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Everything posted by Chris

  1. Here's our news post with today's screenshots and artwork from the previews. We aren't posting about the other sites (links are in the topic I linked to above) previews since Kikizo pretty much covered every little detail as they're awesome like that. Which is also easier for us too
  2. Here are the unwatermarked screenshots and artwork from the previews of GTA IV today. Some are brand new, some are higher res versions of old screens, and there is fuller artwork of Elizabeta. See more screenshots and artwork If you haven't read any of the previews that have gone online today then you really are missing an awful lot of information. That link leads of our news post of Kikizo's 10 page preview, a site that in our opinion is putting a great deal more effort into their previews than any other sites, filling us in with information that everyone else is missing. However, below are some links to some of the other big gaming sites on the web who have also published previews. IGN Gamespot C&VG GamesRadar
  3. Holy crap that is a LOT of info there, good job getting all that typed up. Awesome.
  4. Haha that is great. And good catch by the pelican, lol.
  5. Argh... did you get to TGTAP from a search engine or something? It often takes you to that page and it saves the view.. In this topic above your post on the right you see it has Rating and Options... Click on Options, and under Display Modes make sure Standard is selected, you're probably on Outline view which is crap... Hope that helps.
  6. Just a heads up to everyone simply to say that a number of gaming sites are expecting GTA IV previews to go up tomorrow, so keep checking back here for more updates on them as they happen. We hear they'll be based on the same demo recently reported on by magazines including GamesTM and Games Aktuell, but there should be some new info from them as well. We should also see higher res digital screenshots of the images seen in recent magazines, and hopefully some new ones too. Kikizo is just one website publishing a preview tomorrow, they note a time of 1PM EST for it going live (that's 6PM GMT), so expect to see something from them around that time, and I'd guess other gaming sites too. We'll of course be reporting on all of them right here.
  7. its because we are dumbasses. no other place would be stupid enough to buy it for 600 dollars. That wasn't really my point but I guess you may have a point there anyway What I'm saying is, in it's current state, there's no way they can sell that thing in Europe, not unless they do some seriously uber marketing. There are simply way too many phones here that are far more technologically advanced, the fact that my current 1 year old phone is more advanced than it already.... technology has advanced a lot in 1 year, imagine if I bought a new phone now... it's gonna be better than my current one which is already better than the iphone... see what I mean? In features, it's a generation behind, in UI, a generation ahead. They've nailed the UI, now they need to seriously work on features. Anyway, I don't think we should all get so heated about this, it's just a god damn phone. If you like it great, if you don't, don't buy it. Sure we can tell everyone they're wrong... doesn't mean they think that though
  8. After all this we've deduced the following things: There are literally a ton of phones which have been out for at least a year which have the same features (iPhone's biggest problem) iPhone has a really nice UI - but does it really matter? - not for everyone, some people though All phones can play music/mp3's etc. is coverflow really that advantageous to iPhone - no, unless you use it all the time iPhone is marketed and in fact made really just for US people. I could go on but there's no point. Basically if you can afford it, and it has the features you want get an iPhone. If you can't afford it, or if you want a phone with more and/or better features, get another phone. Anyone disagree with what I just said? Oh and as for the look of the phone itself, that's pretty subjective.. you can call any phone ugly, doesn't mean everyone else shares your opinion
  9. Yeah I've met Gerard, twice, and since we're hoping to go to the same university I'll probably meet him many more times Hopefully I will meet some more of you in the future, would especially like to meet all the staff and elites anyway. Plus other normal members I like.
  10. Chris

