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Everything posted by Chris

  1. Just Steam I think. Most , it not all the Macedonian's here (except him) seem to actually be Australians. Crazy shit. I highly doubt anyone here is gonna go to a country like Macedonia either so we'll just have to settle for our respective countries inferior quality stuff!
  2. Oh right lol, never knew Dr Pepper actually had 23 flavours in it. Learn something new everyday!
  3. You serious? It's so fucking flat it's disgusting to me. I'd like to taste Macedonians's Coke, since it's my favourite drink, would like to see it on its best. Oh man, yeah, McDonalds coke is fucking awful. It's like 80% water/ice 20% coke. Horrible shit with no flavour whatsoever, I'd rather drink an AIDS ridden prostitute's piss. @Spaz: There's 23 flavours of Dr Pepper? WTF, is this some weird ass American thing or something? Fairly sure we just have one Dr Pepper over here, oh and maybe Diet... so a total of 2. Like a normal soft drink.
  4. Coke Zero = Fucking disgusting Pepsi Max = Fucking disgusting In fact I only like normal Coke (and I suppose normal Pepsi is an ok alternative), but all these other flavours, diet, lemon, lime, vanilla, cherry, zero, max etc. All taste like shit. It fucks up the flavour. And no, flat coke is absolutely horrible for the reasons I stated in my last post. I can't believe people drink that shit. Why leave it so long anyway? I tend to drink cans because: 1. Usually always on special offer so works out cheaper than bottles 2. Since you just drink 1 can at a time they never go flat. Unlike with a bottles where once it's open you have to drink it all within 2 days maybe 3 max otherwise it's shitty. And yeah Dr Pepper is fairly awesome actually. Agreed with Spaz on one drink at least. Sprite is awesome too though so...
  5. Yeah it was, probably one of the best songs from the epic soundtrack Vice City had.
  6. LOL, I actually saw this topic the other day and was trying to figure out a simple way to have both. i.e., like [ table=borderless] if you don't want borders. But if we do that we HAVE to use the option, so all bbcode using just [ table] would be messed up (I think), but yeah I'll look into it again later.
  7. Seriously Nate? Fuck me I cannot stand coke when it's flat. I actually love drinking Coke but even I will throw it away if it goes flat. Tastes horrible and makes your teeth all sticky and shit.
  8. Koppaberg was the only worthwhile drink you bought that night ^
  9. To be fair it's not like he was still producing good music though. Can't say I'm as shocked as I thought I might be, given his health problems as of late, though having said that, dying seems quite premature really. He was only 50, way too young to die. Hate to bring it up, but I couldn't stand him since all the allegations of child abuse, he turned into a recluse after that really... but it was that severely fucked up, horrifyingly monstrosity he claims is a human face. It's the only thing I didn't like about the guy. Never understood why he kept making it worse and worse. But he was a legend back in the day. So RIP Michael.
  10. +1 for the not buying of ASUS. I recently switched to Gigabyte for my motherboard. Random restart on the ASUS randomly became frequent then very infrequent. Got pissed off with that. Actually the first time I've not had an ASUS, all my previous computers I've used them. As for PSU I'd say 550W minimum rather than 650. Look at my specs (profile) and you'll see they're pretty decent, and my 580W PSU is more than comfortable with all that.
  11. WTF? No. Well, here in the United Kingdom, a modern, first world country all credit/debit cards are chip and pin. None of that signing bullshit here. Lol Australia is so backwards with technology. I do like your country but man, it fucking sucks when it comes to tech, internet etc.
  12. LOL. BTW, Rockstar released digital versions of the screens we saw in Game Informer, rem's posted them up on PayneKillers if you're interested.
  13. Well yeah that's what I was gonna suggest lol. Ok well I'm not really sure what to do then. Gerard or Chris might have some suggestions, my mind is blank right now. I would imagine your data is safe though, just Windows for some reason is having trouble accessing the disk properly.
  14. I dunno the MyBook's seem to have so many issues (certain versions of them). Why the hell are there such randomly small partitions though? Why partition it in the first place? So do you actually have data on the drive or is it empty?
  15. LOL never thought of doing American Psycho quotes, they're sure to get a rise out of people! auyj: You do realise you're the one who is getting trolled in that convo. Nice job posting it here for everyone to see how retarded you are
  16. Happy Birthday, now you're almost a man. Oh no you've still got 2 years to go, my bad. Happy Birthday anyway.
  17. I was gonna say Audacity too but Maco wants the music removed, not the vocals. The opposite of what you two above have suggested. Not sure if either of those programs have the reverse of that feature.
  18. Finally! Someone else who is normal Don't like the stretched wall though
  19. This is actually kinda retarded unless you get someone else who is fucking around. I'm bored after just this one.
  20. Get on MSN/AIM so we can discuss Wimbledon. Every day. kthx.

  21. Rockstar Games have just announced that they will be bringing Chinatown Wars to the PSP. From the press release:
  22. Are you logging in from the quick login bar at the top of all the forums pages, or from the actual login page itself? In some browsers the quick login form doesn't seem to work properly, so make sure you use the login page.
  23. Cool. But I hate watching people play guitar (to an audience) sat down.
  24. Lol Evo I liked the rape one. Someone do a "wat" moment like http://www.imagelodge.net/view.php?image=w...pg&galid=30
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