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Everything posted by Chris

  1. Awesome. Happy Birthday Dave, have a good one!
  2. You know I think this is beginning to change now, thank god. In my social group, if some kid came boasting about how many people he'd slept with he'd be greeted with a barrage of "holy shit how many diseases have you got now?" and "have you had your AIDS check yet?" type comments.
  3. Grieving Jew ..............................................._,,,,-------,,,__ ........................................,,;:#ggg@@g;,..........‘`=-, .................................,,;$#^`````*#@@@g;,.............’=-, ...............................,/$`................``#@@@#g,...............‘\, ........................._,;f`......................,$@@@@#g,..............“\, ....................,/*&gp..+,_..................%*#@@@@g;,............’\, ................,./_`”>’.....`#$$#x;,............,%@@@@@#g;,..........`\ ..............,/ (............`\....`\”*=,``\.......*&*%@@@@@g;,..........\ ...........,/...,^=*#q,_,/`\.......`~..`-.......g$@@@@@@@#g,........| ........../,;p8jq;,_..........;.........................`%@@@@@@@#g;....| ........,/.f,,,,_..`*8r-,.....;......................,&@@@@@@@@@#./ ......./.,$ `\,...`.-...&..../........................`%@@@@@@@@$#/ .....,/,$--__........`\..../............................#$@@@##@@@@/ ...,/\...`’t-,__,;>`..../.........................................;`=””=.`;@#* .,/....`”~--~`’’....-`...................................,--”,~#-,.._*”` (.........................................................,....`””......,;` .`\,_.....................................................&`*-,,_-”` .......`-,_............................................../`.../ .............\..................................................|
  4. In my previous post this week I reported on the release of GTA: San Andreas in Japan and how it was doing surprisingly well. It now seems the Japanese just can't get enough of it. San Andreas topped the sales charts for the week beginning January 15th - January 22nd for all console games, which seems to be quite a rare achievement for a westernised game. A total of 227,261 copies are said to have been shifted that week. It's fair to say that San Andreas has enjoyed a lot of coverage out in Japan, even in the pre-release stage these buses were covered in an advertisement for the game, as are these trucks currently roaming around. This is probably the last piece of news we'll be posting for San Andreas, so it's safe to assume we're now turning our full attention to GTA IV. Stay with us for all the latest news and factual information on GTA4 we'll be finding later in the year, we're sure to be one of the primary resources for everything related to the game. Source: Kotaku and Famitsu (for the images) Thanks Laz for the heads up.
  5. I put all mine into a folder last night - found a site which had a huge archive of them, saved all the good ones I saw. I will hopefully expand this collection a lot over many more escapades into the 4chan /b/oards.
  6. LOL my post above, only just noticed (I'd only glanced at the pic before) that it's a blatant photoshop... no shadow of the "disguise" appears on the wall behind, now I have a pathetic reason to post all my 'shopped' pics from 4chan.
  7. Hey Spaz should one of us make a Caturday topic? I now adore cats thanks to 4chan's epic caturday's. I actually want a cat in real life now. I feel like I'm pissing all over 4chan by copying a legend of theirs, but it's really awesome and I think we should bring it to TGTAP.
  8. Yeah that's true the 2G nano's are a lot better. I might get one, but not sure as I need it, my current one still works perfectly fine it's just scratched to hell. BTW Google Guru I added you to my friends on flickr. Didn't think anyone else here had an account there. So looks like at the moment Apple are still massively winning in popularity, 10 owners vs. 2 Creatives vs, 7 people using various other devices. It's probably stay that way I'd think.
  9. Took the words right out of my mouth. Thanks, saves me typing it all out
  10. No but I want to see it, I've heard it's good. Oh and yes, I am rich enough to buy 1 PS3 with 1 game.
  11. Right so in the first 24 hours we got 220 votes. That's like, only 2-3% of visitors actually voting. Anyway assuming we keep this up we can get 1500+ votes a week on each poll we do, might wait until they hit 2000 before doing a new one, I'll see how it goes. Seems at the moment on the current poll most people want to be able to create a custom character, I don't feel this would be particularly good for the game myself.
  12. Yeah well at least they can get a console version now eh? And at least they can own a legit copy.
  13. http://www.thegtaplace.com/pafiledb.php?ac...ile&id=2164 Just saw this and recognised the name, searched the forums and found this topic
  14. Nearly everyone is Anonymous. I wouldn't say I 'like' all the traps, but it sure is funny when you randomly come across one. We failed at breaking 10,000 posts this month. Unless there's like 400 posts in the next 8 hours. Lowering the figure a little and assuming we make 9,000 posts a month, we will hit 200,000 posts in 10 months time. This is totally unacceptable behaviour. The target is quarter of a million (250,000) posts before Xmas '07. Keep on posting guys, this topic is great if you've run out of useful things to post in the real forums, so use it. Reaching the target will result in everyone winning a cookie from me.
  15. No of course we can't when you've got the file, dumbass. Just post the original pic and a not a thumbnail, it isn't difficult. Wow.
  16. I don't understand this. By your logic, all men are gay... I know that's not what you're saying but just think about it for a second. It's a very naive way of thinking. A female protagonist often works out amazingly well, take the Tomb Raider franchise for instance. You're saying because most gamers are male they'd rather not play Tomb Raider because they can't play as a guy? Listen, I couldn't give two shits whether or not people think it's possible for a female protagonist, yes it's a fantastic debate, but what does it matter... What I would like to know is what people want to play as in the game - this is what matters and this is also what R* would want to know. Now I know that R* don't just go around GTA sites looking at polls and wishlists, but if they saw a poll where the overwhelming majority were wanting to play as a male character do you think they'd even consider using a female character. I don't think you fully understood my reasoning for choosing this type of poll, but hopefully you see where I'm coming from now. Enough of this banter.
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