Then there's the conspiracy stuff about 9/11. People who think it was carried out by the Government often get flamed for not being patriot because of the people who died on that day, not that I'm necessarily saying that I was flamed by you guys when I brought up the 9/11 conspiracy thread.
yeah thanks for that. if i reply after a while or never reply you'll know my connection has gone to hell and i'll be in front of my computer staring at a blank screen that won't load
You think that's bad my Dial-up connection is a light year worse! It takes like 5 minutes to load a TGTAP page...Over an hour to download 1MB...over 7 hours to load Hotmail if the connection goes kuku (I'm being serious it happened last night) And nearly 3 hours to download one song buy a song from iTunes . It's driving me crazy!!
WW2 = CoD before it turned into Modern Warfare.
But this 9/11 picture is in some ways insulting to those who have lost or been affected by the event. To be honest I loled at that for a bit then realized that this could mean trouble...What if that jackass Thompson saw it? Would he start a new campaign labeled "GTA: San Andreas insults the events of September 11" ? But what are the chances he'll ever have a GTA website in his browsing history anyway...Unless he has a secret interest for them...
Like everyone says I would ignore it rather then make a fuss about it.