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Everything posted by Raymond

  1. u are so cool! i will post you up the internet
  2. of course both but most likely peoples will vote for Infernus
  3. they are pretty stupid :lol: i didnt play SA for ages so please dont tell me to post one
  4. cheating u cant get a damn speed for that < refers to shadow539 i never see before a people's internet speed can get more than 7MBps download
  5. if you want to discuss GTA SA cars please use the GTA San Andreas forums to discuss the cars...here is not for you to discuss SA cars but discuss VCS cars
  6. dont be silly anyhow if my name is InfernoWorld, i think about a cyber cafe in Malaysia named Inferno World Infernet Cafe
  7. nice found hidden mission...can i copy it to one of my forums?
  8. the glitch of flying underwater is amazing
  9. at last u become a admin however, MrLlamaLlama is my most respected mod
  10. Woozie needs to change his name to Woozie dude im now happy with my new name
  11. the girls just have been censored anyhow i had maked the girls laugh at the time
  12. I©e's video card is a bill in video card...its very 'lau ya'(rubbish old) i think u need a new PC too
  13. Oh my fucking god, that's, so.. incomprehensibly stupid. dont say like that, because its same also...i had tested Vista with clean registry entries and Vista loads 4 seconds while XP loads 2seconds im not stupid after all, MrLlamaLlama
  14. i like the hunter and sea sparrow
  15. f*ckest gang in VCS is the Mendez Cartel because their f*cking gangs are very annoying when i protect my empire businesses
  16. ^stupid <very stupid v most stupid
  17. arse and f*ck why the hell u put my name in it??!!!
  18. So.. Lets say we've got a XP computer with a 1,8 GHz P4 and a Vista computer with a Q6850 running at 3,5 GHz (OC). That makes Vista fast? No, your hardware. You can't compare apples to pears. When benchmarking you'll use the same hardware. MrLlamaLlama, just go and sleep and Jace, i dont mean USA are stupids because most of them are trusting XP,stupids are refer to the Malaysia stupid Malays who said that Vista has better futures than XP...but they were wrong because XP and Vista are exactly same...do you think Malays are stupid?
  19. this i had only one only... i hope to have ATi Radeon HD3870 DDR3 768MB but my father bought a NVidia 8800GTX DDR3 1024MB anyway ATi Radeon is better than NVidia
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