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Everything posted by Chris

  1. LOL. I can just imagine some tool actually doing that. Yeah... Just to clarify, you're not referring to me are you, I feel I may of done something like this before? No. If you did then you're an idiot. I don't remember you doing something that retarded. So anyway raybob, happy with how it turned out? No, you probably aren't. Go and stand in the corner and think about what you've posted.
  2. LOL. I can just imagine some tool actually doing that.
  3. Hey cock face :)

    I changed my MSN, I posted new one in staff room. Add me. Can't remember which account of yours you actually use... so yeah.

  4. Chris


    Still, you'd have to be a bit of a dick to use it and write actual scripts/programs stuff in it.
  5. Same girl as before, I just gif'd a few seconds on the HD video rather than used a still from it... and fucked up the frame rate trying to keep the filesize small We probably shouldn't post in a row too much else we'll run out of stuff. Umm... You got your gamertag by using the built in suggestions feature.
  6. You shave your tash but like to leave some hair on your chin.
  7. Well it'd be funny if he did. The amount of time he spends talking about "hacking" you'd think he does it all day everyday. What a shitty life he must have. Also yeah he is a script kiddy and not a hacker. I'm sure in some convo with someone here he actually mentioned all the tools he uses. I don't get why some of you still talk to him, just block him unless you're actually his friend or something. He never has anything intelligent or useful to say.
  8. All betas and RC's show the build number in the bottom right. I never bother with RC's of service packs. I'll just wait til the final is released. What's it supposed to fix/change/improve/break anyway?
  9. Just thought I'd drop in here to say at some point this week I'll finally get around to posting video links in the second post of this topic for the "You Suck At Photoshop" series. Also, for those of you who use CS4 and want to learn how to properly use the Content Aware Scaling tool, I learned how to use it properly and effectively a while ago. If anyone wants then I can write up a quick tutorial, though there are some videos I could point you to as well.
  10. Chris


