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Everything posted by Chris

  1. Yeah the topic edits aren't where they used to be. I'll figure out where to put them tomorrow
  2. @Dazza: Oh, sorry, I read your comment the wrong way, looked like you were saying the 360 sucks, not that it sucks they only put it on 360... punctuation... @chris82: yeah you are right actually. heh. @Jared: Yeah it's strange they now seem to be favouring MS over Sony when it's always been the other way round. How times have changed... I guess there could always be a surprise announcement, but it's getting later and later now [for people who haven't bought a console yet] as people will now turn to 360. If Sony leave it too late then everyone will have already got a 360 and won't want/can't afford a PS3 as well.
  3. Well I was referring to you saying "the X360, it sucks like so much" - no it doesn't. But enough of this already, let's not get sidetracked with arguments about which consoles we like. Who here thinks that the PS3 will eventually get some exclusive DLC of its own?
  4. Oh please, leave the fanboy comments out of this. Both systems are amazing. No one cares if you don't like one or the other. I was thinking the same Charger, but you have to admit now take two have said it's 360 exclusive, it's not looking too great for Sony. We'll see what happens, if anything, though.
  5. Speculation on this subject began back in September 2006 when Microsoft first announced that the Xbox 360 version of Grand Theft Auto IV would receive episodic content. Recently, in the past week, many gaming sites have picked up on this again, after Take-Two released their financial results for the second quarter. The press release simply stated that episodic content would arrive on the Xbox 360 sometime during 2008, with no mention of the PS3. Today, a Take-Two spokesperson has confirmed to GamesIndustry.biz that the episodic content planned for Grand Theft Auto IV will be exclusively released for the Xbox 360. This comes as yet another huge blow to the PlayStation 3, which is doing appallingly compared to its rivals, the Xbox 360 and Nintendo Wii. Let us know your thoughts in the comments.
  6. Everything should be fixed now
  7. I have just completed an upgrade of the forum to the latest version of Invision Power Board 2.3.0. There aren't any new features that you'll be taking advantage of in this upgrade, as many of the improvements are security enhancements and performance tweaks, all the other changes are in the admin panel. There is a new IPB Default skin though, it's called IP.Board Pro, IMO it's a lot better than the old IPB Default. Feel free to use it if you don't like our custom one. Let me know if you find any bugs.
  8. I know what you're thinking. But rather than Yardies I believe they are part of an African gang. I say this because the guy in the foreground has a red/yellow/green shirt on underneath his jacket. He also has a red/yellow/green belt buckle. In the background of the picture over the bar you can see those red/yellow/green banner flag things hanging down. Many African countries flags are red yellow and green.
  9. Terminator 2 when the terminator dies lol j/k I don't think I've actually cried, but The Green Mile is quite saddening. Some other films too which I can't remember off the top of my head.
  10. Why are all these gaming sites only posting this now. It's been this way for OVER A YEAR now. And it's not that PS3 hasn't got any, it's simply that none has been announced yet - so T2 can't exactly put anything else there...
  11. Yeah the wordfilters are a bit fucked aren't they. And I keep forgetting to change them. BTW how are some of you fuckers getting passed the fucking wordfilters anyway you cunts Fake edit: Oh shit sorry I didn't mean to call you all a cunt, the wordfilters dont effect admins
  12. If anyones got a cat then can you post pictures of your cats and also can I have your cats please as I like cats and would like a cat so I can take pictures of my cat and post the cat pictures on the internet with funny things written on them thank you please. I forgot all the punctuation and also I said cat too many times.
  13. We knew pretty much all of that but thanks for posting anyway. WTF is with that "Gangs are confirmed". Just how the hell did anyone think you could have a GTA game WITHOUT gangs? I think that's possibly the stupidest thing I've ever seen a magazine 'confirm'. As for the rampages, unique jumps and rhino being taken out, I highly doubt that, that's just a misinterpretation of what the magazine actually says. The magazine doesn't say they might be cut, it simply says they don't know if they're in the game or not, simply because they weren't shown any yet. It's this sort of spreading of misinformation that gets fans angry and worked up about things. And BTW I'm not personally attacking you 7.62mm, I do realise you've simply quoted this from another forum even though you didn't link to it, as I was shown it earlier.
  14. Not really, because that would be stupid to assume "the above subject" because then it looks like you're requesting porn of tilly jumping over boards or whatever the fuck he said Rule 34 of the Internet states: There is porn or sexually related material of any conceivable subject in the world. You would use it such like: Rule 34 of snow white plz. And then some fucked up dude comes along and uploads pics of a naked snow white or whatever. So anyway yeah we're supposed to be posting pictures of ourselves, not rule 34'ing things, especially not in here.
  15. LOL well too bad he couldn't post it in this topic eh?
  16. LOL! But who's pics are you referring to for Rule 34? @Silberio: It's both, booth is like a small enclosure, like a photo booth or something.
  17. I hear that anything higher than 5MP in a simple point-and-shoot camera is bad, because it become grainy or something. Well, dunno about that, but if anyone here is interested in picture quality and megapixels, then read this article. There's numerous articles like this around the web now, also came across this one in a quick google search. @Jade: Nice pussy. Oh wait, shit, it's a dog, not a cat *ruined that amusing line didn't I* Nice blurry pic too, you do have shaky hands and those pics are new to me.
  18. Spanish swear words mean different things in different Spanish speaking countries. I read http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spanish_profanity the other day after watching a Mexican film.
  19. Long distance relationships kinda suck, but they can work out I guess if you're both committed. But the bad things are: you don't see them very often can be harder to trust them - it's easy for them to have a relationship with someone else, and harder for you to find out it's harder to get to know each other personally since you won't be with each other as often phone bills will be pretty high, or internet usage, whatever
  20. Not to interrupt discussion but does anyone else think it would be a good idea if we renamed this "The Relationship help topic"? Reason being that we do have girls here too, and unless they're lesbian or bi they aren't going to get help from here, changing it to the title above will make it unisex so the girls can use this topic for when they have "guy problems".
  21. Yeah let me just clarify I'm not against Americans because a large number of them own guns. It's just the fact that many of them own one simply to feel safe - that is worrying when you think of it like that. But it seems from that viewpoint that I'm weird because I reckon most Americans think that's just stupid to think of it like that (do tell me). @7.62mm: It's spelt Romanian, only one i I dunno what people from other countries viewpoints are on guns, I might have a look on wikipedia at gun crime in different countries etc. and see what I can find.
  22. Um... well, do you know kokane on this forum? I learnt a few important phrases from her, but that's sort of a long story I don't wanna go into, forum veterans will know what I'm talking about But all I remember now is salut, da, nu, te iubesc atat de mult, and multumesc. I did a quick google search and now I also remember va rog. So that's it like 2 phrases and 4 words. How very useful... And it's like that for various other European languages, I have a vague interest in linguistics (not so much that I'd actually take up a 2nd language) and running an internationally known site like this I speak on msn and such with people from all over the world so I pick up odd phrases here and there, and I know a bit of French and Spanish from school (have forgotten nearly all Spanish I learned though). for example in German I can say "Sie sind ein Schießekopf" (you are a shithead) which is an absolutely pointless thing to know because I'd never say that to anyone I know a few swear words in Dutch, such as "kut" (cunt). In Polish I can say "Jak sie masz" (how are you) Wow, I'm really weird.
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