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Everything posted by Chris

  1. Well I still prefer shaving, it's quicker, easier and no pain unless you have a shitty razor or shaking hands. Also you just reminded me of this kid Ryan in my class. Jesus Christ he actually looks like Jesus! He's the only kid in the entire year who doesn't shave. When he's walking down a corridor all the kids in years below are talking quietly to their friends saying "oh my god did you see that guys beard" In fact, since I've been bringing my camera to school this week as it is my last week there (w00t!). Here is a picture of him in the history room This is NOT me:
  2. Rockstar have updated the Official PC site with 4 new screens seen below. They've also updated the Official Xbox site with the trailer that was released on IGN yesterday. We've updated the trailers page on the website with links to the .wmv and .mov files of the Xbox trailer. Links: PC Screenshots, San Andreas Trailers
  3. There's a disclaimer on the website which states console designs and images are liable to change. Which is why I said 'probably' so if it is changed I don't make an ass of myself.
  4. Take Two have a press release officially announcing the title of the GTA game for the PSP - Liberty City Stories. The title is to be shown behind closed doors only, so if you haven't got an invite you aren't going to see it. Read more of the Press Release for more comments on the game. GTA LCS is due for release this fall, after the European release of the PSP console, September 1st. We're looking forward to it.
  5. I know some people who were saying that the forums were slow and we decided it was because of that Splinter Cell ad campaign we had running. Well it's ended now, and first of all I'd like to thank everyone who clicked it. Second of all, since it's gone we have a new one in place, and as of yet I haven't got and problems with speed of the forums, so it must have been just that ad. Oh and this Xmods advert is turning out to be the most successful ad campaign we've ever ran, its paying for the hosting bills nicely.
  6. Inspired by talk of a new GTA game for PS3, avid fake screen constructor MVI has made a new screen with his take on what the gallery feature will look like, and in my opinion it's a pretty good representation. Click for the fake screens page In case you haven't yet seen what the PS3 is probably going to look like, here are some pictures of a fridge door with dildos for controllers: Pictures are actually real and are found on E3.PlayStation.com
  7. The Playstation 3, or PS3 as it is rather known, has finally been revealed at the Electronics Entertainment Exposition (E3). It's alleged to be twice as powerful as Microsoft's recently disclosed Xbox 360. So we should see some fierce competition between the two, with Sony already seemingly striking the first blow against Microsoft with the more powerful console. In related news, IGN have confirmed Rockstar will be supporting the PS3, unfortunately no new GTA game has as of yet been confirmed. Although one has to assume GTA4 will be made. Where will we all go if it isn't? We'll have to get proper lives! If a new GTA game is confirmed we'll have all the latest news both here and over at GTAFour with out new linked news system which is all nicely categorized as you may well have noticed by now. Each section of the website now displays news from the appropriate category if you haven't. Thanks to Neil for the heads up.
  8. I'm not giving you the code. Also, bryan designed your site, I don't believe you know those languages you say. For a start if you did know them you wouldnt be asking me these questions would you? You're evidently a newbie to it all.
  9. Do you know PHP, MySQL and HTML? if not your screwed, you need to be fluent in those three programming languages to even begin to make it. The gang system we have is coded by myself and is exclusive to this website.
  10. All members who posted shit in this topic have been banned forever, we aren't a joke, you won't get away with stuff like that anymore
  11. Well I would say that's good using IPB2 except your using a cracked version. How do I know? Simple, IPSCheck, it generates two 5 digit numbers on real version, on yours, it generates a message from the people who cracked it. Look. Go here on your forum: http://servers.servegame.org/forums/?ipscheck=1 Had you been smart and used the latest professionally cracked version, or in fact paid for it, it would have generated the numbers properly. So, now anybody here is likely to report you to Invision. Examples of forums with paid versions: http://forums.centralgamers.net/index.php?ipscheck=1
  12. And so we should laugh our asses of at the people who bought domain with liberty city stories in them? LMAO
  13. I admit it's a bit of a mouthful to say, I guess it would commonly be abbreviated to GTA LCS. Even GTA Liberty City would be a better name in my opinion, I think it was wise of me to buy that domain though since it's definitely set in Liberty city, so it doesn't matter if they change the name of the game or not it's still directly related
  14. The XBOX 360 people say that EVERY game made for it will support Xbox live, so if Rockstar do make a GTA for it, guess what, it's going to be online. At least one would assume that if Microsoft are telling the truth. And if Sony want to compete, you'd think they'd do the same.
  15. cool, can we use that on the site too?
  16. Yeah we just posted about that
  17. Hey 888ball nice to see you around here. I'm really hyped up about this game now, it makes me want to buy a PSP, just the title of it is intriguing.
  18. Just one day before the start of E3 and gaming site Joystiq have essentially confirmed the name of the Grand Theft Auto PSP game. Liberty City Stories will be its name. To further the claim, Rockstar Games are the registrant of the domain name LibertyCityStories.com which makes this a very viable name for the game. We'll bring you more news as we get it. Our Liberty City Stories section of the website will from now on be reachable via GTALibertyCity.com, a rather apt domain for the game don't you think? Thanks to Codename:GTA for the news.
  19. This usually happens on MSN, someone tries to send you either an .exe or .scr file
  20. yes our site www.gtafour.net says basically everything that is on every other gta4 site so may as well stick to our network. Actually the only thing I don't have is that quote from Sam Houser and info about next gen consoles. *adds quote from Sam Houser and info about next gen consoles* EDIT: just realised this is a useful topic, from now on all posts should contain discussion about the possibilities of online play (lets face it it is quite likely considering comments)
  21. another n00b bites the dust! (that means he's banned whenever I say that)
  22. You buy them from the Usershops page funnily enough, and you use items from your inventory.
  23. Ha but it can't even display a bullet point properly or in fact space out those images correctly.
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