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Everything posted by Dave1

  1. Nice one bush Damn wtf he sold a state!!!! The 49 states of america..
  2. Double posting noob...lol Nice screens..AND damn good graphics on it...
  3. The church if The flying spagetii monster I found this last night i had to post it
  4. first time i left arr was because slavik was being a bitch.. the second time..was just out of boredum.
  5. Some jerk off from one up..said he was gona hack me on msn.. nice screen...this game is gona be sweet.
  6. You mean you want good members like me geno and akuma...and you want all the noobs to rot in hell
  7. Dave1


    I love you!!!..that site owns!!
  8. I dont know how to convert my money into yours.. and i just thought of the idea...
  9. Nice..once i find my usb cable ill download it. How does the firmware erm work.
  10. Spaz i did get you somthing else but i forgot to send it and sky ...erm..hi i guess.
  11. i got hit by a jumbo jet when i was walking down the street in los santos... (the plane crashes are sweet btw)
  12. Dave1

    it's me

    lol gtawh shut down so all its members are flocking to nation and gta place. welcome .
  13. ^ava 4/9 Sig 7/10 pesonality...nice person and akuma i made that sig for chris
  14. They look great.. but ..who the hell do you think this is?? he looks like big smoke in a way http://www.thegtaplace.com/image.php?img=g...ots/JD_Toni.jpg
  15. ^ will kill u if you still his psp < know the games about randomness V is a sexualy abused orphan (spaz you owned yourself by putting the wrong arrow on the first one)
  16. ^ likes to rant < needs spazes location so i can send him somthing for his b-day V will get raped by a panda
  17. Hey a could not find a skin..but i did find this ... http://www.gta-downloads.com/pafiledb.php?...on=file&id=1879
  18. The chances of your "imaginary friend" working at rockstar are slim to none..and even if he did he would be fired if he told you anything.. CLOSED
  19. brtntrwjtntrw ( i threw my cat on the key board)
  20. Or right now!!! *rapes skyline*
  21. Happy birthday SKYLINE finally 14 Well enjoy your day man..and um..hope you get laid Happy birthday sherman Tell us how much cash you get
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