    HTML is not a coding language and it's not making fun of HTML. It's simply parodying real programming languages in the style of lolcats. It was funny when they first did it although incredibly geeky. Some people are a little too obsessed with lolcats. You'd find it funny if you were an actual programmer though because you can understand what it's doing and what the references are to.
  11. That's why you just seed 24/7. Limit/stop the torrents when you actually need to use your internet. Most open registrations for a very/extremely limited time period. Or as promotional events, so you just gotta keep checking them. Though if you know really cool people then you may well be able to get an invite to one Most just want you to keep a positive ratio, i.e. 1.00 or greater. Which is piss easy to get and keep.
  12. Your facial hair blatantly doesn't grow noticeably thick yet, young one
  13. People still have analogue TV??? :/ The digital switchover started in the UK late last year I believe. Though it's going in phases, regionally, so we won't be fully digital until 2012. Still I don't know a single person that still has an analogue TV set though. Having said that the UK is the world leader in television type stuff so I guess we would be first. I assumed America had a similar plan of action though. The advertising campaign over here started and finished last year. Everyone knows about it. Some of you Americans actually think it's a prank? LOL. LOL not just because you're stupid but the fact you still have analogue TV. It's not even of a watchable quality, you can really put up with it? That or you just don't watch it much I guess. Massively off topic anyway. So yeah I didn't actually read up about what this virus was. But I understand it now. Sounds plausible, and using April Fools day as a cover is a great idea to make the attack more effective. If it's real then that's some thoughtful planning done there. I hope it's like Skynet. This could be the start of Terminators coming from the future. AWESOME!
  14. What about me? I make my own sigs, just not for other people Nah I don't really care though, I'm not a prominent gfx dude here. But it does remind me I do need to change mine, expect a new one to appear soon down there.
  15. Season 1 of Prison Break is the best. Watch all the seasons. I just watched all six seasons of 24 just so I could start season 7 Fucking addictive stuff. Currently I'm watching all these, in alphabetical order: 24 American Dad Californication Crash Dexter Dollhouse Entourage Family Guy Heroes Lost Prison Break Robot Chicken Scrubs South Park Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles The Big Bang Theory The Unit I was also watching these shows, but lost interest due to them becoming kinda boring/stupid: Chuck Fringe Other stuff I watched but has finished, was cancelled, or whatever Firefly The 4400 The Sopranos The War at Home - (I thought Kaylee DeFer was pretty hot which was the main reason I watched this ) Yes, I watch a lot of TV shows. And yes, those ones are all American.... have a guess how I stay up to date with them all
  16. A friend of mine had a load of problems with that Samsung, was probably just his motherboard but still, it gets a thumbs down from me for that. I always recommend either Western Digital or Seagate. I use both makes all the time and have NEVER had one go wrong on me. I have a 500GB Caviar Black (the new ones) for my main hard drive and it performs fine. Just checked out the links and they both cost exactly the same, and both have the exact same speed and cache sizes. Really doesn't matter which you get. Just reading one of the customer reviews and can share a similar concern. Occasionally there is some lag in access times (while still using the system), this is probably a problem with my hard drive but not much I can do about that.
  17. On public trackers there are generally hundreds if not thousands of peers for popular stuff. This means that the seeders are usually uploading to loads of different people at once... and unless they've got a decent uplink then it's just gonna be normal DSL/Cable speeds which suck. Try and get into some private trackers where a lot of people use "seedboxes" (server dedicated to downloading torrents and then seeding them for long periods of time on 100mbit lines), you can get awesome speeds. When I say max out my connection, I'm usually getting 700-800kb/s. At uni where I share a 20mb cable connection, I can often get up to 1.7MB/s. On public trackers I never get speeds above 400-500kb/s no matter how fast my internet. @Vercetti Thug: What speed is your internet connection? Also, what ISP are you with? It's possible they throttle all traffic which isn't HTTP (normal website stuff). However, those are still some really lame speeds you're getting regardless of any throttling going on. How many seeds and peers does the torrent you're currently downloading have?
  18. Good. I do that all the time now though just because I'm too lazy to shave... like I'll basically just shave once or twice a week instead of every day/other day.
  19. Funny, I have it installed on a 16GB drive, and have about 5 GBs free. But fuck, anyone have any idea how to get an out-dated wireless card working on W7? Lol that's awesome. Where did you get such a small HDD from or is it just really old? If the manufacturer hasn't provided drivers (Vista ones may be worth trying) then chances are the company is shit and don't deserve your business ever again, go for a cheap USB wireless adapter or something, I have to use one at the moment but it works perfectly, was only £10 or so.
  20. LOL don't suggest that, people might notice when the Store goes otherwise Anyway if you have a legitimate reason for needing your name changed then an admin will do it, otherwise, as Sherman said, you can wait.
  21. Why do people feel the need to keep changing their name anyway? Choose a fucking name and stick with it.
  22. I use the following settings and am able to max out my connection (I thankfully have an ISP that doesn't throttle any traffic that isn't over HTTP which is awesome), especially when downloading from private trackers. Keep default on everything except the following: Connection Always use the same port, and make sure it's a value over 50000 Bandwidth Global max number of connections = 2000 Maximum number of connected peers per torrent = 200 (this value should be 10% of whatever the above value is, so in this case, 200) Number of upload slots per torrent = 10 BitTorrent Under Protocol Encryption, make sure it is set to "Enabled", also check the box to allow incoming legacy connections. There's advanced settings that you can change which you can find from googling. I'm on an 8mb connection at home and can max it out using the above setting changes. If you have a slow connection you may want to reduce the global max num of connections, and thus the setting after too. Hope that helps anyone else who was wondering about their uTorrent settings.
  23. Oh wise one, which Anti-virus doth thou proclaim winnar? I don't. But I recommend one of the following: AVG, Kaspersky, or Avast. But in most cases as long as you're not using any software produced by Symantec or McAfee you're fairly well protected.
  24. Well if it is real then your computer deserves to be torn apart for not having adequate protection. Hopefully it'll only attack users of Norton because they're the ones who generally deserve to get virus attacks for being so ignorant.
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