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Everything posted by Chris

  1. Go>Play Magazine has a six-page preview of Vice City Stories, it includes some new screenshots, as well as further details on the empire building feature. A car is parked outside of each building that you can obtain, destroying it initiates an attack on the gang currently running it. To successfully acquire the building Go>Play say you must kill everyone outside and inside the building, furthermore it will not go up for sale until you "wreck the place." After you choose what type of business to set up, and its size, the actual building takes around 2 game days to complete. After this you can save the game there and "make changes" to the business via the notice board. You will have to work for the business as well, as it won't run entirely by itself, additionally you get a "pimped out" car (what type depends on the business) permanently sat outside the place. Go>Play also suggest the soundtrack is just as good as Vice City's, which is great since Vice City still has probably the best game soundtrack in the world. You can see scans of the mag over at the GTAForums topic thanks to Rockyfella.
  2. Looks like R* are giving out screenshots and videos willy-nilly now, and good on them for doing that, we seem to be seeing a lot of Vice City Stories lately. GameTrailers were first with their video showing off some of the insane stunts you will be performing in the game, the video is about 30 seconds long. Link: Insane stunts video IGN were next with two new videos. The first is called Running From the Law and shows Vic doing exactly what the title suggests, the other is called Jet Skis Can Fly!, and likewise, has a self explanitory title and shows jet skis jumping Leaf Links golf course. They were also kind enough to release a new screenshot (see below). Link: IGN videos GameVideos followed suit and posted a video mainly focusing on the addition of helicopters to the game. The video is also around 30 seconds long. Link: Helicopters video Finally, 1UP have posted a new screenshot showing Vic donning a USMC shirt.
  3. Yesterday, MTV and Gamedaily both posted their previews of Vice City Stories. Nothing new in either of them, though. Links: GameDaily, MTV
  4. Unlike Claudia, I don't think she would be willing to provide this material.
  5. OLD news. Sorry, I know it's hilariously trivial, but it is from February... Some people may not read the BBC everyday though I guess. Carry on.
  6. This is just a forewarning that soon we will be upgrading Invision Power Board, the software these forums are powered by. We've always been quick to upgrade when InvisionPower release updates, and I'm planning on upgrading September 22nd when IPB 2.2 is released, albeit a beta version. As far as I know there are no major changes to any of the current code, which should hopefully mean that all our mods, the store and gangs and such, will still work with no problems after the upgrade. We're now waiting until the final release of IPB 2.2 before we upgrade. I guess you're all wanting to know what new features will be in this upgrade. You can find a link to Invision Power's announcement at the end of this post, but I'll just explain a few of the most noticeable changes, some of which are blatantly stolen from vBulletin, which is a good thing, as it brings them up to date. Completely redesigned profile pages Clicking a username in a topic will now display a neat menu with links to the user's profile, their posts, send them a pm etc. Revamped WYSIWYG editor in posts (this is all the buttons for making stuff bold, underlines, inserting links etc.) making it faster loading and less cluttered Huge images are now automatically resized to fit in your browser window, and don't break the skin. New attachment system - The attachment system has had a complete overhaul and is now styled along side the new text editor. If you're uploading more than one attachment per post the page won't need to reload after each upload. Profile comments - Much like social networking sites such as MySpace and Bebo, you can now leave comments on other users profiles. Of course there are many more improvements, a lot in the admin panel, and a lot in the code, such as security enhancements making it harder for the spam bots to get on here. I'm sure you'll all find them out for yourselves once the upgrade has taken place. If you're interested about all the new stuff then follow the link below to read the announcement at Invision Power. http://forums.invisionpower.com/index.php?showtopic=226814
  7. why would GTA4 have a horrible resolution like that? You do know PS3 games are mostly going to be 1080x720 right?
  8. The latest issue of PSW Magazine (UK) has a feature on Vice City Stories, they also included several new screenshots which you can check out on page 1 and page 2 of the magazine. Thanks to ja750 for the scans.
  9. Only 9 definites? Would prefer more to make it worthwhile, if you want it bad then encourage other members to post here and say so.
  10. LMAO you actually visit that GTA-Addic site? Addic isn't even a word, not in English anyway which is the language he writes his site in (I don't know what nationality he is and I also don't care). But Addic is an abbreviation which stands for the Alcohol and Drug Dependency Intervention Council. I mean WTF does it have to do with GTA? The webmaster of that site is a complete tool, he always steals his news from mainly here, gtapsp, and gtanet. Absolutely ridiculous. He has no respect in the GTA community, and doesn't even give his site a name that makes sense. The guy is a dick. He put up our affiliate button once but I forced him to remove it as I don't want us to be associated with his site.
  11. Two brand new screenshots have appeared at Italian website Multiplayer.it. Check them out below, and all the other screenshots we've recently uploaded on our VCS Screenshots page. Thanks to GTA-Series for the info.
