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Everything posted by Antichrist

  1. The truth. I mean i used to play WoW. I fucked friends off. Bands. My ex(for abit) To play that piece of shit. All i got out of it was mass lag in Ironforge and fucking shitty gold spammers.
  2. Hey man you think you could own Big Smokes mission were you have to follow the train? Fucking piece of shit I've tried about 8 times and can't kill the last two motherfuckers on top. V2 i have. Thanks heaps man! http://gtasnp.com/6335
  3. Should have a mass jacket and pull out pistols n shit..But it should show the Shotguns/Machine Guns on your back etc It would be cool if you had to work out to hold higher end guns also.
  4. I'm scared of sharks. Then the shark jumps up and bites him in the ass. I dont want that to happen to me.
  5. I'd like to see Sabre Turbo and the Sentinel, Fucking love that car.
  6. can soemone help me with one of avery's missions i always failed at this mission, were you fly the little rc shit....Haha how do i upload the save game so someone can help me. Much appreciated. -Chad.
  7. I do mate. AK is just overall better than the M-16.
  8. i used to worship that show. Colin was always my fav. He's fucking hilarious. I don't want much tv nowadays.
  9. LOL.....Does the house have a big ass sign that says "Jesus lives here" much like the Jack Daniels commercials. Yeah you wouldn't wanna lay a finger on ya GF, it comes back on ya, not that i would know the worst i did was just scream at her and shit. It's true though Man Made God, Even if it's true he would've had to come from some guys ball sack, or on the other hand if it's fake. Some stoned/drunk Israelite would've fallen over and knocked his head and some cunt helped him out and never saw him again there for he was like ZOMG GOD HALPED ME!?!?! IMO, Religion is pityful. It pisses me off i was watching something on the news and these religious dudes were like give us what we want and we'll make sure god votes for you! Like Tom Araya says "Religion is hate, Religion is fear, Religion is war".
  10. Haha. The best plan ever. Just make sure you uppercut him in the balls for me man.
  11. Yeah man, Don't worry about it lol. Nothing can change what happened ah well. Haha Yeah. Did you hear about them dudes in the trench because Judgement Day was coming. Like what the fuck...... I see like my best mates a band practice thats about it and when i'm trashed i need someone to walk me home. Shit man you're more angry then me. Make sure you dont take that shit out on your GF. I know i did..Ouch..That was the end of us lul..Fucking bitch...Hahaha. I hate her so much Just remember at the end of the day....Man Made God.
  12. The build up to this game is like the build up to Dethalbum. Fucking unbearable. But when it's out it'll be the most awesome thing.
  13. Hey, i'm Chad. i'm 16. I come from a half decent Italian/Australian family, I'm the youngest out of 5 kids. All boys as a matter of fact. 3 passed away when i was young. mum and dad broke up when i was like 4-5. Didn't see him again till i was like 14. I was a prick of a kid. I got suspended heaps, almost exspelled on multiply accounts. I don't have the greatest social life but it gets me by i go out like...Friday, Saturday. Sometimes during the week if i really want to. Mainly i go out to get drunk or to see this chick i fancy. I play guitar for a living in a Black/Dark Metal band called "Daimonion". I fail with girls pretty hard cause i say anything and everything that pops into my head. Like when i was with this chick she goes can someone turn the light off it's hot..i replied...Does this mean i'm getting laid? Unfortunatly it didn't happen LOL. I'm a LeVayan Satanist even though i don't really give a fuck for religion. I'd rather be classed as a Satanist than Atheist or Catholic etc. I dunno why. I'm told i'm angry person because of my music tastes....Hahaha, This is bullshit i'm always happy n shit. Thinking how many different ways i can kill my ex without getting caught. It's pretty genius...Fucking bitch hate her LOL. Anyways thats my 10 cents, Barely anyways didn't even cover early childhood
  14. What teh eff??? ANYONE would get offended when being called a monkey. And who the fuck has mentioned blacks here? He probably ment "Porch Monkeys". I would get offended if i was black.
  15. Grow long hair dye it black wear black leather jacket cut Jesus' head off from the closest Christian college They'll think your insane. HAHA What i do is ignore them as much as possible. Then when they've fucked off go about your business but if it's like really doing your head in. you get them one by one and kick the shit out of them.
  16. Didn't Lemmy record Syds Bass lines cause he was shit or something?
  17. Now You're A Man-DVDA Haha i watched Orgazmo last night.
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