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Everything posted by Chris

  1. This is not the place for this topic. And what game are you needing them for? So I know where to move this topic.
  2. Chris

    Next war?

    For as long as there is religion there will be war. - (yes I know there's usually other contributing factors but there are always religious undertones in the Middle East at least). No we don't need this. Looks at the moment to be a show of power and follow up to threats as mentioned in the article. If war breaks out then I just hope the UK isn't dragged into it. We're losing too many men in Afghanistan right now, we don't need more bloodshed anywhere else.
  3. Ha! Kissing admin ass are we? What do you want? Moderating powers?! :P

  4. eBay fees are pretty low considering and you only pay them AFTER the sale, so you'd have the money to pay then.
  5. Ask one of the many modding teams on the net. Not sure we have any actual modders here to do it, but it would be possible yes.
  6. Pretty sure you'll get a better price on eBay, or since you're in America, Craigslist. Most people here are cheapskates
  7. No I don't think this should be pinned. 1. You've clearly made no attempt to string a coherent sentence together and your topic title barely makes sense. 2. Stop capitalising random words. Makes the paragraph even harder to read than it already is. 3. You forgot to erase the watermark on one of the images. So we know they aren't yours. 4. You're a PBM and I hadn't got round to banning this account of yours yet. I have now though. Keep joining and we'll ban your entire country. Too many idiots from Pakistan joining now...
  8. If your download speed is only 20kb/s it sounds like you're on probably the slowest ADSL speed of 256k. Your upload will only be 10kb/s max. So it'll probably take around 15 minutes to upload an 8mb file. If you think it's really worthwhile then you can email it to me (chris at thegtaplace.com) and I can upload for you.
  9. I'm not surprised. Topic locked, no need for this now.
  10. Something like this will probably be added. We have huge filesize limits here so 8mb is no problem. Probably just IE being crap as usual, which version are you using? Most likely just a random crash anyway since this is the first time anyone's reported anything like this. In the meantime you could try uploading your mod using a different browser.
  11. OS installs seem to require a very slow burn speed for accuracy. If you burned at any higher than 4x you may want to burn another copy at that speed and try again.
  12. Should be fine with the Q9550.
  13. How the hell would they have even managed to put v2 up of their forums when it's been down for 4 days? Don't you people ever think before you say something? By the sounds of it they haven't even finished it yet. @Steam: You can swear on GTAF they just have word censors turned on for fuck and cunt. If they did ban people for swearing then they wouldn't use censoring options.
  14. LOL that's retarded. They have over a quarter of a million members with several million posts, you think they ALL will have left? What about all the other downtimes they've had in the past?
  15. Yeah I read that. I've considered coding TGTAP's from scratch but unfortunately I don't have a talented pool of coders to choose from, so it would just be me, and it's too big a task I'll just stick to heavily modifying IPB
  16. Indeed. Also, someone will have made a Subaru Impreza WRX 22B STi by then I expect, they truly still are the best Impreza's.
  17. Wow. Bad fucking luck is all. I've seen all the movies but don't actually believe stuff like it generally happens... but fuck me if I was someone else who missed the plane and was now reading this article I would be shitting myself :/
  18. V2? of what their forums? There's been a topic on that for like, well I dunno but at least a year. They're worse than us for the length of time in development
  19. Read Andy's posts in the GTAG thread if anyone reading this actually cares about GTAF's status. He's already confirmed the wiki article is BS and has also stated Tank is busy getting new hardware into place. So, as I said, will be back online in the next few days.
  20. Do you guys really believe it's gone forever though, absolutely no evidence for that. LOL @ the fact they have a Wikipedia page though, pointless as hell but whatever. I think probably some GTANet hater has changed it all to past tense, it doesn't mean anything. According to their twitter they suffered hard drive failure. Now assuming they're not stupid enough to store backups on the exact same hard drive, they can presumably (once getting a new one up and running) simply restore the latest backup. You would think they have some offsite ones recently anyway wouldn't you. If they don't then that's terribly retarded not to for a site that big :/ So yeah I'm pretty sure they'll be back up and running in the next few days. EDIT: Just seen the thread on GTAG. Actually kinda funny they all went there to complain and troll and whatever.
  21. No one else thinking "Azazel" is a troll? I mean come on... first post is that?
  22. Mustangs have been pretty popular in the previous games, someone will make one soon
  23. Fixed. @RAPTORX22: If not daily it should be at least more frequently than I have been doing recently. But I won't be posting news about them everyday, maybe save that for the weekends.
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