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Everything posted by Chris

  1. Hands now determine how sexy a person is? LOL. You must have to have really weird looking hands to actually get a really low score on this. Can't believe I even did it, but I am very bored. I got the same as Husky, 8.
  2. Can't you just walk into your nearest supermarket or local convenience store or newsagent and just look at the prices? I'm not a smoker, but I would imagine the lesser known brands are going to be the cheapest. Then again they might be lesser known for a reason... so I dunno... bit of a useless post really but yeah kids, you shouldn't smoke (cigarettes), you will die of lung cancer and won't be able to run away from stuff... etc.
  3. This has now been implemented. Please let a moderator know if you find a modding related topic outside of the modding forums, so they can move it to the appropriate forum. Thank you.
  4. This is a repost of a suggestion I made a while back, but due to lack of feedback nothing was ever done about it. Please this time give your opinion on the change, it might not affect you but you can still say whether you think it's a good idea or not. Currently, each of the major GTA games has a subforum for mod related discussion. This is fine, but there's a problem whereby there is nowhere to discuss modding in general, tools, help, etc. Or topics that cover multiple games, like IMG Tool for instance which covers the entire III era - members get confused as to where they're supposed to ask for help for that. Having a dedicated forum for modding will solve this problem, and will also mean modding discussion is centralised and all in one place. The subforums we currently have would simply be moved into this new dedicated forum, and remain there for game-specific modding topics/questions etc as they are now. Your thoughts?
  5. Necro == dead. Necro-posting is posting in really old topics. This is a couple of months old now and most of the changes mentioned have already been done, with the exception of the modding forum. Though it has reminded me... it's probably a good idea to centralise all our modding discussion.
  6. Perhaps? It's an interesting scenario, I'm intrigued now as to how it will all play out.
  7. Thanks Ivan! Discussion in the news post.
  8. Rockstar have finally announced details of the second episode of downloadable content exclusive to the Xbox 360, The Ballad of Gay Tony, in which as many of us imagined, we will play as Luis Lopez. Additionally, a disc containing both episodes entitled Grand Theft Auto: Episodes from Liberty City will be released and will retail for $39.99. From the press release: Like the first one, this episode will cost $19.99 (1600 MS points). If you're planning on buying the disc version with both episodes, you'll be pleased to know that it will not require a copy of the original Grand Theft Auto IV. We've opened a new subforum for discussion of episode two, though you can use this news post to discuss the announcement.
  9. Yeah a fair bit, though not so much the last 2 weeks. Built up quite a blu-ray collection already as well! Kind of a pain in the ass being a movie buff, I watch so many films it's ridiculous :P

  10. The one from TLaD was a grenade launcher, not a shotgun. They both use round drums though. Obviously I was talking about the new shotgun, not the new grenade launcher. I'm pretty sure it's the same if not then something very similar. Someone here must know something about guns?
  11. New trailer is awesome. Also, that semi-auto shotgun, isn't that the same one from Lost and Damned? If so, awesome!
  12. Stop shopping at Matalan you filthy little chav.
  13. Prison Break was awesome but it was never really a show that should have gone on for more than 1 season when you think about it. Only due to it's huge success did they make more seasons. Was a great show, and I'm kinda sad it's gone now but it came to an end and to be honest, I'm not sure how much longer it could have gone anyway, the story would get so ridiculous. Don't watch any of the others. My Name Is Earl was ok but I only saw the first season of it, kinda went off it. E.R used to be pretty good too, only watched from about season 8-10 though, so I've no idea what it was like recently.
  14. Well at least it's disease-free and stuff. Bit expensive though. Seriously though. Interesting story, at least she was doing it for her education rather than just money alone. Can't see why it's all so controversial and people are outraged etc., not like it's anything to do with anyone else. I actually lol'd at "The auction was hit by controversy three weeks before its culmination when a teacher at Alina's former school claimed she was not a virgin." - Even if that's not a male teacher. Still a pretty dangerous thing to say - how/why should a teacher know that? Oh and also, what surprised me more was the cost of education in Romania. £50,000. In Romania? WTF. In the UK University is like £3000+ per year, so generally around £10,000 by the time you've got your degree... and I thought that was pretty expensive, but of course we get student loans and everything to pay for that plus living costs. No way you'd come anywhere near 50 grand though. I honestly can't believe that. Romania isn't even a wealthy country.
  15. Most movies take up at least half a disc though so the game couldn't be too big. Didn't MGS4 pretty much max out the Blu Ray because there's so much data and cutscenes and stuff?
  16. I still think it's better than the "look both ways before you cross the road" one. I mean you have to literally be mentally retarded to walk out on to a road without first checking for cars. Unless you're suicidal there's no reason why anyone would do that. So you pretty much deserve to die.
  17. Guys it's an advert. Did you even watch it until the end? It even says the website and it's anti-teenage-pregnancy message. I thought it was pretty good as well because like ghettokid just said, most people would assume it was a fight, but instead it's a girl giving birth. Good shock value there. I don't know if they do these in other countries but there's been quite a few adverts "filmed" on mobile phones that are targeted at teenagers... I guess they work.
  18. Your graphics card, or Opera, is fucked. Re-install it?
  19. Rockstar have launched a new flash game that you may have heard about, Mr Wong's Laundromat is now available at the Rockstar Social Club. Enjoy!
  20. Sorry must've missed that. It's approved now.
  21. If it fails, try using a chainsaw to slice off a thin layer of the disc. This will remove the layer all the scratches are on. Don't saw of too thick a layer though, as you might accidentally saw off the layer with all the data on.
  22. I've only ever heard bad things about Game Doctor's. Apparently they have little if any effect at all on the disc.
  23. LOL someone posted this in the staff room a while ago. Funny as fuck.
  24. I think that was his point. I'd much rather look like Sylar than Spock though, for obvious reasons. @Husky: Who/What the fuck is Ed Hardy? EDIT: Googled. And no. We don't have any stores in the UK. I looked at their clothing, not really my style. Also it's expensive as fuck. Jeans for $221?
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