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Everything posted by Chris

  1. Yeah Slyde, add them to the poll you lazy bastard
  2. Oh, fucking IPB breaking up the URLs. It just goes to the shower in the morning topic in The Lounge. Check it out lol.

  3. Anything but Y-fronts, they're uncomfortable as fuck and keep your bollocks too warm and all your sperm dies and shit like that. Also you look retarded. So yeah boxers or boxer briefs.
  4. ^ Yeah I would have said that. If you knew her well chances are good you might know the answer. But if you get it right you should just delete said email (then from trash as well) and leave her account alone. Don't fuck around in it.
  5. Yeah Kaley Cuoco. Did you ever used to watch 8 Simple Rules, she was in that. Big Bang Theory is pretty funny though.
  6. Looks like Rockstar have released a small game update for the PC version of GTA IV. Next time you log on to Games for Windows LIVE you'll be prompted to download it. The update includes everything from the previous patches, so if you don't already have the patch you'll only need to install this one, not all of them. Rockstar haven't yet added this to the official site yet, so we're not sure of the exact details of what it does. However, some players are reporting performance increases with an extra 5 fps, sometimes even more. Guess it all depends on your setup. Let us know in the comments how the patch effects your game. We'll post full details of the changelog once Rockstar put it up. UPDATE: It's simply a maintenance update: As an aside: Both ATi and nVidia this week released updates to their graphics card drivers. These can of course also help give you better performing games, so it's recommended you upgrade these as well. Links: ATi Catalyst 9.6 or nVidia 186.18 for the latest drivers. EDIT: Local mirror of the patch here: download patch
  7. Yeah Dexter is fucking awesome. I was the one who got Evo watching it
  8. Ah man you disappoint me. I was expecting you to do EXACTLY what Patrick Bateman does every morning Man I fucking love that film. I'm gonna have to watch it again soon. Christian Bale is roarsome.
  9. Chris


    TGTAP Forums: You won't find posts with such astounding quality anywhere else on the web!
  10. Finally someone else who knows what they're talking about
  11. Yeah well it's still pretty risky to use. You should read up about torrents and how they're better in every single way.
  12. exactly the same X3 I don't understand people who shower at night, you always sweat during the night so if you don't shower again in the morning your clothes start smelling of BO a lot sooner which you may not notice yourself but other people will. Also if you have long or weird hair it fucks up if you sleep on it wet/damp. I always have to shower in the morning just so my hair doesn't look any more retarded than it already is. It just makes sense showering in the morning, it wakes you up for the day, you smell nicer (I mean you're gonna be up all day so if it's been 8+ hours since your last shower you're kind of failing especially if you'll be socialising in any way shape or form that day). The only time I used to shower at night was when I used to go to school, so similar to what Ivan said. This is because I was a lazy fucker (still am) and never left enough time for myself to get up properly each morning, so if I didn't do it the night before I would stink, and would obviously get bullied to fuck and suffer from severe depression. Also there was already a "smelly kid" in the year so I didn't wanna be another one. Fucking hate smelly kids. Why don't they ever shower or wash their clothes? Do they ENJOY getting bullied? @Slyde: You don't get THAT dirty during each day for your sheets to stink so quickly. If yours do then you have some serious problems. Unless you've been playing sport or some other activity to day which has made you sweat a lot, there's no reason to take a shower at night. WRX22B1998 said it perfectly.
  13. All the current memes on /b/ fail way harder than any other time I've been on it. TBH I think Sony would have been more inspired by Zero Punctuation because that's the kinda style he does his videos, except Sony got an actually artist to draw stuff rather than just drawing crude stick men.
  14. Uber 4 Mio. SINGLES warten auf Dich! This is retarded as shit though. I prefer all the other ads on the page. Apart from the one that didn't load, that one fucking sucks. Oh by the way, how fucking old school are you! IE6 on XP with the classic theme. Don't you find that boring as fuck to look at? LOL LIMEWIRE. Enjoy your poisoned files.
  15. LOL, it's pretty well done but I didn't see a single 4chan reference there. All the funny video clips and pictures are from the olden days of the Internet before 4chan even existed. All your base are belong to us did not come from 4chan either. Learn your memes, newfags.
  16. Sure you can do them.
  17. GTAmissions has been around for years Husky.
  18. No, they used to be "officially" on GTA-Junkies.com forums but it looks like they've closed down. So it's a no either way. They seem to do everything via YouTube anyway I can't see why they'd need a forum. People can just comment the vids for questions etc.
  19. No one can be arsed to deal with the large amount of steaming poo that is this topic so we are locking it for the benefit of society. What? It wasn't going anywhere.
  20. Holy shit AWESOME new high res scans!
  21. Burn his penis so it belongs to me? What sort of half arsed excuse is that. It doesn't even make sense because chances are it wouldn't function properly. If he's having an affair why do you wanna still be with him AND a dysfunctional penis. What a fucking stupid bitch. I hope she dies fairly soon. What an absolute waste of oxygen.
  22. Same, guess I'll be on YIM more often.
  23. ^ LOL you wish. @Nate: Didn't think anyone else from here spoke to her! Anyway I doubt you're reading this but I already spoke to you on YIM but Happy Bday anyway etc.
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