ. Maybe you DO have a sense of humor. ???
  24. Okay. Sorry for my absence. The internet was cut off. I managed to make a quick sketch of the episode. It came to over 20 minutes so we will either have to use Mega Video or i'll have to create and host a GTAG player (Which would probably be better) I just need to add speech and it should be done. thanks. it is going to be one of the ads. Everyone sign up at: http://gtag.ipbfree.com/ PM me there or here then I will give you access to the Scope forum. I perfer not to keep bumping on this Forum.
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