  12. If you're sharing videos you should all put them on YouTube, it's a lot easier for us to see them all that way. I recorded a couple of videos over a year ago doing flips off mount chiliad in a quad, I only managed 4 but I was really testing my video capture card from my PS2 so it wasn't an attempt at a record or anything. I also made a video of flying the Vortex which was just another test, I didn't go that far. Links: Quad Flips - Vortex Flying -
  13. We've had email validation on for years. They all use free Russian webmail providors. At some point there is a human involved, the rest is automated.
  14. After the influx of previews cropping up over the last couple of days, this wealth of new info from PSM comes as an unexpected but pleasant suprise. It seems Vice City Stories will be a lot more advanced than many of us originally imagined, and with more in game specifics being user driven, in particular the "empire building" feature. If you're able to get a copy of this magazine then I suggest you go out and buy it, there's also a few new screens included. Thanks to gamerzworld for posting the info and Neil for the heads up.
  15. I just wish IPB would hurry up and fix the problem, we have image verification on and everything. And vBulletin forums never have this problem, so IPB are doing something wrong.
  16. Yeah that too. The cretin had a static IP. I checked and nearly all of his posts here were made under the same IP, all bar about 10, which were made by a completely different IP, possibly his school or something. I banned both anyway, and also added them to the firewall so he can't even access the server.
  17. tx3000 has no idea what he was talking about, maybe his points were valid, but he had no suitable way of dealing with any problems, and it seems like he has only ever used an InvisionFree board, 3 year old software just does not compare to what we use here. His posts were always full of irony. In the end I just banned him because he was causing more disruption everytime he posted, since everybody grew to hate him in a very short time. Of course we want everybody to get along, to do this we first need to get rid of all the useless members. At the moment they seem to be all gone, which is good.
  18. This is getting very annoying now, hence this announcement. Whenever a spam bot posts here with multiple links to drugs, loads of you are replying with things like "if you want to stay here you better stop advertising". Do you really think they even know what GTA is? They are spam bots advertising drugs. Do not reply to the topic and give them even more exposure, use the report button instead, so at least the mods and admins can see the topic immediately, do not reply and bump it up to the top of the page, what a silly thing to do
  19. Irony FTW. tx3000 contributed heavily to the disorganisation by posting a multitude of invariably similar topics and posting this originally in a completely unrelated forum. This is usually the time where I concoct a grammatically flawless paragraph with strings of incredible language not in our everyday vernacular, however, since this is tx3000 we are talking about, I can't be bothered to feed him incentive. "If the admins ban me I'll just come back with another account" - Good, you'll keep my staff active then. As Gerard pointed out, you really don't have a clue what you're talking about. It is clear you do NOT know how to run a forum, such is the evident lack of knowledge in the terminology used nowadays. Some members have recently coined the term "bitch-fest", this isn't one though, he had somewhat valid questions at first, although completly unneccesary. if you want to flame him then go and post in the WarZone.
  20. There are 3000 sets. Not sure where you heard 100 from. I will have both the GTA3 and Vice City ones anyway
  21. Happy birthday Sky! Have a good one!
  22. There have been many previews and screenshots of Vice City Stories appearing on the web today. As there is such a large number of them I've consolidated everything into this one post. For those of you who are just interested in the screens, I've uploaded all of the new screenshots to our VCS Screenshots page. UPDATE 1: IGN have posted their Preview and a couple of brand new Screenshots Eurogamer have followed suit and also posted a preview of their own with one new screen. UPDATE 2: Gamesradar have posted a Preview along with some Screenshots, all of which are seen in other previews today. UPDATE 3: SPOnG have a preview of VCS on their site, there are no new screens in this one though. As well as this, ComputerAndVideogames have 2 new screenshots for your viewing pleasure/ UPDATE 4: German gaming site 4Players.de have a whopping 8 new screens, 2 of them being exclusives. GameSpy have also posted 2 new screenshots, in addition to some old ones with a weird blue effect on them. UPDATE 5: GameSpot have posted some new screens, as well as some of the older ones now without their watermarks. UPDATE 6: TotalVideogames have posted a preview but with no new screens. Finally, what seems to be the last preview comes from 1UP, they also have a few new screens with their article. Enjoy reading through all those articles! I myself couldn't really find any new information. However, one screenshot shows an air ambulance. Whether we'll be able to carry out the Ambulance missions in this is unclear, but it seems pointless putting in an air ambulance if we can't use it.
  23. Yeah what on earth did you do to the text? :/ What were you cutting it out from my image or the vcs logo? Also you just used random artwork to cover up the joins in the images, I tried my best to blend mine, I want some better screenshots though before I make a decent banner.
  24. C:\Documents and Settings\Chris\My Documents\GTA San Andreas User Files replace 'Chris' with your username on your computer obviously though.
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