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Everything posted by Chris

  1. Yeah they got a new server set up for me 2 days ago, and now finally this morning were able to get backups from the old server transferred to this new one, and they're all restored now
  2. All sites should now be back online!
  3. Ha I was literally just about to post and ask if that was school uniform you were wearing (not sure what else it would be to be honest), does look pretty posh, is that typical for Indonesia or do you actually go to a really decent school or something? @Noodle: Careful, she's only 13 (assuming same age as warrior13 says he is)
  4. £100 says a bloke invented this bullshit just so his wife/gf would let him cum on her face Funny stuff.
  5. Have you guys ever done the "Sex?" My friend came over at my house for a sleep over and he chatted me up about "Sex." I asked him how does this happen. And he answers to the following steps: 1) You put your penis in 2) You put your penis out 3) You put your penis in 4) And you ~shake~ it all about. 5) You do the Sex 6) And you choose another hole I have never done that, he also said that it occurs if you do that at night.
  6. Might be a chance to recover all the data. Server techie looked into and could see it was still all there. In the next 24 hours they can hopefully have a new server up for me with the data copied across. So, may not have lost everything! Really do hope that is the case.
  7. Awesome thanks. Better go and post this up on PayneKillers seeing as rem isn't online!
  8. IE6. Yes, it really is over 8 years old already. I don't like people who use 8 year old browsers that don't support standards or any modern technology and have little in the way of security or features in general.
  9. That's exactly why Chris switched to using TGTAP.... Which, coincidentally, was first coined by myself. But who coined TGP in the first place? I'm pretty sure it wasn't me since I was aware of the real meaning of the acronym before I actually started the site. Then again I may have said it off hand once and it just caught on... lol.
  10. So that you don't get viruses in the first place, dumbass. It's not just viruses anyway, it's things like session hijacking, cookie stealing, phishing detection and shit like that you should be more worried about.
  11. Well all the benchmarks show IE8 as the slowest modern browser, and it always had been. IE7 used to be the slowest, before that IE6 was. Despite the improvements made in IE8, the speed differences were pathetic compared to those seen in ALL the other browsers. Safari 4 and Firefox 3.5 (beta) currently own in terms of speed. Followed closely by Firefox 3 and Opera 9.6. IE is so far behind, I really cannot see why you're so pro-IE when it's proved by multiple sources it's easily not only the slowest, but also the least secure and least standards compliant.
  12. Over the last 48 hours I've had some major problems with my personal server (don't worry, not the one TGTAP is hosted on) and as such, ALL of my websites except TGTAP are down, some will unfortunately, never come back. This is due to third party software used by the hosting company falling victim to a 0-day exploit found in the latest update of the software. As such, nothing could really be done to stop the hacker from deleting everything. Over 100,000 sites were taken offline in the attack, which if you are interested you can read about here. Normally I would just restore backups, but as it happens I don't have any recent ones for the database of my sites, I have all the static files, and most images, but not the databases, which without, the sites are useless. So how's the TGTAP network affected? AlanWake.co.uk - No database - forums and news are gone. I have majority of files still. Possible relaunch in the next few months. LANoire.net - No database - all news gone. Was just a wordpress blog, but with lack of news on the game we probably won't bother relaunching it unless it looks like it's gonna be big. PayneKillers - Is ok - we put this on TGTAP's server so thankfully it is completely unaffected by all this OFP2:DR -Is ok - my friend hosts this on his own server so that site is fine too Of my other websites: ImageLodge.net - Probably the biggest and most inconvenient loss due to it's growing popularity, this was getting quite a lot of images uploaded everyday but they are now all gone. A relaunch is possible but would mean starting from scratch. Not entirely sure if it's worth it right now as it was a useful site, but one that wasn't profitable. ChrisJP.com - My personal splash page obviously isn't much of a problem, this, along with my web portfolio at chrisphillips.co.uk will be online as soon as I have a new server set up. unannounced, unrelated project - Nothing to do with games, but our most recent backup was 8 days ago. We've done shitloads of work in those 8 days though. So yeah, that's what's happened. Obviously I'm pretty pissed off at the moment for both the attack, and for myself not keeping up to date with off-site backups. Gonna be a very busy week for me trying to get all this shit sorted out now, just letting everyone know what happened to those sites in the network. To ImageLodge users: I mentioned ImageLodge because obviously I promoted it a fair bit here through it's very troubled beginnings (yes I'm aware of how shit it used to be), but because of this I know quite a few of you, including myself did actually make regular use of it. I realise it's very easy to simply switch to another image host, there's hundreds out there, but we did have some cool features, the .zip/.rar mass uploading of images was particularly popular. Would any of you users like IL to return with a relaunch? Or will you simply move on to another host?
  13. Probably, but by using them you're likely committing computer suicide unless you stick only to VERY safe website with NO advertising. Google, BBC perhaps.
  14. IE5 was bundled with Windows 98 SE. So if you ever used that as your OS and were on the Internet back then, chances are you used it. Windows 2000 had IE 5.5 IIRC.
  15. IE4. You think IE6 sucks, try IE4 or 5! I guess back then it didn't really matter about what it supported, since no web 2.0 sites were around, but still, security was a big issue.
  16. Ha I didn't even notice the cash, I thought the other items were weird. 1. Keys to your Dad's car. I assume and am hoping that's because he lets you drive it, and not that you've stolen them. 3. Your father is either an absolute cretin, or you're one trustworthy son of a bitch. I don't know anyone who's ever been allowed to borrow and actually keep one of their parent's credit cards in their own waller, even little goody two shoes type people. Sure, borrow it for stuff a few times but keeping it in your own wallet. Do you know the pin number for it as well? If you ever fell out with your Dad for whatever reason you could just go and empty his account. Lol. 5) Unless that's part of a Swiss army knife or similar tool I can't see why you'd need that. Unless you constantly drink bottles of wine while outside. 6. Are you Max Payne?
  17. Chris

