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Everything posted by Chris

  1. Not sure if there are any people here into filmmaking, but I figured I'd give this website a plug here seeing as I'm the lead developer on it! For almost a year I've been working as the lead developer on a new social networking website tailored for film makers of all ages and skill levels. We finally got round to launching it recently and the website is now fully functioning with more exciting features coming soon. Take a look below at some of the current main features. Hopefully some people here have some filmmaking experience, if so, hope to see you over there at ShoutFILM.com !
  2. Ha, I've seen this before, and being a web designer it makes me want to brutally murder the guy who made it. Luckily I know it was only done as an experiment to show what happens when you use both invalid code and go against every single good design principle there is. This is the result. And this is why more people need to appreciate the hard work web designers put in to making websites compatible and valid across all browsers and OS's Oh yeah anybody on IE6!? Do show us what it does to your browser
  3. Not really trolling, see http://www.419eater.com/ for real scammer trolling. Phone the number through skype or something, record the convo, say some funny shit etc.
  4. Are you planning on downloading it for free? i.e. illegally? If so you should leave now.
  5. Thanks for reporting this. I was making some backend changes last night and must have missed this. I'll fix this right away. EDIT: Ok can you try again now. Should be fixed, let me know if there's still a problem.
  6. Yes, Chris is right, that was an ARRIFLEX 16SR2, which means that was a film camera, we were shooting on 16mm. The rectangular thing wasnt the lens. It is like a case to protect the lens from unwanted reflections. I think it's called 'lens shade', here we call it 'parasolar'. Yay for my knowledge And yeah "lens hood" is the correct term in English, lens shade works too I guess
  7. Yes you can. @SV: Not really a test, it's the final version. Just getting people's thoughts on a few things in the time before we upgrade.
  8. Yeah that ImageLodge thing is because something Flash 10 broke, it worked fine up to version 9 And yeah I'm aware of the profile page. I'll work on that later. @Huck: The reporting system is a hell of a lot better as there's now a control panel for admins/mods to see them all (we had to use a mod for this until now). And of course individual posts now have reputation points (which also count towards your overall reputation). So if we see posts with really low rep we can investigate and see what's going on. This will replace our relatively unused system I tried to implement here. Warning system doesn't include a "ban" feature so it looks like I'll need to mod that again. However, on people's profile pages, we do have the option to click a "Flag as Spammer" button, I haven't tried it yet but I presume it disables their account and adds IP/email to the ban filters or whatever. So if bot prevention hasn't been improved then at least they ways we can deal with them has.
  9. Bugs like what? I'm aware some profile fields aren't showing up correctly, and some people's post counts are much higher than they should be.
  10. Looks like an actual film camera, rather than digital. @Nate: You've seen lenses like that on a stills camera? WTF. They're always circular in shape rather than rectangular. Most film cameras are similar to the one they're using in those photos.
  11. Some of you may be aware that Invision Power Board 3 was recently released. Last week I began testing it for TGTAP. I won't go into all the fancy new features and everything here, I'll leave that to when we actually upgrade. So I made a copy of the database about a week ago and successfully upgraded from IPB 2.3 on it, so it looks like when we do upgrade this forum it'll be pretty smooth. I began integrating the skin into our fixed width layout last week. That is done, no actual skinning has been done thus far though, as I wanted to see what you guys thought so far. Preview: http://www.thegtaplace.com/ipb3/ Just so we're clear, the above is not a live forum, it's a copy of TGTAP from about a week ago. You'll be able to login to your account there and do whatever the hell you want, but anything you do won't be reflected here. Some stuff: 1. You can collapse that menu on the right if you think it's taking up too much space by clicking on the X. 2. Don't like the fixed width? Post here and let me know then. If there's a lot of you who prefer the 100% width skin then I'll make one like that too so people can choose. (100% width looks ridiculous on widescreen, you'll know what I mean if like me you browse at 1920x1200. Tons of whitespace everywhere!) Those of you still on 1024x768 (most of you actually :/) won't even know what I'm talking about so disregard that.
  12. That almost always depends on the site Eazy. Both browser AND website have to support resumeable downloads. Most sites do, but majority of file sharing sites such as rapidshare don't (unless you have a premium account). Having said that Opera probably does have the better download manager anyway, since it has built in support for torrents as well, pretty basic support it must be said... but props to them for actually including it.
  13. Yeah Relentless is probably the best energy drink actually. Better and cheaper than Red Bull. Hell no never going there. Seems like a pretty shitty place to me. People seem to be way over the top with patriotism, always arguing over bullshit historical stuff like Alexander the Great, Macedonian language, the Greeks etc. Such a tiny country making such a big fuss about shit nobody cares about anymore. Move with the times. ^ All from what I've heard. Of course I don't have first hand experience, but definitely not on my "to-visit" list.
  14. I realise these are very old and meant to be a joke but seriously the personal hygiene one on the man's brain.... WTF? Brings me back to the "smelly kid" at school post where I suggested that anyone who purposely doesn't shower deserves to get bullied and shit. I think most men have pretty decent personal hygiene tbh, everyone in the shower topic says they shower everyday. It's completely irrelevant and too old to be funny anymore. The rest is mostly true for both sexes though
  15. Ok enough of the anti-virus chat now. Valid talk about Firefox 3.5 and competitors only.
  16. And what I'm trying to say is that not everyone uses Kaspersky. Loads of Anti-Virus programs have those sort of features anyway, in fact I think AVG has it, I'm not sure because I don't use it as some ads I want/need to see. So I just use AdBlock to selectively block only the annoying and/or irrelevant ads. But either way using Kaspersky is not a feature of any browser so you're in effect using external programs to defend your browser choice which is what I was saying is ridiculous. Just compare browsers on their features and extensibility, not by what other programs can do by intercepting page loads.
  17. Guys, we were talking about Adblock/Noscript, those addons aren't primarily used to stop viruses. That's irrelevant. Why I'm always dragged into these stupid arguments where people are talking about something else?
  18. But why waste resources installing and running a whole new program when you can do it in a simple addon? But why waste resources installing and running a whole new program when you can do it in a simple addon? I'm sorry but your counter-arguments are absolutely ridiculous Steam.
  19. Yeah same reason I stick with Firefox - the extensions. In terms of raw speed then Safari and Chrome pretty much own in most tests. But for features and functionality you have to say all the browsers are fairly equal (except IE), but Firefox's extensions make it so much better than the rest.
  20. Nah the new ones are way better, much more intuitive way of displaying all the information, especially since most peoples are spammed with retarded comments. Yours looks retarded with that god awful background btw.
  21. Epic. Weird map. The countries are blue, normal colour used to denote the sea. I was confused at first New features:
  22. It's pretty much impossible to describe Dr Pepper simply because there's so many flavours in it. Surprised you haven't heard of it, used to be huge 5-10 years ago but rarely see it advertised now (in the UK), but you always see it in shops still. Maybe they don't sell it in your country. Never seen this? http://90210mg.files.wordpress.com/2009/04/dr-pepper.jpg
  23. Chris

