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Everything posted by azn

  1. Eww horny over cartoons! Hi Alucard you must have posted 440 posts in a few minutes since your a new comber
  2. In Tokyo, of course! Just like the movie, you crash me and you fall off the cliff! LOL! Jks I bet your a good racer
  3. That's alright...You could have blended a few GTAIV screenies like the border at the top of TGTAP pages and then have your name in the corner or in the center, that would like very nice. An avatar, well I don't have any pointers or thoughts yet...
  4. Yeah the music too I love that Westcoast rap, it also influenced me to a little rock which I don't normally like.
  5. Did the Grand Theft Auto series influence the way you look at things in life?
  6. Correct, there are 38 excluding bare fists, camera, night/heat visison, jetpack and parachute. Pass I not sure
  7. I'll rate you homeboy Ar-v; Avatar: 8.5/10 makes me laugh Sig: The same but I like the shiny effect, so 9/10 Person: One of my favourite friends on tgtap...and a homie
  8. I have the same problem but I don't know what the problem is...I boot my computer and it starts off quiet, and when I open up Limewire it gets louder and louder then eventually crashes if I multi-task. My computer specs are: Processor: AMD Athlon 64 X2 5200+ RAM installed: 2 GB DDR II SDRAM Hard drive: 500 GB Standard
  9. How many weapons are there in SA? No looking in the guides
  10. GTA Don; Avatar: 7/10..Nice but I don't get it Sig: 9.5/10 Awesome! Person: He's a cool guy I like him
  11. I'm the one who asked because my arm doesn't stretch out to my balls so I can't masturbate
  12. Banned for being confused...disaster
  13. You should have kept your ass in the SFM you were very helpful...
  14. Someone scratch my balls they're itchy...
  15. Unusually satisfying for
  16. I hope that if they return, you can sprint with them and aim while moving around, like in Saint's Row.
  17. I am over the moon just like everyone else is!
  18. Banned because I'm tired and going offline now, goodnight
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