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Everything posted by Chris

  1. Well that would be plagiarism. And there's an English wiki already over at GrandTheftWiki.com. I'd rather have our members create original content for us rather than copy others
  2. Recent developments in the Zmodeler community have led to the release of a WFT Exporter, meaning that modders can now export their models in a format that can be used within GTA IV. This almost immediately led to the creation of some simple vehicle modifications, convertible versions of cars etc. and we're now also seeing conversions from other games such as NFS:MW and Juiced 2 to name a couple, in addition of course to custom made models. Since this has all happened over the past week or so, I figured this weekend would be a good time to add them all to our database and to announce them here. Below is a list (not exhaustive) of a whole bunch of mods we've added, hopefully some will be of interest to you. If you perhaps have stopped playing IV for a while, why not pick it up again and add some new cars to it? Browse our bike and car mods, or take your pick from these 30 recently added ones below. <div style="width:600px;margin: 0 auto;"><div class="left" style="width:300px;"> 1995 Toyota Supra MKIV 2004 Pontiac GTO Aprilia RXV550 BMW M3 E46 Bobcat Megatruck Buffalo Cabrio Chevrolet Bobcat Chrysler 300C Coquette M Drag/Street Racing Limo Drift Driving Mod Grotti Cheetah Homeland Security Mod LCPD Auxiliary Police Lost and Damned Bikes </div><div class="right" style="width:300px;"> Mercedes Conversion Modified Feltzer Monster Truck New Pony's Nissan Silvia S15 Nissan Skyline R32 GTS-t Nissan Skyline R34 GT-R Z-tune PMP600 DUB Edition Police Comet SWAT Mod Sabre Old Police Subaru Impreza Sultan GT w/ Modified Wheels Uranus Cabrio Yamaha YZFM 450 </div><div class="clear"></div></div> Remember you'll need a tool such as SparkIV or OpenIV to modify your game. Since GTAForums is currently down we've provided a mirror of SparkIV, version 0.6.2, which has been fixed by gamerzworld to work with the latest patch. While we're on the subject of downloads, I'd also like to say that I'm planning on making a few improvements to the way our database works and looks soon. I've already search engine optimised most links, but that doesn't really concern you. In terms of the front end, we should have a better ratings system done soon, fancy AJAX and everything. You'll be able to hover over stars and click, rather than having to choose from a dropdown box. I have a few other ideas in mind, but if you have any suggestions for us please leave them in the comments so I can read over them and maybe add any that I think would be useful. Enjoy!
  3. As long as it's a relatively bug free and stable release then that's cool. I cannot be fucked to check out the source because I don't particularly care how true this is. I'm not that desperate to upgrade, but will do as soon as I have the RTM version in my hands
  4. Guys learn to look at the source. It's from the fucking Daily Fail. Can't trust a word of their shit. Worst UK newspaper ever. Also, what a fucking dumbass Polish slut, her mother not the kid. The kid blatantly fucked some guy or was raped and she won't tell her mother the truth. The mother is retarded in that she actually thinks it's possible to get pregnant in a pool. Oh well, since there's a 100% chance she'll lose the case since she won't be able to prove it, it's a good way for her to lose all her money. Hopefully she'll be so poor she'll have to go back to school, maybe she'll learn a few things.
  5. wowwwwwwww unless your actually the girl in your ava ... no thanks XD http://wrx.22b.sti.googlepages.com shoutbox works well there. if someone spams i just IP ban them Yep that's me in my avatar
  6. WTF SV. I wasn't talking to you, I was talking to anyone who thinks shoutboxes are a good idea.
  7. Show me an example of a website where a shoutbox is used successfully with zero spam and meaningful comments posted in it. Show me that and I'll show you a good time.
  8. @WRX: You can use WINE. I'm not sure how games run in it but it's worth a try.
  9. It's not from Linux. Clearly your new to the Linux community if you think that, and also that Ubuntu is new. As SV said it's been around for years, and the OS is based on Linux which you actually quoted yourself :/ But yeah I don't actually use it. I have it installed in a virtual machine but only for testing purposes really, mainly for web design, Linux based web browsers etc.
  10. Ahahahaha I literally was thinking the same thing Chris. When we both put our pics up, I might as well make a funny shoop of us three with the shirts. @ Llama - When I first read your posts earlier today I thought you literally ment angry, but I'm a little faded at the moment anyway and I finally got it. Haha damn. I feel stupid. LOL Americans.
  11. Awesome, I may be buying that. Since we don't know each other IRL it won't be copying so I won't look like a twat
  12. Where's the yum yum panda burger t from?
  13. Woo new Llama pics. You never post your pics. This is a momentous occasion!
  14. @Nate: It's most likely being used on loan from her university. At least that's how things work here, you just borrow the equipment from the uni to film your assignments or whatever then give it back when you're done.
  15. Agree with Jace. Although you didn't get much of a response here (seems our main techy people missed this) it's probably better just to ask advice from users on forums you frequent. Then again you never followed up with another reply so we don't know what you're doing
  16. Rockstar have just announced a new contest over at the Social Club. The contest, sponsored by Logitech, asks users to: Good luck to everyone entering!
  17. Some stuff on the forum is cached so display name changes may not show up on old topic unless they are updated. Llama answered the others.
  18. Crazy shit. You actually use them all regularly or just have them because you can? Seems kinda pointless...
  19. Chris


    Merged with old thread My reply from over 2 years ago still stands, as will most other people's I think. Shitty MMORPG. You're probably only the 2nd member here who likes it
  20. Agreed. I won an HTML coding contest back when I was in college; the other contestant crufted his way while I insisted on keeping it simple as well as readable. Bro you are EIGHTEEN.... You should be JUST STARTING college. He's not American. In a lot of countries college is 16-18 (or similar) and just a form of higher education, below that of a university but above high school.
  21. Chris


    7/10 - Vista x64 Ultimate - Has run flawlessly and never once have I had any sort of a problem using it. There's just some things it doesn't do very well, hence the loss of 3 points. Windows 7 improves performance, look etc. so I'll be upgrading to the final version immediately. I'm not happy with Vista and as I just said it runs flawlessly for me. I couldn't even begin to imagine using a problematic machine. @Raybob: You love the classic theme? WTF, that sucks ass, it's just grey. Unless you're colour blind I cannot see how anyone can find that appealing, especially if you use the computer for long periods of time everyday, like me. It's awful. Dullest computer OS theme ever.
  22. Cool, IIRC that camera is supposed to be pretty damn awesome, and very expensive, you're gonna be saving for a long long time! Hope to see you over there once you get it though Cool, so what are you actually studying at college/uni? Something to do with media I guess? Awesome. Yeah I had a feeling you were going to be the only one but looks like we have a few more people so that's good
  23. Holy crap on a cracker. Epic trolling right there... I just wasted nearly an hour reading up on one scam, roarsome. Yeah I first found that site a couple of years ago and spent so long reading through various stories, listening to audio clips and watching videos of people fucking with the scammers, hilarious shit but I wasted so much time on that site
  24. Yeah well I guess everyone has to start somewhere. Only thing is with indie films is they are usually very low budget, hence being independent, so the pay isn't good and you'd need to do loads to live off of it. It would most likely just be a part time job.
  25. For yourself do you mean? You want to be an actor?
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