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Everything posted by Raymond

  1. hmmm...nice windows can anyone post more?
  2. it seems that at 2008 USA will become more colder at 2008 USA goverments will have arguements at the pentagon
  3. i really like the video! :thumbsup: can you give me the link of the youtube? :coolthumbup:
  4. this is an unnesascary spam post Godfather! :angry: anyhow nice videos...my brother and i enjoy it
  5. seriously this is the serious chat...at here we discuss the serious things that happened you and the world normally does US has cuban gangsters? i really want to know because somebody said it
  6. yeah! its his personality why should he use post this sh*t? im really laughed very big at this time
  7. what do you know about? im nearly get pissed because of the weather at there
  8. i think the GTA 3 case was signed by yourself, not jack thompson... that might be a fake signature of jack thompson
  9. my name is Raymond (dont laugh me everybody loves raymond) but in chinese they call me ’SI POKAI‘ (means i will run out of money)
  10. Malaysia will run out of petroleum in 2010 Malaysia will become more hotter Malaysia will have easy disasters such as forest burning,flood and lot Malaysia goverments will arguing each other because lacks of minerals Malaysia will have more damn Malays who likes to show wheelies along the road
  11. no, that wasnt! thats your identity!
  12. i very like the GTA VCS and LCS too! the game of the textures has the same if theres a poll between this choices, what would you choose? i would choose both!
  13. woah! nice found! i would try that today on PC
  14. banned because f*cking forum members
  15. instantly i said, i hope there are lowriders like: Voodoo Savana Remington Slamvan Yardie Lobo(from LCS) sport cars: posted....see above helicopters: Hunter Maverick Armadillo Sparrow Sea Sparrow Police Chopper Police Maverick LCN Maverick(Liberty City News Maverick) Leviathan
  16. anyhow watch this video part 1 part 2 part 3
  17. intel core 2 quad q6600 has 2MB of cache each core u know...AMD Phenom quad core processors has 512kb of cache each core i know that AMD is suitable for playing games because its pretty good...(Intel also good for programmings!)
  18. you are stupid f*cking nonsense...dont post like that at the next time! anyhow 1 game restarted because
  19. i thonk i nod deuwlaod test marst curityse ot pretoct ym CP
  20. ^currently eating sh*t <kissing girls xxxx v??
  21. JBL-(not John Bradshaw Layfield)Jackass Big Loser
  22. Windows XP SP3 will be release this year but it was a BETA version that might cause BSOD(blue screen of death)
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