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Everything posted by Chris

  1. Don't want people to go off topic here so if you're wondering about the DSi then just read this: http://kotaku.com/5155614/nintendo-dsi-dat...color-announced "The DSi features two 0.3 megapixel cameras, larger screens, a new SD card slot and better speakers. It does not have a Game Boy Advance cartridge slot like the DS or DS Lite." Keep this topic for Chinatown Wars or asking me questions
  2. Sure but I won't be playing online until like Easter or something when I'm back home, got shit Internet here, housemates always downloading shit so I just lag or can't connect etc.

  3. What's what? You've never heard of a cameo? Ever watched a movie where perhaps the director, or maybe someone famous outside of the film industry has a very minor part in a scene. It's called a cameo... and I'm astounded you don't know what that is. :/
  4. Yes I am currently considering that, means I won't be able to play CW on release though, but I guess I'll be busy finishing up coursework for uni around that time anyway so may actually be for the better The prices of normal DS's won't go down though will they? They'll just introduce the DSi's at a higher price to begin with I would think. But yeah chances are I will wait for the DSi. Seems it would be worth the wait. Always the possibility they'll make a bundle that'll include CW.
  5. The first of a number of cameo appearances in the game.
  6. No and I didn't think to ask :/ But it's probably going to be longer than you think, you could spend ages with all the minigames and side missions.
  7. Before all of our flights back from New York last Wednesday, we all had a few hours to kill. Because of this, Rockstar decided to allow us to come to their offices where they had a little treat in store for us all. As there were quite a few of us there, we went in two groups, the UK guys (me, Psy, Adam, Jevon) went first due to our earlier flights, while the Americans (illspirit, G-WizZ, Kodo, Zidane) went in after we'd finished. Not only were we going to be shown Chinatown Wars, we'd also have a hands-on with the game! The last part of my fansite event diary/preview thing is now online for all to read. If you didn't see last week when I posted about The Lost and Damned part of it then you may want to start from there, if you did then simply skip ahead to the final page to read my hands-on preview of Chinatown Wars. If what you've seen hasn't impressed you so far, then be sure to read this as it may just change your mind. Again, if you have any questions for me about the event or about what I saw of Chinatown Wars, then don't hesitate to ask in the comments, I'll do my best to answer any questions you have. Link: My hands-on preview of Chinatown Wars
  8. Nervous? I think you meant angry, or scared. As for scariness, FEAR definitely if you played with all the lights out and the sound up. Bonus points if you have surround sound. Shit makes you jump. Mario on the SNES always got me angry when I was a kid though, losing on the really hard levels after a huge amount of time spent trying to complete it etc. In more recent times, DOA4 - I'm a Tekken guy so the controls completely threw me. On Tekken you can get away with button bashing if you know what you're doing, but DOA4 pissed me off because it's way different. I lost quite a lot and got pissed off
  9. Hey, Huck, you've probably already seen this, but I found it pretty amusing. I made that. I have an earlier version of the box shot, but it isn't as professional-looking as the real thing, so I decided to make a second version... You know you really should have put your name on that. I've seen it posted in forums and stuff so many times, no one knows it was by you. And I only knew it was yours because IIRC it's in your flickr account. Anyway enough of Strawberry Shitecake, anyone else got funny pictures to share?
  10. I was in here? Well yeah this isn't going anywhere so let's close it. Nice going guys.
  11. Oh I dunno, maybe there was an even older one then, seem to remember kokane being in it and that was after the forum reset.
  12. I had that too and I'm not sure if it counted it or not. Did another race and it came up at the end saying 4/12 complete, swear it was my 5th but can't remember. My stats say 4 too though so maybe it did count the last one and I just haven't been paying attention.