    Motion Sensitive GTA?

    Not sure if it would maybe feel a little too gimmicky, for a GTA game I mean.
  18. LOL That video is epic. That will never beat the original though, not the original scene, I mean the original subtitling with Hitler getting his Xbox Live account cancelled. The film is fucking epic though and more people should watch it. Having said that, that's one of the funniest subtitlings I've seen for quite some time on that scene. Great job whoever made it. Anyway back on topic. I knew L4D2 had been announced but I haven't read/seen anything about it. I was happy for a sequel but judging by what everyone's saying it seems it is too soon. L4D is still going strong so there's not even any need to release a sequel yet. At least they have a well written manifesto, and it's not just some stupid petition. I see all their points and agree with them all... but I dunno if I'll boycott it though, such a fun and addictive game. Despite how repetitive some things can get it just doesn't seem like it is sometimes, for some reason, which is good. EDIT: Just watched the teaser trailer... so all they've added is new maps and melee weapons? The melee weapons are quite cool actually but even the sound effects and zombies are pretty much the same?
  19. In real life, people don't dance with their mouths that wide open, I don't think. I'd be tempted to throw random food and drink down their throats to see if they choke
  20. Why do you carry around so much cash? You've got what, £200 there?
  21. Veronika Fasterova

  22. Chris


    I thought some smart ass might come in and day that To clarify, I meant the modern ones, GTA3 through San Andreas.
  23. LOL the person who reg'd that Microsoft Fred member here hasnt even been active since March, and only has 6 posts :/ I didn't read the first post. Did anything funny happen? Way tl;dr.
  24. Happy birthday mate. Have a good one etc.
  25. Chris


    Rockstar are only the publishers of LA Noire, Australian studio Team Bondi are developing, so it shouldn't be "replaced" as you put it. Since it is R* North though, I wonder how this might impact development of "GTA V". Probably won't affect it too much actually. I think Agent's "exclusivity" is actually a fairly decent plan, most games that are now going multi-platform are huge franchises... Final Fantasy, Metal Gear Solid, Tekken, and let's not forget how GTA was always Sony exclusive too. So perhaps they'll make it a timed exclusive, keep it on PS3 for a year then bring it out on 360 and PC, just like how all the GTA games used to do. As long as Sony do their part in helping the game along it should go ok. Because with exclusivity you're always going to start off with a smaller install base than is possible if you went multi-platform.
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