    Forza 2 Thread

    In this thread we talk about Forza 2 for the Xbox 360, and share custom cars we've made. So I've had this game since it came out, but only today did I try skinning a car. This is my first ever attempt, and since the Lamborghini Gallardo I was driving was yellow, what better way to start off than to make a R* logo on the car! I wasn't really sure what type of decal to use on the doors, there's paint splats, tears, flames, lightning, natures, and creatures, among other sutff. I figured a tear would work the best so that's what I've used there... black/yellow colour scheme isn't great to work with but it turned out ok I think... I will improve. Could have improved this by finding some nicer wheels too, don't really like the default Lambo ones, but there's too many to choose from though EDIT: Oh and yes I know other GTA webmasters have attempted this... I like mine better though, plus I chose a sexy car to begin with
  11. Do not bump 2 and half year old topics Also less of your bullshit.
  12. That was so retarded. A lot of sites posted about that (we and others held off ) Now though, whether it was or not, looks like a huge scam to get free publicity...
  13. We managed to buy 8 2ltr bottles of water today Plus we had already filled up a bunch of containers with water while we still had it the other day, also a friend brought round a load of bottles too, so should last for some days at least.
  14. Up to 14 days without water here...
  15. You're 10 years old. Can you even get an erection yet? Sorry but when I was 10 I was always out playing with my mates, I don't think I even had much of an interest in looking at naked women back then.
  16. Yeah they can work on standard TV's, just don't complain when you can't see any difference in quality Seriously if you can justify it, invest in an HD capable TV, it's well worth it.
  17. The iPhone was so overhyped and incredibly overpriced. It's HUGE lack of features is enough to put me off straight away. I will definitely never get one of these. Don't get me wrong I do like a number of Apple products, but the iPhone is a giant failure in my eyes (yes I know it's sold well - due to Apple's marketing and Apple fan boys which just eat that shit up like a filthy fat whore) You can't even record video? WTF, that's one of the most primitive features of any mobile phone today, and the iPhone doesn't even have it... In fact just the whole list of what it doesn't have is astounding, it really is. They can get away with this in the US though, mobile phone technology there still isn't up to scratch with that in Europe and Japan... but in Europe (especially UK and Germany) who the hell will buy such a feature-less phone? My current mobile phone which I bought last year still has virtually all those features listed above (except flash support - honestly why is this needed?). And 3rd party apps can be installed to do other tasks.
  18. Yeah they're from the Games Aktuell magazine. With that magazine came a DVD with DVD screen captures of those particular images, so yeah they're kinda digital, but GTAReactor and others have gone and put their watermark over them... Either way, they're very low res, I wouldn't host them anyway. I'll wait til we get high res shots.
  19. Dude. Honestly WTF are you doing. You're making up links?... :/ I'm genuinely confused... some links you're posting don't have a domain suffix (.com is missing). some you've randomly inserted the word 'free' somewhere in it. One of the links you changed 'freeimagehosting.net' - which is correct - to 'freeimagelodge.net' - which doesn't even exist. Sorry I don't mean to be offensive, but please, just learn to copy and paste. It really isn't difficult. EDIT: Are you seriously only 10 years old? Shouldn't you be out playing with your friends?
  20. Chris


    Look guys stop posting stuff from other GTA sites. What is it with you lot and stealing content... Geez guys come on, we CANNOT steal other sites content. I'm glad you're trying to help but have some common sense and creativity, help out yourself, not linking to others... @jace: Yeah, alright, I'll try to find the psd and upload tomorrow.
  21. All the water in our taps is gone now. Outside, it is raining. Hard. This sucks. No offence but damn it's like I'm in some third world country or something without proper sanitation... I know there's people far worse off, but still. Still have electricity though which is useful I guess.
  22. Chris


    @Jace: You want the psd of the maps I've done so far?
  23. Oh yeah it was Northern England that flooded last month, it's the South West now. Good thing is it wasn't 'flash flooding', we all knew it was gonna happen because of the weather forecasts and just realising it actually is gonna flood after it's been raining so much. - But yeah that's why no ones died so far in this one. I mean it's good that the UK has one of the strongest economies in the entire world (the only countries ahead of us are like the US, Japan, China and Germany I think). The government should be able to sort this mess out. Some European countries couldn't comfortably deal with the amount of damage (I mean the amount it costs to repair). Well, I guess the ones in the EU are ok since they get other countries' support...
  24. Last month? Yeah, some places, nowhere near as bad as this flood though. Also lol I didn't even know BBCRomanian.com existed... I know they have a lot of foreign language sites but didn't think Romania was one...
  25. ArtSweet: No, flooding happens every year throughout various parts of England (that are near rivers), usually it's nothing too bad, and flood plains / fields fill with water... sometimes houses actually built on flood plains will flood (obviously). Never has it been this bad that actual large towns and cities are getting so much water in them. Apparently this is the worst flood since The Great Flood of 1947 (in this area of the UK, the West Midlands). K9: Never heard of Bloxham, google maps'd it and found it's a few miles north of Chipping Norton, both places are pretty much in the middle of nowhere so to speak, I don't think there's any flooding in those areas. Anyway a few updates I have: In Gloucester (where my dad lives), in the town of Churchdown, they've lost electricity too. Where I live, our water is pretty much gone, if we turn the taps right round we can get a small trickle of water out (I guess enough to wash your hands in). Weirdly we're still able to flush the toilet, but the tank fills up so slowly, probably not many more flushes left... On the news today there's some really disturbing stuff though. In Gloucester, people are selling water on the streets for profit - this is not something you expect to see in a country like England while there's a crisis. In the areas affected, community spirit and morale is still fairly high, even for those with their homes actually flooded for the most part. Some kids are out playing still, and an old couple are pictured in rowing boat, rowing round their neighbourhood
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