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Everything posted by Chris

  1. Eurogamer are among the first sites to put out their review of Grand Theft Auto IV for the PC. They gave it an excellent rating of 9/10. Read the full review at Eurogamer
  2. If you know how to build a PC then buy all the hardware yourself, you'll save hundreds of dollars. Though I love GTA III so I wouldn't see a problem with you using that to create your machinima. But I guess GTA IV would have a bigger appeal.
  3. Turns out reports of the PC version of GTA IV being delayed in India were wrong, so fans can look forward to playing the game with the rest of us on 3rd December. TheANGRYPixel says: Look at that price tag, so cheap it's pretty much asking everyone to buy a copy. See you guys in game in a few days time! Source: theangrypixel
  4. Do you guys actually use the keyboard to play though? Use a games console controller, it's well better.
  5. Currently it's around 2 terabytes a month, that's over 66 gigabytes a day, or nearly 3 gigabytes an hour. A fucking lot of bandwidth
  6. I tried different pics of Holly but it still doesn't work I don't think. Can't find the guys sig I got the idea from on another forum either, but his looked awesome. For the time being I'm using it with no girl, dunno for how long though.
  7. ??? HAHA Congratulations. You win the thread. And 9001 internets for your efforts.
  8. His name's Misho not Mishom And yes I believe his original family name did end in -ic. Yes the vast majority (90% IIRC according to Wikipedia) of Serbs have that ending, not all of them though. But the fact Tesla holds that patents proves he invented them. No doubt he was an awesome inventor. Only heard of him due to media and Internet. Never heard of him in school, as Misho said, we learned about Edison though...
  9. NO PEDOBEAR! Leave her alone! (websites are females, like cars and boats, right?)
  10. You must feel special sharing a birthday with TGTAP Happy birthday mate.
  11. So I guess some of you may have noticed on the homepage a little alteration to our banner. Hard to believe it's 6 years today that I started my first website. As a 14 year old kid sat in my bedroom, bored, and having just acquired Microsoft FrontPage 4. I began clicking everyshit in an attempt to make a webpage which I'd later host on 55mb of webspace my Dad had with our ISP at the time. Vice City had been out for a couple of weeks for the PS2, and I was hooked on that, so I put some random stuff on there like cheats and pictures I'd taken off the TV with my digital camera I called this website of mine "The GTA Place". So yes, we've grown a fair bit since then. Every day over 20,000 people land on this website and in an average day, these people rack up over 230,000 page views between them - yes we consume a shit-ton of bandwidth. I only have accurate data going back to mid-2006, however we estimate that in 6 full years of operation, The GTA Place has been visited over 15 million times, viewing over 210 million pages. But enough of the stats. What do we have to look forward to when TGTAP enters into it's 7th year today? Well, first and foremost, the most noticeable change will be a new design for the website. We'll also be upgrading forum software which will give us a nice shiny new set of features, once done that will also receive a new design to match the new website. Backend changes to the website should ensure it runs more smoothly, allowing staff to manage and update our content a lot more easily. The forum's gang scene is likely to receive a kick up the arse to get it going strongly again, with the help of a few members here. That's about all the major things we have planned. We're looking at New Year's Day as a tentative release date for the new design, but the forum upgrades will come after that. I'd like to thank all of you who still visit us today and find us a useful part of the amazing community that is the Grand Theft Auto fans. Especially veterans of TGTAP among you, some of you are left I know... if you have a member ID < 100 then you can pretty much say you're a vet Have a good Christmas (or whatever you celebrate) and enjoy playing GTA IV on your PC's (or consoles perhaps!), and keep on visiting TGTAP for happy fun time!
  12. It's nice except for the gradient going over the border too.
  13. I think he was a pretty cool guy. And if he was still alive today I'd like to meet him and shake his hand and say something like: "Mate, you're fucking mint. Cheers for all the stuff you invented I've found it to be pretty useful and it's made living a lot easier" Also, The Prestige is a fucking mint film, mainly because Christian Bale is in it... and stuff.
  14. Lucky fucker. Except he'll be gutted when it comes to the release timer that'll prevent him from playing it. Unless there's a crack already out for it
  15. Rockstar have recently answered a lot of questions regarding the methods of copy protection used on upcoming copies of GTA IV for the PC, resulting in a rather lengthy FAQ. Rockstar have confirmed the game will make use of SecuROM Digital Rights Management software. I won't post the whole thing here because it's an absolutely massive document, but here's a choice quote from the FAQ - a long list of all the software which you'll need just to play the game: All your questions about the copy protection, install limits and other such requirements will almost definitely be answered in the FAQ, so be sure to read it all if you do have concerns. Software with copy protection methods like this are often referred to as being "DRM infested" is often viewed in a very negative light, and you can read about some of the controversy over it on Wikipedia, though you can understand why companies like R* feel the need to use it. As long as you're playing a legal copy you'll have nothing to worry about, except the fact that there is third party software running in the background. At least if you have a boxed retail copy there's no activation/install limits. We're bracing ourselves for a shitstorm of negative comments regardless. Feel free to fire away in our forums with your opinion on this.