    GTA Movies

    I'm pretty sure R* have always said no to doing a movie. The unrelated film Grand Theft Auto is pretty lame, I've not seen the whole thing but a couple of clips of it and it seems kinda retarded, not to mention how outdated it is now
  24. LOL. Dentist propaganda? Diet Coke is the only type that is bad for your teeth. Reason being that it is more acidic than regular. Regular and other types are equally as "bad" for you but more so to your stomach and other organs than your teeth. And hey, I'm British, we have a reputation for bad teeth, not like I've anything to lose
  25. Nah it's always been explained on every documentary there's been made about him the same way all the time. I don't really think it's a mystery. And remember pretty much the only skin people ever saw was his face and his arms. His extravagant outfits always covering most of his skin. He did have the disease you mentioned, Vitiligo, and also lupus, though luckily for him it was in remission, otherwise he probably would have died in the late 80's. So anyway when this began they simply covered up with white patches with makeup that was the same colour as his skin. Easy. But as the disease progressed, so much of his skin was covered in white patches that rather than cover it up with "black make up", it became easier to cover up the good skin with "white make up", thus, the man appeared to change skin colour. I'm no doctor so I've no idea if vitiligo alone can really become that bad, but the story to me at least sounds plausible. He admitted he never had his skin bleached... yeah he could lie but why would you? @Spaz: I think I've seen a video clip of what you're referring to. I assumed it was because he was raped/molested as a child. It's the most logical to me - explains his generosity toward children (wanting them to have a great childhood rather than a shitty one like his?)
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