  13. I'm strongly considering a little house keeping on the forums at the moment. It concerns mainly the GTA forums, but also possibly the gang forums. Just wanted to make sure there's no major opposition to anything I have planned. First of all the modding forums. Currently, each of the major GTA games has a subforum for mod related discussion. This is fine, but has an inherit problem whereby there is nowhere to discuss modding in general, tools, help, etc. Or topics that cover multiple games, like IMG Tool for instance which covers the entire III era - members get confused as to where they're supposed to ask for help for that. Having a dedicated forum for modding will solve this problem, and will also mean modding discussion is centralised and all in one place. The subforums we currently have would simply be moved into this new dedicated forum, and remain there for game-specific modding topics/questions etc as they are now. Next is our General GTA forum, which houses all discussion of all non-specific GTA stuff. At the moment, it's also being used as a place to discuss the next GTA. This is fine, however when we eventually learn about the next GTA it's going to be a pain in the ass having lots of topics in that forum, and to be honest, I think it's kind of cluttering up. I would make new forum for the next GTA. Moving all topics discussing it into it. Once the final version of IPB3 is released, the layout of the forums will be cleaned up and revamped to fit in with the theme of the main site. It'll look even less cluttered then. I'll update everyone when that time comes.
  14. If you're a sick fuck who gets off to pixel porn, yes. If you like looking at shitty textures of vaginas and boobies on a poorly modelled human, yes. Otherwise no. Also, learn to post in the San Andreas section.
  15. No I wasn't annoyed or anything, I just can't be arsed searching for it because it's not really that important, however if someone does find it I'll give it a read for the lulz.
  16. Didn't we have a topic like this a few years ago? It was shit but actually quite lulzy. Someone find it.
  17. Just a quick heads up to everyone to say that you should now be able to find The Lost and Damned in the Xbox 360 Marketplace. The download is 1600 MS Points and is actually a whopping 1.78GB, unlike some reviews told us. Find it in the new arrivals section of the game marketplace, or if it's not there just browse through All Games -> G -> GTA IV and find it there. Alternatively, the download queue link should be up on xbox.com fairly soon, clicking that will add it to your 360's download queue and automatically start downloading next time you turn it on.
  18. I know, it's awesome they did that.
  19. Rockstar have just sent the fansites an exclusive Lost and Damned screenshot of Johnny and the gang. Take a look in full by clicking on the thumbnail below, you may notice a familiar face in the background.
  20. Teach her yourself, sit with her and let her take control, but tell her where to click and stuff at first so she gets the hang of things. I guess the Disney website might be a good place to start.
  21. Reviews for The Lost and Damned are now coming in, check out what these gaming sites are saying about it... Kikizo - 9/10 ComputerAndVideogames - 9/10 IGN - 8.6/10 (plus a video review) TotalVideoGames - 10/10 Eurogamer - 8/10 TeamXbox - 9.7/10 GameDaily - 9/10 TotalVideoGames have also confirmed the size of the download, which is a huge 994 MB, which is pretty close to our estimates of around 1GB. The download actually comes in at a whopping 1.78GB, so chances are you're going to have to wait a while until it finishes downloading. Additionally, Rockstar have updated the official GTA IV website with a special Weazel News report on biker gang violence in Liberty City.
  22. That was last week's update which evidently you missed TLAD MP doesn't retain all the original modes, it does however have Deathmatch, Team Deathmatch, Race, and I think Free Mode... the rest of the modes are all the new ones.
  23. Sorry I missed this in my first reply to you. But TLAD and GTA IV are essentially different games. The multiplayer modes don't cross over. So you'll only be able to play TLAD game modes with other people who have TLAD. TLAD does have it's own free mode though. No. Hell yeah! But i dont think you would be kind to send some to finland Lol well I live in the UK, cheaper for me to send to Europe than it is to America Either way I won't be able to send any out until Easter when I'm back home. I need to decide who to give them to and how many etc.
  24. This poll is surprisingly interesting - some questions getting a clear winner in the answer, and some where it's pretty much 50/50. Also, lol @ women degrading themselves in this topic.
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