  16. Well yeah I wasn't sure what to do so I was just like, lolgradient cover up... and did it. And I did think about how saturated her lips looked but decided it was ok, same with her eyes. Might change that though because it would be pretty quick to do.
  17. Told! But yeah, I've seen a lot stupider games than this made here though :/
  18. Dunno if anyone else here is a perv like me, but I like to get all my desktops from Skins.be. Basically, I have a whole folder full of them on my hard drive, and have a wallpaper changer that rotates through them, changing my desktop every x minutes, so I never get bored of one thing. Occasionally I come across some hot girl who surprisingly has no wallpapers online, at least not decent hi-res widescreen ones. But there's always shitty low quality images, or magazine scans. So I found this magazine scan of Nicky Whelan. Look at it fully, it's a bad scan - very grainy, imperfections are more prominent, and there's random colour inconsistencies on her bikini top. I eventually made this image suitable for a wallpaper and I just wanted to post what I did here, so those of you who know more than me in photoshop can point out what I did wrong, and how I could have done something better etc. Here's the original scan I just talked about (not scanned by me - I actually know how to use one properly so it wouldn't look like this ). And on the right is the photoshopped version I used in the wallpaper First of all I applied a Gaussian Blur or less than 1 pixel, this got rid of the graining and softened the image. Then I adjusted contrast/brightness and maybe levels/curves I can't remember exactly, but that got it looking a lot better. Next I used various healing tools. Spot Removal tool got rid of skin imperfections on her left arm. Also used the Healing Brush on parts of the background that had become unwillingly more visible - there were a few white scratches or something on that wooden looking background. I also used the healing brush to get rid of those mysterious white patches (you have a filthy mind) on her bikini top. Finally I used the Patch Tool to select around the magazine text on the left of the image, and select a part above it to replace it. This didn't look good so I cleaned it up for the wallpaper, but on the image I uploaded you can see how it didn't really work very well. On the right there was some text too, but on my wallpaper I cropped just above it so I didn't need to remove it anyway. If you quickly switch between both images I think you'll agree my photoshopped version is a hell of a lot better for a wallpaper. Moving on to the actual wallpaper where I got a little lazy. I wanted it widescreen, I use 1680x1050 but I thought I'd make it 1920x1200 in case I ever upgrade. So I resized the picture of Nicky to 1200 in height, which made the width of it 792px. This meant I had just over 1100px to fill So, before resizing the image, I cut a piece of the wooden background. I pasted this into a square, mirroring it below and to the left. And then pasted that again and to my surprise it actually worked fairly well. Only problem was it was obvious it was repeating on the left of the wallpaper, so I just applied a light gradient over it to hide it Another problem is that if you look at the scan, the image crops right at her right elbow - there's no shadow around it because of this close cropping. This looked shit on the wallpaper, so I used the clone stamp to put shadow around it in the most natural way I could. I think it looks ok. Now I've pointed that out you can probably spot it really easily... but here's the final product: So how do you think it turned out? Is there something I did in a shitty way that I could have done better?
  19. I've always had an interest in graphics, I'm just shit at it in real life (drawing) and on the computer I've just never bothered to properly learn how to use all the tools in photoshop... and my imagination isn't so good that I can come up with cool looking stuff. I think I'm getting a lot better now though. I'm about to post another topic with a widescreen wallpaper I made from a shitty magazine scan
  20. Bad news for Indian gamers today... following the recent terrorist attack in Mumbai, e-Xpress Interactive, the official Rockstar / 2K distributor in the country has decided to postpone GTA IV's PC release indefinitely. Speaking to gaming blog theANGRYpixel, e-Xpress said: Grand Theft Auto games are incredibly popular in India, and we can back that up just by looking at our visitor statistics, with the country now ranked 4th in the world. Easy to see why when you realise just how cheap games are in India - GTA IV was going to set a record as the cheapest price worldwide for a AAA title: Let's hope the game does eventually get released in India so the fans don't remain game-less for too long. Thanks to GTA4.net for the heads up.
  21. $19.99 was a price guessed by an analyst. They probably used that. Does sound about right though. Certainly wouldn't think it would be any cheaper than about 1200, so 1600 sounds realistic.
  22. Does everyone get this much feedback or is it just because I'm an admin? Thanks for all your efforts. Firstly, yes you're right whoever said it's not grunge and is more abstract... it's just the brushes used for the background of the image had a 'grunge' label on them so I just used it too. TM, that's improved it, and TOXIC I like that but don't think it really works for the sig, and Evo, that's nice too but I'm not a fan of the blurring of Holly I'm gonna use a different pic of Holly and play around with the psd myself again, I'll re-upload later and you guys can improve upon it if you wish
  23. Weird. I downloaded from here and from the authors website and both files opened fine for me. I'll reupload the file tomorrow anyway.
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