LOL.....Does the house have a big ass sign that says "Jesus lives here" much like the Jack Daniels commercials. Yeah you wouldn't wanna lay a finger on ya GF, it comes back on ya, not that i would know the worst i did was just scream at her and shit.
It's true though Man Made God, Even if it's true he would've had to come from some guys ball sack, or on the other hand if it's fake. Some stoned/drunk Israelite would've fallen over and knocked his head and some cunt helped him out and never saw him again there for he was like ZOMG GOD HALPED ME!?!?!
IMO, Religion is pityful. It pisses me off i was watching something on the news and these religious dudes were like give us what we want and we'll make sure god votes for you! Like Tom Araya says "Religion is hate, Religion is fear, Religion is war".